
Ch 3 - The Most Real Game

A number of tall towers appeared in front of Chen Xing's eyes. These towers were arranged in order from the mountainside to the top of the mountain. There were thousands of them, but at another glance, each of them had a unique aura.

"Let's get going! Wow, Is the Novice beginning Village so stylish?" Chen Xing sighed.

The system prompt sounded again, [ Gu Yue Village is holding an awakening ceremony. As a new student of Gu yue Village, please go to the most central cottage to participate in the ceremony!" ]

"The Awakening Ceremony? It seems to be a novice mission." Chen Xing turned his head to look, and found that there were several newly born players beside him. Just when a girl was close to him, Chen Xing walked over, "Hello, beauty. Do you know how to play this game?"

"I don't know!" Unexpectedly, the girl ran up the mountain without ditching him.

"Damn, do you really think you are beautiful?" Chen Xing was speechless, and when he looked at the players next to him, they seemed to be rushing.

"Is it because the system made my face crooked when I was born, making them scared?" Chen Xing reached out and touched his face. The touch was real, but it didn't seem crooked to him. Strange!

'Leave them alone, let's go and take a look around', Chen Xing mused to himself.

When he arrived at the central hall, Chen Xing was already out of breath. There were already a lot of players gathered here. The girl who he first met was also among them, but only at the door and did not enter.

It was not until Chen Xing arrived that he saw two NPCs blocking the way.

"Today, the free quota is full. If you want to enter the ceremony, you need to pay a spiritual stone."

"What the hell! You can see clearly that I am a player. What kind of attitude is this?" Chen Xing didn't think much about it, and wanted to rush in as soon as possible and he pushed the two NPCs. Unexpectedly, he was easily kicked out by the NPCs. Chen Xing fell to the ground and exhaled in pain. How could it be so real. He just felt like actually getting kicked in the chest.

At this time, the system's voice appeared, [ In order to prevent the player from suffering too much pain, you can adjust the pain sensation to a minimum of one-tenth. ]

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier!" After adjusting the pain to one tenth, Chen Xing felt much better, but still felt a faint pain in his waist. 

'These NPCs are really ruthless, it seems they won't take care of the players at all! I didn't check any strategy, and entered the game recklessly, a little taken for granted.'

As the saying goes: Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated. Chen Xing has always been a pedantic person, and immediately chose to go offline. After searching for "True Gu" on the Internet, he found that this game turned out to be very popular, ranking in the top three on the hot search list. Just clicking on the first article got him an access to a variety of comments about "True Gu", and it was very strange that the praise and criticism were comparable. Some said it is a true world, some said that it is simply abusive to the player; some said that it is fun to play it all the time, and some said that it cannot not be played again if one is killed. Some even said that playing this will cause the player to die of brain death.

'What a strange game,' Chen Xing found himself inexplicably interested.

After reading the guides on the Internet, it was already night, and Chen Xing finally had a general understanding of the game. 

'This is indeed an exciting game. Everything is real here. There is no difference between players and NPCs. In this game, everything depends on your own efforts. The system will treat everyone equally. If you die, everything you did will be cleared and you will have to reborn from the start.' Chen Xing muttered to himself.

The rule regarding no save points scared some players, but anyway a large number of players rushed to play the game. Because this was the most realistic game so far and also because everything was possible here!

Excited, Chen Xing felt an urge to rush into the game immediately. His ex-girlfriend was right, he hasn't made any progress since he came out of college. You must know that he and she both graduated from prestigious universities. When he was in college, he was considered by the villagers to be the most promising child. But it all originated from the car accident of his parents. The police car that caused the accident just said that it happened while on duty, and the case was closed just like that. Chen Xing has long been discouraged to ask for help. The reality has always been cruel to him, but this game faintly gave him a kind of new hope.

Some people say that there will be a door opened for you in life if you keep moving forward. Although he wanted to enter the game immediately and show his fists, Chen Xing still waited for the next morning before entering the game. The opening ceremony will be held on time at 8 o'clock every day, but the daily free quota is limited. Players like him who don't have any acquaintances can only grab that free quota. However, he was very helpless since there were many people with his thoughts. When he came to the central cottage the next day, there was already a long line in front of the door.

"Really! The daily free quota is 30, so I won't be able to enter if get behind the queue." Chen Xing thought, looking behind him, there were still players coming to the cottage one after another. "I have to think of a way."

If he tried to enter the hard way, it will definitely not work. The two NPCs in front of the door are not weak. Chen Xing learned a lesson yesterday, and now knew that there is only way : jumping the queue by challenging those at the front.

However, one must be careful about jumping in the queue, which may cause public anger. How to jump in the queue is the key. Chen Xing looked up, and the girl at the top caught his attention, "Isn't this the girl who I met up yesterday." Chen Xing remembered that the girl was stopped at the door just like him.

She must be early to wake up today, and the men behind saw her beauty, and all of them let her be in the forefront. 

"It's you again, huh? Our meeting is predestined," Chen Xing grinned, raising his leg and walking forward. "I want to challenge you!" The sudden voice surprised the girl. 

"It's you," the girl showed a look of disgust on her face. "Why are you doing this? Do you have any sense of shame?"

"Why can't I? This game has a rule where person standing in the front can be challenged, and the winner can move in front of the loser. Today, if you don't let me in front of you, then you have to accept my challenge!" Bullying a girl, Chen Xing remembered his young self. He did it quite a while ago, but now in the game, he found himself quite talented.

"You are shameless!" The girl who was usually sought after everywhere had never seen such a man, and for a while she didn't know whether to agree or not.

But the boy behind her disagreed.

"Hey, where's your gentleman quality? I don't care if you came first or came later, Aren't you ashamed to bully a girl?"

Chen Xing smiled when he heard this, 'There really are such gentlemen everywhere.'

"Okay, then I will challenge you. Today I will see who dares to object. Come out!" While speaking, Chen Xing pulled the boy and kicked his crotch with his foot.

"You~!" The boy didn't expect that the other guy would start without saying anything. He was kicked right away, and he was lying on the ground for a while. Even a tenth of the pain in this place was uncomfortable and unbearable. However, it was not over yet, Chen Xing had just started. At this time, everyone was just entering the game. The big stone he had prepared in his hand was aimed at the bent head of the boy and Chen Xing smashed in the bloody shot, not only the boy yelled in pain, but all the people in line couldn't help but breathe in cold air.

However, the NPC in front of the door didn't even look at it. For them, These players were just mortals before they were awakened. So they just ignored it.

Chen Xing came in front of the girl in the line while the girl watched him with horrified eyes.

"Thank you so much, beautiful lady!" Chen Xing bowed very gentlemanly.