Chapter twelve

I wake up to silence. It's never silent. I get up and walk out into the living room where everyone is sitting and whispering in soft voices I listen in and hide behind the wall.

"She's fine Bankay, she's just tired of taking care of all of us." Kumi says softly

"I know, I know" Bankay says in the same soft voice.

"She's being a child" Hashime says with a sigh.

"No one asked you Hashime!" Bankay snaps.

"Calm down Bankay just because she's your chicky-poo doesn't mean you can flip out." Hashime says

"Both of you shut up!" I yell coming out with my hands on my hips.

"You fight like children!" I yell again they all stare at me blankly. Bankay gets up and leaves. I go back to my room and sleep. I must have past out because when I wake up it's week's I sick? I get up and walk out. And see them all dead....gone....nothing...what have I done...