What you want is speed

A Beastmaster electric car has been dismantled and broken down into individual functional parts, which become the frame, tires, shell, control system and battery.

  Old Qian crouched down, touched the frame for a while, looked at the solder joints of the same size and equally spaced, and let out a long sigh.

  "The technology of the Warcraft Factory is really amazing. The precision of this kind of welding is about to be compared with that of a car. I think they use fully automatic robot welding."

  "Such a production line is very expensive, and it is not something that my factory can imitate. After reluctantly copying it, consumers only need to open it and see the difference."

  "Also on its aluminum alloy shell, the monster's head is lifelike, and it takes a lot of cost to copy it to knockoff products. In this way, it seems that there is not much profit to make knockoff products."

  Old Qian shook his head slightly, not optimistic about the prospects of the Shanzhai Beastmaster electric car.

  The little anger that had just emerged disappeared again, and the whole person returned to the half-dead appearance just now, returning to the state of laziness and muddle-headedness before.

  Two workers in their 50s and 60s came over and reassembled the Beastmaster electric car. Even though their movements are a little slower than those of young people, they are as smooth as flowing clouds and water.

  In fact, the two of them are a little older, but their machining skills are not weak. It is not a problem to join another factory.

  Only because the old money was willing to pay for it, coupled with years of love, did not leave the old money's broken factory and did nothing all day long.

  Tang Heshuo saw it, nodded slightly, and became more confident in the success of the copycat plan.

  "I said why your company is going to close down, your thinking just doesn't work, it's too rigid."

  "What we are going to do is a copycat product, as long as the appearance is similar and it runs smoothly. Who will take care of the solder joints and how is the performance."

  After criticizing for a while, Tang Heshuo deliberately asked: "How much do you think the cost of this Beastmaster electric car?"

  "Up to two thousand, no more. Except for the outer shell and the frame, the other accessories are all second-rate brands, and the price is transparent."

  Old Qian squinted his eyes and glanced at Tang Heshuo. Don't look down on me. Such a simple question is too pediatric.


  Tang Heshuo gave it a thumbs up and said eagerly: "But do you know that its ex-factory price is four thousand, and it is even as high as 4,999 in the hands of consumers."


  Old Qian smacked his mouth, a light flashed in his old eyes, and a trace of envy appeared on his face.

  What a huge profit! 100% gross margin? It's simply smashing most of the domestic manufacturing products.

  Even if taxes and labor costs are added, the net interest rate is probably no less than 60%.

  It is important to know that for listed companies in the domestic manufacturing sector, excluding the loss-making companies, the net profit margin of most companies does not exceed 10% a year. Many companies still fall short of this standard and only have single-digit net profits.

  If you let the outside world know the gross profit margin of the Beastmaster electric car against the sky, you will definitely envy and hate and join the electric car industry.

  Tang Heshuo added: "We only need to use the same accessories to make products with similar appearances, and the cost is only two thousand and one, which can be sold for four thousand!"

  "You are in charge of manufacturing, I'm in charge of sales, and you can make one thousand and five when you sell one. Then we split half and half. The profit is big enough."

  "Even if the Beastmaster electric car can run 120 kilometers, but our product can also run 90 kilometers, the price is still a thousand lower, it will definitely attract many cheap consumers to buy."

  Tang Heshuo's alluring voice sounded in his ears, and the old Qian had to admit that he was moved.

  Although you have to take a little risk if you copy it, as long as you don't copy it completely, you will lose money at most.

  Could it be that you are allowed to sell the Beastmaster electric car,

Don't I need to sell beast jade electric cars?  Old Qian hadn't expressed his opinion yet, but the two workers beside him made a sound.

  "Boss, do this, don't you want the factory to come back to life?"

  "Yes, as long as we purchase the same accessories, the electric cars we produce will definitely be qualified, and it's not fraudulent to harm people. This thing can be done."

  At present, the workers in the factory are still paid with old money, but the wages they get are actually much lower than the normal working wages.

  Just think about it, and want to get a high salary if you don't do anything? This is probably a dream.

  Now there is a way to make more money. The older workers in their 50s and 60s are excited and full of energy.

  Encouraged by the people around him, and also inclined to copycats in his heart, the old Qian gritted his teeth and nodded solemnly.

  "No, since everyone is optimistic, let's do it!"

  "I remember there are some electric car parts in the raw material warehouse. Assemble one first to see the similarity of the finished products after the copycat."

  The six workers who were still in the old money factory heard this and immediately took action. Some went to the warehouse and some to preheat the machine.

  If it were not for too few people, the entire production line would almost return to its original normal operation, a busy scene.

  The workers are all veterans of producing electric cars, and it took less than half an hour to complete the first product.

  At first glance, this knockoff is eighth similar to the Beastmaster electric car. It belongs to the degree that you can't tell if you don't look carefully.

  Other places are easy to say, barely similar to the Beastmaster electric car, but the orc relief on the front of the car is only six or seven points similar. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  So if you look from the back and the side, this cottage electric car is very similar to the Beastmaster electric car, but from the front, the difference is not small.

  "Need to improve, or order a metal embossing machine, specially used to make the relief of the front of the car."

  Old Qian went around twice and told his observations.

  Tang Heshuo was not satisfied with this production speed, but for the sake of the first prototype, he could not say anything.

  At the Warcraft factory, he saw a Beastmaster electric car rolling off the assembly line in three minutes. Compared with this, it was as fast as a Ferrari.

  "Yes, there is indeed a need to work harder at the front of the car, and study it more."

  "The production speed should also catch up, and more workers should be recruited. Produce earlier and make money earlier."

  Even though the electric cars from the cottage still have shortcomings, Tang Heshuo and Lao Qian can see that there is something wrong with the cottage! Really make money.

  Tang Heshuo's tone was a little nervous, and he said, "You must know that the smart people in Zhushi are not only us. If other people react, they will definitely join the ranks of cottages. Who can't live with money."

  The old Qian looked solemn, knowing that Tang Heshuo had very good reasons.

  Zhushi is located in the central part of Nanhu Province, extending in all directions and strategically located. It is also one of the most important manufacturing towns in Nanhu Province. CSR Zhushi Electric Locomotive Co., Ltd., the well-known leading enterprise of China South Locomotive Co., Ltd., is located here.

  "Don't worry, many of my former employees have not found suitable jobs, and they will come as soon as I greet them. By then, they should be able to reach a speed of six minutes, absolutely not slow."

  Old Qian said proudly, he seemed to be ten years younger, his wrinkles were reduced a lot, and his whole body exuded a high spirit of fighting.