Tony is a fony

So yesterday happened.

Your girl was pissed, all day.

The day was spent with me sleeping in and not leaving the safety of my room.

So just the normal average weekend for me.

Coming back to my now disastrous life turned chaotic, thanks to the three boys who came crashing into my seemingly normal life.

Today was Monday, meaning I had no other choice but to see them in the kitchen.

And since dad's already left for work with Gloria tagging along, that meant I was left alone with them.

How wonderful.

Rolling my eyes in utter annoyance, I went to my closet. Throwing out more clothes onto the bed, I kept deciding on one outfit only to change my mind.

One by one the clothes were thrown over my shoulder and off to decorate my bed with the rest of the pile.

I then settled on a tight black and white striped crop top with spaghetti straps, a red and black checkered shirt and black baggy pants I matched them with my black and white all-stars.

Grabbing a cap I turned it front to back took my bookbag, and made my way down the stairs.

As I was descending the stairs loud stumping and laughter of boys came from the sitting room.

It sort of freaked me out in all honesty.

I was used to waking up to nothing but silence. Eating alone, waking up to be the only living thing in this large house.

But now, now things were different. This was goodbye to my quiet mornings, to having my alone time with dad, and hello to a whole new world filled with brothers.

Ugh, I still can't say that without gagging.

It was time I accepted my new family filled with these boys. After all, we all have to grow up at some point, right?

Wrong! There's no way in hell I'm accepting all this with open arms.

I mean for crying out loud those were the three guys who rejected me, brutally!

Okay, it wasn't brutal. Other than Ian publicly humiliating me, the other two didn't go out of their way to wound my already tarnished social IQ.

That guy's a total douchebag.

Anyway, the point is I'm not simply going to accept this. I don't mind acting in front of my father for his sake, but as soon as he's not around then the gloves are off.

I'm not typically a nice person so I have no reason to act nice.

Making my way to the kitchen I saw the devil himself Ian, over at the stove cooking up something.

The meaty aroma of delicious confectionary cuisine filled the room up and my nostrils thrived in the smell.

I had to admit whatever it is he was cooking, smelled absolutely delicious.

This was a new feeling since both dad and I were horrible cooks.

The last time I even so much as touched the stove, the house was nearly burnt down to the ground.

The saying women belong in the kitchen is totally a lie. Not all of us were built for the task.

Ignoring the presence of the other, I made my way to the fridge to get milk.

Grabbing a bowl from the cupboard, I filled it with milk and cereal taken from the pantry.

All this while Ian was silent and so was I. I didn't need to talk to him, so I wasn't going to make the effort to.

Grabbing my morning cereal I made my way to the sitting room.

Two boys occupied the seats that were usually left uninhabited and that just added to the weight of realizing that I really did have a new family.

This would definitely take some time to get used to.

Jackson who was seated on a single chair seemed to be busy playing a game of sorts by the sound of it.

Luke on the other hand had a guitar in his hands, strumming a few cords here and then.

Sitting on the larger sofa I perched my feet on the coffee table, switched on the TV and munched on my cereal. All while with a content face.

In the corner of my eye I could see the two boys nervously looking at me, they turned to each other with nervous looks then back at me.

I on the other hand didn't bother trying to spark up a conversation.

To survive in the wild one must follow these simple rules. Run when you must, hide to survive, and most importantly don't ever get involved with other's business.

I tried running to Ally's place but that backfired, I tried hiding up in my room but then that wouldn't work, with school and all. So I'm only left with the last option.

Don't get myself involved.


Jackson greeted with a shaky voice. By the sound of it, he seemed nervous, probably cause he was afraid of what my reaction would be.

Which was reasonable given yesterday I was very close to ripping out their throats.

Pausing mid-bite I looked at the boys watching me carefully like hawks.

I lifted a brow, curious to see what it was they'd do. The action just made them flinch only by a bit but enough to make me smirk.


With that as their only given answer, I turned back to the show playing and proceeded to bite into my breakfast.

Thirty minutes passed and since then not a word was uttered, silence was all that spoke.

Ian had long joined us in this holy gathering, bringing with him three plates of what looked like bacon and spring-rolled eggs.

They looked really good, but I wasn't interested at all. Not at all.

Why would I be? It's just bacon and eggs in the morning for breakfast. It's not like I wanted to try one or anything.

Okay I really did wanna try one but that'd just be weird for me to just suddenly ask for a plate.

Maybe I could ask one of the nicer ones to share a piece with m-


The sudden sound of my phone ringing nearly caused me to jump out of my skin.

Reaching for the mobile phone perched on the table, I answered the call.


"Addie! You have to get here right now!"

Kat screamed through the phone. Disturbed by her screaming I held the device at bay, away from my ear.

This girl seriously wanted to burst an eardrum, didn't she?

"Kat, you're too loud. Speak with a lower tone would you?"

"Okay, okay. But seriously you have to get here right this instant."

"And where is here Kat?"

I asked rolling my eyes at the unnecessarily loud girl.

"I'm at Burger Palace with Ally."

"And why are you there so early in the morning?"

I asked with a brow perched leaning back on my seat gazing at the TV and listening to Kat at the same time.

"We were on our way to get you when Tony, Ally's other ex stopped us on the way,"

"Wait, Tony with the weird uncle and overprotective sister?"

I asked stopping her mid-sentence.

"No, Tony with the beach house and Porsche"

"Ohhh, I liked that Tony. He bought our affection. Really nice guy."

As I said this I saw the three boys in my living room give me a weird look.

Ignoring their judgemental gazes I concentrated on my conversation with my too-hyper friend.

"Yeah, he really was. I mean he even bought me an iPhone and real gold earrings. He was amazing"

"When I caught him cheating on Ally, he bribed me with a MacBook and new Xbox game set."

"What'd you do?"

"I of course took the bribe"

The soft gasps coming from my side were all I heard before Kat went off the rails, starting to rant about how important friendship is and how we had to follow a girl code.

Deciding that I wasn't in the mood for another lecture I cut her off before we moved on to how I should become a good person.

"As I was saying, I took the bribe but still ratted him out anyway."

A breath of relief came from her as she calmed down. But she wasn't the only one who sighed in relief.

Looking at Jackson and Luke I saw the two boys with a look of relief on their faces and hands held against their chests.

I rolled my eyes at their reaction and the fact that they were listening in on my conversation. I mean have you not heard of privacy?

"So anyway what's going on with him?"

"Him who?"


"Tony Stark, or Tony Jensen?"

"This is not the Avengers Kat! I'm talking about the Tony who you were talking about!."

"Oh yeah, him!"

Slapping a hand on my forehead I shook my head at my friend's stupidity.

I swear there is a line between stupid and utterly useless and I think Kat already crossed that line a long time ago.

"So what is it, why'd you call me?"

"Oh right, so we were driving to your place when he called out to us and Ally being the dumb fool she is against my better judgment went to meet him."

"Of course she did."

That girl was a tough nut, but a stupid nut nonetheless.

"Well, he told us to meet him at Burger Palace, and now here we are. He wants to get back together with Ally but she said no and he got angry and now he refuses to let us leave! I'm even hiding in the toilet right now, Addison please help!"

"Wait what!"

"Oh no, I think he's coming for me, I gotta go now please hurry!"

"Wait, Kat-"

The line was cut off before I could even get one word through.

I stood shocked at what I heard my eyes wide and still staring at the phone in my hand.



Luke and Ian commented while Jackson shook his head.

I looked at the three boys before me, stood up from my position and slowly made my way to the hallway closet.

Scrambling around for a specific tool I pushed aside a few foreign objects out of my way looking for that thing.

Feeling the cold metallic rod, my hand reached out to pull it out from the very back.

I smirked in victory and bounced the baseball bat off of one hand.

Walking back to the sitting room to get my bag and keys, the boys watched with horror-filled eyes at their stepsister evilly smirking alone with a dangerous weapon in hand.

Before leaving the room I turned to them and with a calm tone, pointing at them with the metallic bat and said

"If I'm not at school, tell dad to get me at the police station."

They simultaneously nodded their heads. Satisfied with their answer I took that as my cue to leave.

Opening the door to my car I threw my backpack in the backseat and got inside.

Starting up the car I reversed at full speed turned in the direction I needed to go and stepped on the accelerator.

As fast as a fly I was off in a blur.

Minutes later I pulled up outside Burger Palace.

Just as I was closing the door to my car bat in hand, I saw the two figures of my friends walking out of the restaurant, with a tall blonde male escorting them.

He held Alison by the forearm and Katty by the wrist. This guy was not being gentle at all, which gives me an excuse to do the very same.

I was so not holding back!

Walking up to them in short strides given my height, each step taken was with sheer determination and anger.


I called out to them. The guy turned to me, a sneer evident on his face when he recognized who it was that called out to him.

But that look was soon wiped right off his face the second his eyes landed on the bat in my hand.

Lifting it to rest it upon my shoulder, I stopped a few feet from them.

"What do you think you're doing to my friends?"

I asked with a dangerous tone, eyes lowered in a threatening manner.

Nervous he looked down at the two girls as if asking them what to do. But of course, because they were my best friends aka also idiots, they just shrugged their shoulders at him.

"I said, what, do you, think, you're, doing?"

I emphasised each word while taking a step forward at each word.

The poor imbecile seemed taken aback by my persistence and courage.

But he was about to get something far more than shock.

Before I could take a step further the sudden screech of a car made all of us turn to the car in question.

In came a red BMW that parked itself right between me and my newest victim.

What the heck?

Looking at the car and its occupants, the doors opened and out sprinted two morons screaming for me to stop.

"Addison don't!"

"It's not worth it!"

"I really want a burger now."

Jackson, Luke, and Ian said as they all came out of the car.

Again...what the heck?