
Ch 7 - Vital Gu

With the second Gu worm in his hand, Chen Xing was not in a hurry to experiment with it's functions, but directly chose to go offline. Regarding this soil drilling gu, there was a vague idea that he needed to verify.

In Gu Yue Mountain, the gu storage room was often the most important place, including other places such as the underground spirit spring, and the hidden storage room... They were all stone rooms. If this soil-drilling Gu can become stronger and drill stones, then Gu Yue clan will become his back garden where he can get whatever he wants. This idea was exciting to think about, so he decided to take a gamble.

Log in to the forum of "True Gu", Chen Xing searched for strategies on refining Gu. However, there were very few posts about Refining Gu on the forum, and the few posts were just guesses and had no practical effect.

"It seems that as of now, the player's base level is still too low, and there is still too little knowledge about Refining Gu." Chen Xing was a little disappointed, and went to the relevant forum again, but still nothing.

Surprisingly, however, Chen Xing discovered that he was the protagonist of one of the post. The title of the post was "The Madman of Gu Yue Village". It was posted two weeks ago, and it contained him beating a guy with a stone on the head during the opening ceremony. The video on it was posted here. There were countless comments below the post, some saying he was a lunatic, some saying that he was scumbag, and some people said to report this to customer service.

Chen Xing smiled and added a comment on it, "What about the madman?"

Chen Xing didn't care about other people's remarks, but inspired by this, he suddenly remembered that "True Gu" had an official website, and he could ask the official customer service about the refinement process.

Sure enough, if you have any questions, you should contact the customer service, and the customer service gave him a very detailed explanation.

Gu worms can be refined in "True Gu". Every player has a Gu refining interface, in this interface, the player can upgrade or lower the refining of Gu. The promotion is to increase the Gu worm's ability to a higher level, but the reduction is to reduce the Gu worm's level, retaining some attributes, but these would require the correct formula and materials. The materials are not easy to find, and the formula is even more rare, so the difficulty is still too high for current players.

There was another method besides that which was to establish the vital Gu. In "True Gu", each player can bind a Gu worm as a vital Gu, and the player will then be related to this vital Gu in every aspect. The player's vital gu will also be upgraded when he advances, and with the player's death, vital gu will also die. Of course, as a vital Gu, its power will be greater, but if the vital Gu is injured, the player's cultivation base will also reduce. The system does not require the player when to bind the vital gu, but only one vital gu can be bound in a lifetime and it is impossible to exchange them. If a dead gu is bound, it is basically useless and player will have no vital gu from then on, so binding a powerful Vital Gu is definitely a ideal situation for every player.

"It's really a contradiction!" Chen Xing rubbed the temples on his forehead for a while and couldn't make up his mind.

"Let's go for a walk to calm my mind!" After dinner, Chen Xing decided to go for a walk since he had stayed at home for two consecutive weeks to practice leveling. He was also feeling a little overwhelmed, because he couldn't just consider whether to bind the vital Gu.

It was the same park where he drank beer last time. It was evening, and the breeze was cool. People were walking in the park in twos and threes. In the past, Chen Xing liked to come here for a walk with his girlfriend at this time, but now he was alone. After walking around the park, he felt a little bored.

"It's better to go and see another Tan Ruya atleast - has the fat girl come out? I can also ask her opinion." Chen Xing thought of the fat girl inexplicably. After all, she dragged him to play this game and so it was natural to ask her what he should do.

It's a pity that when he came to that street again, the fat girl was not there, and the lights feasted, and the promotional video of "True Gu" was being played on the mall building with a big fluorescent screen. Probably there was no need for the fat girl as a promoter now.

"Hey, why are things so unsatisfactory in all cases?" Chen Xing returned home with a sense of loneliness, and finally made a decision in his heart.