
Ch 4 - Awakening Aperture

The Gu will be only be given when the Aperture is opened. If the awakening cannot be achieved in "True Gu", the players remain mortals and will not receive any gu.

"Today's awakening ceremony is a major opportunity in your life. You should take it well. Let me guide you." The NPC elder who presided over the ceremony gave Chen Xing an official account and led him into the lobby. A stone ladder leading to the ground appeared in front of him.

Walking down the stone ladder, Chen Xing followed the elder to an underground cave. He saw a beautiful cave, all kinds of stalactites hanging or standing, exuding colorful brilliance, mixing with each other, like a fairyland on earth.

"Hundreds of years ago, our Gu yue clan migrated from Central Continent to southern Border. We settled down on this Qing Mao Mountain and we saw this mouthful of spirit spring in this underground cave. This spirit spring can produce a lot of spirit stones every day. It is the foundation of our Gu Yue clan." The elder introduced the history to Chen Xing as he walked inside.

"The guards here are really strict," Chen Xing observed secretly, but formulated a crooked idea in his mind. In reality, all kinds of laws and regulations had to be followed, but now that he was in the game world, Chen Xing did not intend to follow the rules.

However, he would take one step at a time, and his plan is a long-term plan.

After hundreds of steps, it became darker and darker, and the sound of running water was faintly heard. Turning around the corner, a three-foot-long underground river appeared in front of him. The river was not deep, the clear river water emitting a faint blue light, flashing like a star in the night sky. On the opposite side of the river was a sea of ​​flowers, and beautiful Gu worms shuttle through it. That is Hope Gu.

"Well, this is the River. Cross this river to the opposite bank. You should go as far as you can. Of course, the farther the better, understand?" The elder stopped on the bank.

"Understood." Having checked the strategy on the Internet, Chen Xing naturally knew that the farther he went through the River, the better his qualifications would be. This was the test of the system.

Although the river was not deep, Chen Xing had a serious face. Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into the river, he felt a faint pressure, as if an invisible wall was blocking him from moving forward. At the same time, a little bit of white light gathered on him—Hope Gu, and more and more hope Gu started gathered together with each step. After walking to the 20th step, Chen Xing felt that the pressure had made him breathless.

"How can I stop here! I need to move forward." Chen Xing mustered his strength, and the pressure seemed to lighten a bit. He walked forward ten more steps, and the pressure at this time was as great as the mountains and the sea, and he couldn't help but kneel down, making it difficult for him to move forward.

"No, it's said on the Internet that you can achieve the second-class qualification at the most in 30 steps. How can this qualification make me achieve anything in this game? At this point of time, every step taken by him was turning into a tingling pain, and the tingling became stronger and stronger. Ten percent of the pain seemed to be not enough, since he felt as if thousands of needles were piercing his feet, warning him not to move forward.

"No~!" Chen Xing shouted in pain, even his consciousness was getting a little fuzzy. He couldn't help but think of his parents separated from him when he was young, and his girlfriend who left him. He used to live for them, but in this game he has to fight for himself!

Before being forced offline by the system, he heard the system congratulations, and then fainted in reality.

Re-entering the game, it was noon the next day, and he was forced to be offline for 24 hours. He couldn't wait to open the character panel!

When he finally opened it, system displayed the following words :

[ "A grade - Ninety percent Aperture limit" ]

Seeing the display on the panel, he couldn't help but feel a bit happy. As a son of the sky, although the system allowed every player to have the qualifications for enlightenment, most players stop at the second-class qualifications. Eighty percent above Aperture Limit is the first class, and it was not easy for him to awaken the 90% aptitude. Although there are still some geniuses with 100% percent aptitude qualifications in the rumors, this is certainly not what he was able to achieve now. It is impossible to be perfect in everything. With these 90% aptitude, Chen Xing was confident that he can play the game much better.

"Congratulations! You have achieved the awakening," the NPC on the side spoke making Chen Xing come out from his thoughts.

'This NPC looks good.', Chen Xing thought glancing at the NPC's face which was carved with jade like porcelain dolls. Seeing him open his eyes, the NPC girl immediately smiled sweetly at him, "The patriarch has ordered that when you wake up, I will lead you to see him. Now, come with me."

"Oh, good!" Chen Xing hurriedly got up from the bed. It seemed that his 90% aptitude had entered the eyes of the patriarch.

Along the mountain road, Chen Xing followed a girl named Gu Yue Yao Le in front of him to the suspended building on the top of the mountain. This suspended building was particularly tall.

Entering the suspended building, Chen Xing found a spacious lobby. Before him were rows of seats, and an elderly man with white beard was sitting on a large chair in the front.

"Greetings Patriarch, Yao Le brought the newcomer to meet." Gu Yue Yao Le clasped her fist to her chest in front of the patriarch.

"Oh~!" Patriarch White Beard looked towards Chen Xing, his eyes filled with approval, "What's your name?"

"My name is Chen Xing, and I am glad to see you, Patriarch." The old man in front of him is the elder of the clan, and if he has backing from him, he will have a thick thigh.

"Well, very good, very good. Our Gu Yue clan hasn't had Grade A talent for many years, and you will take my place in the future. Are you willing?" Patriarch Gu Yue stroked his beard.

"Patriarch, disciple Chen Xing is willing!"

The system prompt sounded, [ Congratulations, worship the patriarch of Gu Yue, and gain one reputation in Gu Yue Clan ]