Fall from Heaven to Hell

Money opened the way, coupled with a little threat, Kong Lingjun obtained more and more information, all of which was collected in Li Xiuwen's hands.

  The situation is very bad. There are as many as three knock-off manufacturers that have been identified and can find specific addresses, all of which are distributed throughout Zhuzhou City.

  The level of counterfeit products of these three manufacturers are high and low, and they are not the same. Obviously, the technologies of these factories are not on the same level.

  The high one is eighth similar to the Beastmaster electric car, and the quality is decent; the low one is only five or six imaginable, not as good as the second-rate brands on the market, which are completely shoddy.

  But they also have one thing in common, that is, the price is lower than the Beastmaster electric car, and the most expensive one is also a thousand cheaper.

  If no containment measures are taken to allow bad money to drive out good money, the market will be occupied by these counterfeit products, and the Beastmaster electric car will be difficult to sell.

  "MLGB, why is it so difficult to make money quietly?"

  "Especially this one, which is actually near the World of Warcraft factory. Do you think I am a vegetarian?"

  Li Xiuwen looked at the information on hand and sighed. He felt that no more high-tech products such as electric cars would be introduced in the future.

  Not to mention that you can't make a lot of money, even the process of making money is extremely difficult. You must always pay attention to your surroundings and be alert to the possibility of others coming up to grab food.

  Until then, he also understood why the developed countries had to engage in low-end industrial transfer, and only retained high-end manufacturing.

  Developed countries would rather lose low-end industries because they have found a more efficient way to make money, instead of having to work so hard, sweating all day, and working overtime for four or five hours.

  According to previous news reports, Apple can earn 37% of gross profit by selling a mobile phone, while China, which has assembled the mobile phone, can only earn 5%, which is a huge difference.

  Li Xiuwen recalled the news, and felt that he should aim at apple flavor and provide products that others could not produce. If others wanted to imitate them, they could not imitate them. He would earn money from the bus while sitting at home.

  Going back to the present, he must dispel the arrogance of these three cottage manufacturers, and prevent them from being so arrogant.

  Because before he bought new drawings, he had only the profitable way of producing the Beastmaster electric car, but he couldn't just watch others destroy it.

  "To blame it is your greed, and it cost me a lot of money."


  At nine o'clock in the evening, it was late at night and the weather was cold.

  Outside is a climate of dripping water and ice, and the workshop is brightly lit, warm as spring under the industrial heating system.

  Lao Qian walked in the production workshop with his hands on his back and head held high. Compared with the decadence a few days ago, his face was a bit more rosy, ten years younger, as if he had completely changed.

  The cause of all this is a steady stream of electric vehicles coming down the production line.

  With the efforts of dozens of workers, two production lines have been opened in the entire workshop, which can produce more than 20 electric vehicles in one hour.

  I saw that these freshly baked electric cars are eighth similar in appearance to the Beastmaster electric cars, and one who is not careful will mistake them for genuine products.

  "Tsk tusk, why didn't I think of doing this before, it turns out that as long as I change my mind, I can achieve immediate success."

  An electric vehicle is assembled, and after a simple test, it can run normally, and someone pushes it to the finished product warehouse.

  The old money can make 750 yuan from this electric car. It can be said that as long as the production line is not interrupted, it will make money every minute.

  The production scene in full swing, the old money hasn't seen it for a long time. The most recent one was two years ago when he received an order for tens of thousands of OEMs.

  As he watched, his eyes became wet, and he took out his phone to record the scene before him.

  After the click of the shutter sound, all the workers busy with production stopped.

Even the spinning production line is ignored.  "Go on, why don't you do it? The parts are about to fall to the ground. Go and catch them."

  Old Qian couldn't figure it out. Isn't this small shutter sound so powerful?

  He also sent a reminder to the nearest worker with a board inch head, and asked him to quickly grab the parts to avoid hitting the ground and causing damage.

  "Money, Mr. Qian, you should look at the gate!"

  The Bancuntou worker turned his head, his face was shocked, and he stammered.

  Old Qian's eyes swept away, and after seeing the things at the door, he was also taken aback. His palms were wet and a lot of cold sweat broke out.

  Standing by the collapsed gate, was a three-meter tall steel robot covered in gleaming silver.

  Unlike the exquisite and humanoid robots in the movie, the robots that appear in front of many workers are simply shoddy.

  The facial features on the face were painted by preschool children's graffiti, which looks a bit ridiculously naive; the thick arms, legs and feet of the bucket are directly on the iron posts, and the burrs on the joints have not been worn off.

  But none of these can obliterate the destructive power of this robot. The anti-theft door with a big hole on the ground is the best example.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The unfamiliar steel robot full of deterrence moved its feet, and the ground shook slightly, making a dull sound.

  Old Qian stepped on the feet of the ground, and could sense the vibration through the sole of the shoe, and his whole body shivered suddenly, shaking like a frightened quail.

  "Run, Mr. Qian! Don't be tough, this is not something we can beat at all."

  Ban Cuntou quickly retreated towards the rear, and shouted a warning before leaving.

  This kind of performance is already very good. When the other workers ran away, they did not remind them at all, and fled on their own, as if they had forgotten that there was an old money boss. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  Old Qian complained in his heart, and he wanted to run away, but his two old legs were soft like cotton, and he didn't have any strength at all. He wanted someone to come and pull him.

  It's a pity that none of the workers came back and helped him to leave.


  The steel robot came to Old Qian, stared at him with its ridiculous face, raised the bucket's thick arm, and waved it down heavily.

  Ruined! It would die in the hands of an inexplicable robot, so fucking awkward! Who on earth wants to harm me?

  Hearing the whirring wind from the beginning, the old Qian was heartbroken, closed his eyes motionless, and hated him.


  There were several exclamations in the distance, like the last death knell.


  The steel giant fell, and the spinning production line suddenly turned into a large number of parts, steel pipes, motors, rubber bands, etc. flying around, falling to the ground like hail.

  With a few loud noises, all the expensive production machines turned into scrap iron, and even the finished products in the finished product warehouse were smashed by the robots that went in.

  "I'm not dead?"

  Old Qian felt his heart pause for two seconds, but his ears could still receive outside sounds, and he realized that he was still alive.

  "Mr. Qian, are you okay?"

  Ban Cuntou ran over at some point and held Qian's right arm.

  He looked down and saw a puddle of yellow water stains on the ground.

  "I, of course it's okay."

  Old Qian suddenly widened his eyes and saw the robot in the finished warehouse area flashed a blue electric glow, collapsed to the ground, like a toy that lost electricity.

  What's going on tonight?

  The old money, whose back was soaked in cold sweat, looked at the dead robot in confusion.