I am a victim too


  Two police cars with flashing police lights stopped at the gate of the Warcraft Factory. Just after they stopped, six serious-faced police officers got out of the car.

  "Open the door, we are from the security brigade, and now there are things that require your assistance in the investigation."

  [The visitor is not kind, but I was prepared! ]

  Through the surveillance cameras installed at the gate, Li Xiuwen saw these police officers expressionless and menacing, so he thought to him.

  After the six policemen entered the workshop, they were divided into two teams.

  A team of four gathered all workers and employees; a team of two came to the general manager's office.

  [It takes me seriously, there are actually two people here for questioning. The team responsible for more than a dozen employees has only four people. Does this regard me as an important suspect? ]

  With a smile on his face, Li Xiuwen politely invited the two visitors to sit down, took out two bottles of Nongfu Spring from the refrigerator without work, and placed them in front of them.

  "How can I help you two? As a qualified citizen, I will definitely assist you with all my strength."

  The two male policemen who came to the office were young and middle-aged.

  The young one seemed to be self-cooked, unscrupulously unscrew Nongfu Spring, took a sip, and nodded slightly to Li Xiuwen: "Haha, no need to buy water, thanks."

  The middle-aged policeman frowned slightly and said, "My name is Mo, I have some questions that need to be answered by President Li. Please be serious, they are all important."

  "Mr. Li, where were you after eight o'clock last night?"

  During the questioning, he spread out a small book and recorded it with a water-based pen.

  Li Xiuwen didn't change his smile, and replied without thinking about it: "Last night, I stayed here to supervise the workers producing electric cars. Then I slept in the office and haven't been out until now."

  "Where were all your employees, especially the eight tall ones, last night?"

  "They are also in the factory. If you don't believe it, you can watch the surveillance video."

  Li Xiuwen opened his palms, crossed his left and right hands together, his face calmly and indifferently, he asked, "By the way, what happened last night that made you bother so much?"

  Officer Mo's eyebrows are thick, like swords, and the gaze from both eyes is very sharp, staring at Li Xiuwen shiningly.

  After hearing the rhetorical question, he leaned forward with his upper body, with a strong momentum: "Last night, five factories called the police, saying that their factories had been damaged and had to stop production, causing great losses."

  "The most strange thing is that three of these five factories all pointed the finger at one person. Mr. Li guesses who this person is?"

  "Hahaha, it's not hard to guess at this point, they should all be talking about me. Otherwise, you won't come here and ask me to assist in the investigation."

  Enveloped by the powerful aura of Officer Mo, Li Xiuwen smiled faintly, without any shock on his face, as if he had drank saliva.

  "Actually, you just came here, and I want to call the police."

  "When I was supervising the workers last night, a very powerful robot rushed into the workshop and smashed several machines."

  "In the end, I didn't know what was going on. It crashed automatically and collapsed into a pile of scrap iron. Its remains are on the ground, and I haven't moved at all."

  "Excuse me, have the other five factories been attacked similarly? It seems that someone is deliberately disturbing the order, I hope you can catch him soon!"


  Officer Mo straightened his waist, a hint of surprise flashed across his poker-like face, and his sword eyebrows were slightly raised, as if he had heard the news for the first time.


  The young policeman who was drinking seemed to be choked, some water came out of his nose, and his whole body twitched several times.

  "Xiao Zhang, what are you doing, wipe it quickly."

  Officer Mo pulled out two tissues from the paper on the table.

Handed it to a colleague.  Li Xiuwen waited quietly, without saying a word, watching the interaction between the two opposites.

  "Since we have new information, this investigation is temporarily suspended. However, Mr. Li, your mobile phone must keep in touch. We may conduct a second investigation in the future."

  "No problem, if you need to call my cell phone, you must know the number."

  Officer Mo put the notebook away, stood up, stretched out his right hand, and shook hands with Li Xiuwen.

  Li Xiuwen only felt that this person's hands were a bit rough, and the metacarpal bones were hard, like iron pliers.

  When they left, these people transported the dead robot and the smashed machine away, saying that it was going to be checked for traces or something.

  Those smashed machines seem to have to wait ten and a half days before they can be sent back.

  Li Xiuwen said generously that those broken machines are no longer needed, and they will be fine if they want to assemble them.

  No matter if it is unloaded or disassembled into individual components, there is no need to send it back to the Warcraft factory in the end, it is considered as a donation to them.

  Seeing the two police cars and the later trailer left with so-called exhibits, Li Xiuwen knew that it was a deal, but it should have been on the police's watch list.

  In the future, I will probably not be able to do the same thing as last night, just hit the door and destroy the competitor's factory.

  The police can't do anything about him without real evidence, but they sent a few people to keep staring at him. It is inconvenient for him to do anything. It can still be done.

  Because the police are not stupid, it is not that Li Xiuwen deliberately brought two more targets as interference and would ignore him.

  Today is the best example. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com they ruled out two unlucky factories and quickly targeted Li Xiuwen.

  Had he not moved out of his factory and had been attacked and was also a victim, I am afraid that Officer Mo would not have given up the next investigation so easily.

  "As long as the other copycat factories don't be too blatant, I don't want to make trouble again. Yesterday, I burned a kilogram of gold, and it was gone in the blink of an eye."

  Looking back, Li Xiuwen still felt some pain.

  It was refreshing to see the enemy crying and peeing on the body with fright, but it was a pleasure to see the enemy, but a large amount of profit was swallowed by the Warcraft Factory system without any sound.

  That was the gold that could summon ten orcs to work hard. It turned into six one-time remote control robots, which were consumed at one time. Now he still felt a little pain: One kilogram of gold is enough to buy a white-level production drawing.

  As soon as the beast was calm, they immediately started work and continued to produce the Beastmaster electric car.

  The entire production line was booming, and one electric car after another kept rolling off the assembly line.

  But Kong Lingjun, Yan Jia, and other Huaxia employees do not have such gross nerves. They are all mentally frightened and will be unable to work for a while.

  "You said, could it be the boss? Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental. When intelligence was collected yesterday afternoon, the three cottage factories were smashed in the evening."

  Yan Jia glanced around, winked, and said in a low voice.

  Aunt Wang Hong and Lu Jiayue both nodded, their heads like chickens pecking rice.

  "Huh huh! I can't mention this again in the future. The police have not been able to confirm, why are you still pushing the matter on President Li? You are looking for death, right?"

  Kong Lingjun scolded sternly, with stern voice and expression.

  Yan Jia curled her lips and never continued.