Chapter eleven

Hashime huffs looking at us I can tell he's mad but what he said next shocked me.

"This is all because of you Ming! You and your stupid feelings!!" Hashime yells I turn my head and look at him.

"Excuse me. I got you out of the hell hole we were in so you better start acting grateful." I slowly stand

"Make me! You're weak without your husband! Your nothing!" I throw a quick left hook and it breaks his nose. Bankay grabs me and pulls me away from him knowing I will do more then throw a few punches. Bankay wipes blood from his nose and stands back up.

"What is wrong with you" Hashime says with a grunt.

"You wanna be knocked out pretty boy!" I yell

Hashime goes quiet and backs up Bankay keeps holding me and I try to shack myself out of his grasps.

"Yeah Hashime back up your nothing!!" I scream Hashime whips around and runs at me Bankay lets go of me and I fully punch Hashime in the face knocking him down on his back. Hashime lays there hopelessly.

"Guys!" Kumi screams she pushes me into Bankay and helps Hashime up she glares at me and takes Hashime out of the room. My hand's clench and Bankay softly puts his hand on my shoulder. I walk to the bed and sit on it.

"He started it. I'm not going to say sorry." I mutter

"I know" Bankay grabs his coat and walks out. I look out the window then look down at the ground 30 feet away. I quickly lay down and sigh.

"No." I mumble I stay up in tell I hear my door creak open. I look over but don't see anyone. I sit up and look around confused. I feel hands grab me and I fall on the ground. I suddenly realize who it is.

"Kumi what." she turns back and is crying. I stand up quickly.

"What's wrong?" she shacks her head and grabs my hand then guides me to Bankays room. I look in the hole in the door and see him cuddling a girl.

"I was coming to ask if he had some ice...and I saw this..." Kumi whispers my eyes are full of tears. I fling the door open.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" I yell, Bankay jumps and looks at me then smiles.

"Hey Mingy"

"DON' me that." I turn away and cross my arms looking at the girl.

"Oh, this is Jenna my little sister." Jenna hops up and hugs me. I look down at the little girl with blond hair.

"How old." I demand

"12" Jenna says happily

" look so old..." I push her off me and walk out. Kumi follows me and pulls me into the elevator.

"What are you doing?" I ask

"Well you seem like you need a girls night. Let's go get juls" Kumi says smiling. I gasps and hug her tightly.

"Really!" I yell excited

"Yeah ming, you work to hard for one human." Kumi chuckles and we go down into the lobby. We run out and run to a small house. I knock way to many times because she opens the door and I almost hit her.

"Juillet!" I scream and jump on her I hug her tightly around her neck she laughs and hugs back.

"Someone's happy to see me," Juillet says with a slight chuckle. I don't let go of her and she ends up carrying me to a nice cafe.

"So you came in the rain running just to get me and have a girl's night?" Juillet asks

"Yep!" Me and Kumi say in unison we order some coffee and drink them laughing and talking about Juillet's crazy story's. Kumi laughed so hard coffee came out her nose. After a while, we get up and take a walk through the park. I watch more dark clouds roll in the tree's blow around in the wind.

"Hey ming" Juillet says

"Hm? Oh sorry I wasn't focused what's up?" I ask Kumi looks over at Juillet and Juillet hugs me tightly.

"You really need to relax, you look like a statue. Chill out." Juillet says rubbing my back. I take a deep breath and relax in her arms. I smile and we continue walking. We go to the door of the big apartment lobby and talk a little more. After midnight we say our goodbyes and walk to our rooms. I lay down and smile then sleep.