Chapter nine

The warmth of the sun comes in hitting my face. I open my eyes but quickly block the sun with my hand. I look around noticing Bankay is gone. I sigh of course he left. I get up and pour some food into Simon's bowl. Kumi comes running in I lean on the counter sipping my coffee.

"Hey Ku what's going on?" I ask taking another sip of my coffee

"Bankay said you were acting weird last night...something wrong?" Kumi asks me leaning next to me.

"Just...dreams again. I'm fine Kumi" I look down into my soft brown coffee. and I feel Kumi's hand on my head she then pulls me close and hugs me tightly. I hate when she does this, it always makes me cry. I cry on her for a little bit.

Kumi stays with me as I cry. I sniff wiping away my tears.

"Was this one scary?" Kumi asks letting me go. I shack my head not wanting to talk because I know my voice will shack.

"Ming." Kumi says crossing her arms.

"Fine yes it was but I told you I'm fine!" I blurt out even though my voice shacks. Kumi hates when I yell at her so she sighs and walks toward the door. I grab her hand quickly before she leaves.

"Stay..." Kumi turns around looking at me. She frowns for a bit then smiles a little.

"Fine, but we're watching a movie and you can't try to get out of my cuddles okay?" Kumi asks I hate when people touch me but Kumi is my best friend so I nod and grab my soft blanket then sit on the couch.

Kumi walks out of the kitchen with popcorn. She sets it down on the table and I turn on her favorite movie. I feel Kumi slowly wrap her arms around me then cuddle me. I can't help but smile because I know she's smiling too. I lay my head on her shoulder and eat some popcorn.

"See isn't this nice." Kumi says holding me closer. I breath out softly and relax.

"Yes, thank you Ku Ku" I say giggling I can feel Kumi blush from here.

"I told you not to call me that." Kumi says turning her face away from me. I look at her then giggle again Kumi smiles.

"Oh you wanna play huh?" she tickles me I hate being tickles so much. it's stupid and I can't stop giggling. I giggle in tell she stops when my face turns red. we go back to cuddling and watching the movie. as the movie ends I get up but Kumi pulls me back down. I look at her confused.

"Did you hear that" Kumi whispers I shack my head and she gets up walking to the wall by the door. she flings the door open and Hashime and Bankay fall on their backs away from the door.

"Uh...morning" I say walking to Kumi's side Bankay's face is red and Hashime is smirking like the evil little elf he is...I call him an elf even though he's taller them me and Kumi but you get the point!

"Ming, Bankay said you were going to kiss her so he got scared and we can and listened." Hashime says breaking the silence.

"No! Hashime said you guys needed help and you were changing. how he knew you would open the door I don't know." Bankay glares at Hashime then slugs him hard. By now I'm embarrassed and mad.

"Noth of you inside now!" I yell

"Ooo you pissed her ooooff" Kumi says as they walk in. I grab Bankay by his shirt and pull his face down to mine.

"So you didn't even bother to ask!" I yell in his face Bankay doesn't say anything but he stares into my eyes with his warm eyes I sigh and let him go turning my gaze to Hashime. Hashime backs up knowing what's coming.

I just onto Hashime and punch him breaking his nose.

"If you EVER do that again I will break more then your stupid god damn nose!!" I scream. I can feel him trembaling and he starts to shack. my eyes blurr and I feel Bankay pick me up and pull em off him. there voices start to face and the light spin. the last thing I hear is.

"Kumi grab her!"

Just like that. out. I feel water on my head. I can't tell if it's a rag or tears. I can hear the beeping of a heart monitor. I can hear it getting faster. I slowly open my eyes. the lights from the hospital room blind me so I put my hand up to block it.

"What...happened" I manage to say still not seeing who is next to me. I feel lips press on mine then pull away.

"Bankay..?" I ask then the room clears and I see Bankays kind face he is crying. I reach my hand up wiping his tears.

"Oh ming...I was so scared... they said you might be asleep for another month." that last word hits me like a train.

"A month!" I scream sitting up fast.

"Yes ming lay back down." I hear from the corner of the room. I glance over and see Kumi smiling at me. I glace at the door and see Hashime standing with his arms crossed looking out the window.

"How's your nose.." I mutter starting at Hashime.

"still broken no thanks to you." Hashime says madly Bankay shoots him a look.

" are you?" Hashime asks looking at me.

"I...honestly don't know." I say looking at my body. I push on my legs and my feet then my stomach and my chest.

"I feel...fine I guess" I say not sure.

"You can feel your body right?" Bankay asks.

"Sure." I say I slowly get up my legs are a little shaky from not being used for so long. I grab onto Bankays arm.

"It's weird I...I can feel my feelings" I look at Bankay and his expression changes they all look scared and worried.

"Hashime" Bankay says hushed

"Got it" Hashime replies and runs out.

"What? what's going on why are you scared." Doctors rush in laying me down they take me into a room.

"Wait what's happening! stop I want to go back!!" I look down at my stomach and my gem is gone. my eyes widen.