I want to kill that early bird

Standing by the gate, Li Xiuwen watched the decoration workers take down the "Zhengxing Electric Vehicle Factory" label and replaced it with the brand new "Warcraft Factory". He was immediately excited.

  Not long ago, he was still working as an intern in the workshop, holding a low intern salary, and unexpectedly became the new owner of this factory.

  From an intern to a company boss, there is no doubt that a huge gap has been crossed and a level has been jumped.

  All this changed so quickly that he sometimes suspected that he was dreaming, because except in illogical dreams, it is unlikely that there is such a thing as crossing classes in a normal environment.


  Kong Lingjun got off the Didi Express and came behind Li Xiuwen who was thinking, standing silently without breaking the silence.

  "Oh, Manager Kong, you are back, why don't you wake me up."

  Li Xiuwen turned his head inadvertently, saw Kong Lingjun whose face was flushed with cold, and said reproachfully.

  "Haha, I guess Mr. Li, what major issues you are thinking about, plus I am not in a hurry, so there is no interruption."

  Kong Lingjun showed a sincere and cautious look on his face, and he was very etiquette.

  "Go, go in together, it's a bit cold outside, not a good place to talk."

  General Manager's Office

  "Mr. Li, I ran to more than a dozen electric car dealers and got a lot of rewards. I received a total of 230 intentions."

  "It's all agreed, as long as we send the Beastmaster electric car, we will receive the full payment immediately."

  "One more thing, the Trade and Industry Bureau has already accepted the trademark that you asked me to apply for, and now I am not afraid of being impersonated."

  "The name of the company will soon be changed, but you can get reimbursement for the cost of the intermediary company. Expedited processing can cost a lot of money."

  Kong Lingjun sat down on the sofa, sitting tightly, smiling.

  "Good job! Manager Kong really has outstanding ability. He achieved such good results in a short period of time, and he has done two important things."

  "After a while, I'll let Sister Wang Hong record your sales results. Don't worry, don't worry if you get more bonuses, you're afraid you get less."

  Li Xiuwen smiled happily. It is with such hardworking employees that he makes a lot of money.

  While speaking, Kong Lingjun said that the number of Beastmaster electric vehicles in the finished product warehouse seemed insufficient.

  So can we increase production lines, recruit more workers, and produce more electric vehicles?

  Taking advantage of the popularity of the Beastmaster electric car, when the demand is in short supply, we will seize the market and win customers from other electric car brands.

  Li Xiuwen nodded, agreeing with Kong Lingjun's proposal.

  "Waiting for a few days, the company will immediately launch the second production line and strive to double the production volume."

  He also increased the production line earlier, but the money is not enough, and he is trying to save money. To summon the orcs to work hard, you need money to buy machines.

  However, for this reason, there is no need to tell the truth to the employees, as it will appear that the company has no strength and affect the company's glorious image.


  The office door was knocked hard, and then the man broke in.

  "Yan Jia, wouldn't you wait for a few seconds? You ate your politeness!"

  Kong Lingjun turned his head and found that the man was Yan Jia, his subordinate, and he suddenly yelled at him.

  He didn't want to be considered by Li Xiuwen that his management ability was inadequate and his staff were not polite.

  "Wait, Yan Jia doesn't do this normally, there should be something urgent."

  Li Xiuwen and Yan Yue were not blamed, but relieved.

  "Li, President Li, it's not good, the big thing is not good!"

  "When I was promoting the Beastmaster electric car, I found that there were knockoffs on the market that imitated ours, and they looked 80% similar!"

  Yan Jia took a few breaths, her chest rising and falling violently, like a bellows, out of breath.

  As soon as he found out about it, he knew the situation was serious, so he immediately suspended the promotion and returned to the company.

  Yan Jia has been selling for a long time and knows that the impact of counterfeit products on genuine products is great.

  Especially when the Beastmaster electric car can't satisfy the market and whet the appetite of consumers, a product with a similar appearance and low price will become popular.

  Ordinary consumers will not always be loyal to which brand, especially the Beastmaster electric car is not a famous brand, but a new product that has just been launched on the market. There are not many diehard customers at all, and it is the most vulnerable time.

  If one fails to cope with it, counterfeit products may take its place and run the Beastmaster electric car.


  "No, these knockoffs must not be ignored. Call the police first, and then call the Industrial and Commercial Bureau!"

  "We must get rid of it in the shortest time, otherwise we will lose a lot!"

  Kong Lingjun stood up from the sofa and screamed, his face flushed and full of anger.

  Of course he had thought of the serious consequences Yan Jia could see, and that's why he was so angry.

  Kong Lingjun watched the World of Warcraft factory flourish and had a bright future. He was the veteran of the company, and he absolutely didn't want anyone to destroy it.

  "Do you think that would have a big effect?"

  Li Xiuwen frowned slightly, feeling a little difficult.

  Counterfeit products are not counterfeit products, and it is very difficult to deal with them. It depends on the level of attention paid by the industrial and commercial departments.

  Without thinking about it, Kong Lingjun said in one mouth: "The effect may be there, but it should not be big. In the end, it should become a protracted lawsuit."

  "But no matter how difficult it is, we still have to do it. UU reading www.uukanshu.com must at least illuminate our attitude, that is, we must not allow counterfeit products to make money after the appearance of our Beastmaster electric car.

  Li Xiuwen stretched his brows and said with a smile, without the slightest panic on his face, as if he had already been confident.

  You must know that even the Apple mobile phone, the most profitable in the mobile phone industry, is powerful enough to defeat all counterfeit goods, and it has been used for reference by many mobile phone companies.

  Compared with Apple, the Warcraft Factory is thousands of times weaker, and naturally it is also incapable of killing all the copycat electric vehicles.

  But Li Xiuwen's unrelenting attitude can at least make those copycat companies sneak up and reduce large losses.

  Kong Lingjun and Yan Jia nodded their heads in agreement, and really admired: This is the general demeanor, no wonder they can become the boss, this calm kung fu practice is very deep.

  Before that, they respected Li Xiuwen on the surface, but they still felt a little lumpy in their hearts and lingered.

  After all, they are not younger than Li Xiuwen, and they have been in society for many years, so they are naturally a bit unconvinced.

  Now Li Xiuwen's calm performance, calm and powerful handling methods, gave them a not to be underestimated.

  "The next most important thing is to kill the chickens and the monkeys to show our prestige!"

  "Manager Kong, when you go to the finance department to apply for a fund, you must find out the most arrogant copycat company! Never let it go."

  Li Xiuwen said fiercely, with a murderous and aggressive manner.

  "Yes, President Li. I will definitely find that damn company."

  Kong Lingjun patted his chest and promised loudly. He believes that as long as a small amount of money is paid, it is not difficult to obtain effective information from the owner of the counterfeit goods.