Chatper eight

He holds me close and I close my eyes. He picks me up carrying me to my room he sets me down and puts a blanket over me.

"I'm sorry Bankay" I mumble hugging his arm still.

"It's fine ming I know you didn't mean to."

"But what happened to me! that's not me...Bankay I'm so sorry..." I mumble again hugging his arm tighter.

"Shut up" Bankay sits down and pulls me close. He brushes his hand through my hair which always calms me down. I lay my head on his chest and close my eyes.

"Why are you so cute?" Bankay asks I giggle and kiss his chin.

"I'm not cute Bankay baby" His cheeks turn bright pink and he pulls me closer. I smile and kiss his chin again.

"My cute Bankay baby!" I yell his face turns red and he kisses my lips softly.

"Would you stop that, you know I don't like blushing, now go to bed" I huff and mess up his hair.

"Only if you stay."

"Ming I gotta sleep in my room for once."

"come on Bankay.."

"No, no come on's. I keep you up and you need rest."

"Fine, I love you" I crawl out of his lap and lay down with my back to him. He kisses my ear then gets up and leaves. I sit up as his light turns off I open my new window the light from the window shines into my room. I look at the city below.

The light from the moon lets off a certain glow on the city, it makes my heart flutter. The city is busy but at the same time, it's calm. The lights from the cars glow and the sound as they vroom by is like music. After being trapped inside so long, this is heaven. I open my window and the cool air rushes into my room.

The cool airbrushes on my cheeks and rolls around me. I take a beep breath then slowly breathe it out. I slowly close my eyes and listen to the cars and the sounds of people talking, the sounds of tapping feet as people walk past, each sound slowly fades. I take another deep breath.

As the sounds face the light fades. I picture myself in a black room. I can feel the floor under me. the feeling of the floor disappears. everything disappears in tell it's just my head. another deep breath and I am gone. I take another deep breath and think of rain I can now hear rain. I open my eyes and see it's now raining.

I look down at my gem and it's glowing. I smile and sit letting the rain come through the window onto my face. I hear soft breathing behind me I turn around and see Bankay smiling. I jump up and run over to him jumping just to touch his shoulders. He ground softly picks me up holding me close. I lay my head on his shoulder looking up at him. he kisses my head softly.

I yawn softly and my eyes slowly close. Bankay lays me down then leaves.