Begging for Mercy is Useless

Although the beginning of spring has begun and the temperature is showing signs of picking up, the owners of many electric car factories in Zhuzhou are worried about fear.

  They raised their ears and paid attention to the movement around them, like rabbits in an alert state. The actions of the Shanzhai Beastmaster electric car have also slowed down.

  Obviously, they produce electric vehicles of their own brand, but because of low popularity or low cruising range, sales are bleak, and they barely keep the factory running.

  If you give a big-name OEM, you just make a little hard money, but you don't get much.

  They discovered that the Beastmaster's electric car was very popular recently, and they quietly copied some and made a small fortune secretly.

  Zhushi's electric car manufacturing circle is not large. The attack on the three Shanzhai Beastmaster electric car factories has spread, and the factories still engaged in Shanzhai are worried that they will become the next unlucky person.

  Although the police have not yet reached a conclusion, they have not been able to locate and arrest the suspect, but everyone tacitly believes that the instigator of the attack was specifically staring at the cottage factory.

  As a result, consumers in Zhuzhou City and nearby counties and cities suddenly noticed that the newly-emerged electric vehicles with a cool appearance became difficult to buy, and the shop owner said it was out of stock.

  Some people decide to buy a more expensive but in-stock Beastmaster electric car, and some also buy an ordinary electric car.

  As a result, Li Xiuwen suddenly received more orders from distributors who requested an increase in quota.

  If you have money, you can't make it. He simply summoned four orcs to work hard, naming them from Beast Nine to Beast 12.

  After redistributing personnel and purchasing a batch of machines, there are two production lines, which doubled the output of Beastmaster electric vehicles and doubled the speed of making money.

  Even if a production line is added, as long as the electric car is off the line, it will be delivered to the dealership in a short time without any delay.

  "It's a pity. If we can get rid of all the counterfeit products in one fell swoop, we still need to add two production lines to double the output."

  "These guys are all thieves, and they should all be caught in a cell! The police are too weak."

  Now Kong Lingjun doesn't have to go out all day to promote sales. As long as he sits in the factory, he can receive calls from dealers for additional orders, making work easier.

  Therefore, he has more time to spend on collecting intelligence, and he has a good understanding of the situation of electric vehicles on the market, and found that there are many more electric vehicles that mimic the Beast King, and silently seize the market.

  In the past, when he was doing sales, the products that Kong Lingjun promoted were all ordinary products that were unconventional. The competition was very fierce, and it often took ten times the energy to visit dealers, which is not comfortable now.

  Therefore, he hated those cottage factories in secret, hoping that they would all close down.

  Li Xiuwen shook his head slightly, his face was as usual, not too angry.

  "Haha, others can't imitate the core competitiveness of the Beastmaster electric car. The cruising range is still less than 120 kilometers, which poses no serious threat to us."

  He was satisfied that he had destroyed the three most blatant copycat factories and allowed many copycat factories to converge.

  "No wonder Mr. Li, your price of the Beastmaster electric car is too high, which is much higher than that of ordinary electric cars."

  "It turns out that you had anticipated today's situation and decided to make the most profitable piece of cake."

  Kong Lingjun looked admired and suddenly realized.

  Li Xiuwen smiled, a little unpredictable.

  In fact, he didn't think so much at all, just thinking about making the most money and upgrading the system of the Warcraft Factory as soon as possible, and set the price of the Beastmaster electric car a bit higher.


  "President Li, Tang Heshuo wants to see you."

  Lu Jiayue, who was temporarily at the front desk, walked over and announced a news.

  "What? He still has a face! Get rid of him quickly."

  Before Li Xiuwen could express his opinion, Kong Lingjun clenched his fists.

Two vigorous swipes, wishing to teach Tang Heshuo personally.  There are few secrets in modern society. The fact that Tang Heshuo and Lao Qian worked together to produce a copycat electric car made everyone in the Warcraft Factory feel betrayed and very angry.

  Even if the two people's factories have been destroyed and they can no longer be copied in a short time, everyone feels puzzled.

  "Tang Heshuo refused to leave, saying he would never leave if he saw President Li."

  "Should the workers drive him away?"

  Lu Jiayue wrinkled her nose with disgust in her tone.

  "Let him in and see what he wants to say."

  Li Xiuwen made the decision, wondering what Tang Heshuo's idea was, and by the way, he also saw how thick a person's face can be.

  Tang Heshuo walked in and escorted him to the office area under the watch of Animal One.

  Everyone can find that he has changed a lot, his temperament has changed a lot, as if he had changed a person.

  His eyes were very red, showing heavy fatigue, and his complexion was a little pale, as if he had not been well rested. The calm and self-confidence of the past disappeared, and fear was replaced.

  "Mr. Li, thank you for meeting me, I really appreciate it."

  "I was fainted for a while, blinded by greed, and now I regret it very much."

  "Looking at our past friendship, please give me a chance, and I can accept the ex-factory price of 451 units. UU reading will make you earn more."

  Tang Heshuo was pitiful, his body trembling constantly, and his eyes showed deep pleading.

  Finally, he saw Li Xiuwen calmly, his legs bent, kneeling directly on the ground without any cushion.


  The hard knees hit the hard tiled floor, making a dull noise.

  Everyone who saw this scene felt toothache, and his knees seemed to groan in pain, protesting the abuse.

  Hissing, Kong Lingjun took a breath and gained a new understanding of shamelessness. He felt that his skill was far from reaching the standard, and he needed to continue learning.

  Lu Jiayue's eyes widened, her mouth widened, she forgot to cover her with her hands, revealing two big rabbit teeth that she would never expose.

  Li Xiuwen also froze for a while, surprised for two seconds.

  He has not seen anyone kneeling in his daily life, especially when someone else kneels to him, shock is inevitable.

  "Get up, say something carefully."

  After recovering, Li Xiuwen let Tang Heshuo get up first.

  But persevering, others didn't cooperate, and kept kneeling in front of him, as if he wouldn't get up unless he was sure.

  "Forget it, you can kneel when you are willing. I have only one attitude, that is, I disagree."

  "You are too old, don't you know what to do, what should you do and what you should not do?"

  "While selling my Beastmaster electric car, making a huge profit, while secretly digging into my wall. Is this human?"

  "Such a betrayal can't be forgiven at all. If you are not punished, how can I lead the team and all my subordinates call me stupid?"

  Li Xiuwen said a lot in one breath, without stopping, Tang Heshuo's face was flushed and his head hung down.