Intelligent Computing Center

After drinking for more than two hours, the four of them were all a little drunk, and they staggered towards the dormitory of Nanhu University of Technology.

  Cheng Xi finally did not borrow money from Li Xiuwen.

  In his words: "Compared with the achievements you have made, the loss of more than 100,000 is not worth mentioning. In the future, I am Buffett of China, how can I be knocked down by this little setback?"

  Li Xiuwen shook his head, feeling a little dizzy, and disapproving of Cheng Xi's big talk after drinking.

  Among the billions of people in the world, there is only one "God of Investment" Buffett. You are too boastful.

  Not to mention anything else, Buffett only invests in things he understands and values ​​the growth value of stocks. Cheng Xi failed to do so. I hurriedly bought bitcoins and were caught on top of the mountain.

  "Yes, you can."

  Li Xiuwen perfunctorily said that it is meaningless to compete with a drunk person, it is best to follow the conversation.

  "Haha, it's not just him, we will all succeed. We will also become the school's best alumni and go on the memorial corridor."

  Ye Hua, who was walking behind, suddenly said loudly.

  He also looked very drunk, and he let out the rhetoric that he didn't dare to say.

  When I wake up, Li Xiuwen is no longer willing to drink.

  I looked at the phone and found that it was nine o'clock. I quickly got up from the bed.

  Since becoming the boss, Li Xiuwen no longer has the concept of Saturday and Sunday. Every day is a working day, almost all in the factory.

  In the previous internship, he imagined that the boss would be idle all day long, make money easily, and have a generous income sitting at home, which would never be true.

  Because a qualified person in charge handles much more complicated matters than ordinary employees, he should pay attention to the complicated capital flow and dealing with various people, and the brain has no time to idle.

  Li Xiuwen only feels more tired and harder, but he is full of energy every day, without the slightest fatigue, which is completely different from the internship.

  [Let me see the current price of Bitcoin. ]

  After washing, he sat in a chair and turned on the phone and found that the price of Bitcoin had rebounded to $9,000.


  Li Xiuwen smacked his lips and was amazed at Bitcoin, which is changing like a roller coaster, which is simply the most unstable speculative target in the world.

  The ups and downs of stocks, futures, gold or crude oil are weak in comparison. No wonder people continue to enter the bitcoin trading market. They are fancying the possibility of getting rich overnight.

  [Fortunately, I am not speculating on Bitcoin, but as a miner. ]

  Li Xiuwen is still very satisfied with the news of Bitcoin's rebound. Now let's see if there is an efficient mining machine in the store in the Warcraft Factory system.

  Bitcoin is a digital currency that uses blockchain technology. If you want to obtain it, you can only purchase a mining machine for mining, except for buying it directly like Cheng Xi.

  The price of mining machines on the market is not cheap. An Antminer S9 sells for 18,000 yuan, uses 189 computing chips and consumes 1,300 watts.

  If you want to dig one bitcoin a day, you need at least 800 mining machines. Just buying the machines costs 14 million.

  Including electricity, network, and factory buildings, the investment can be very large, so mining is not easy.

  However, Li Xiuwen has another way. There is no need to buy mining machines on the earth, and to compete with other Bitcoin miners in a bloody battle for funds.

  He opened the system store that he hadn't used for a long time and searched in the props.

  Looking at it, Li Xiuwen frowned slightly, his face tangled.

  Surprisingly, there is no mining machine dedicated to mining Bitcoin in the store, and it seems that the system does not like this speculative product.

  It's just that he also saw something that can be used for mining,

That is the Intelligent Computing Center.  Intelligent computing center (white): computing capacity is 10,000 PFlops, power consumption is 2,000 kilowatts, and the exchange price is 10 kilograms of gold, which is about 3.5 million.

  It also consumes a lot of electricity. It consumes two thousand kilowatt-hours of electricity in one hour and 24,000 kilowatt-hours a day. Such a large power consumption can only be placed in the factory, otherwise the household electric meter will burst in minutes.

  From the data point of view, the computing power of the intelligent computing center is equivalent to nearly 300 times that of Tianhe-2.

  Put it on the earth, it is the number one supercomputer, even more powerful than the sum of the top 100 supercomputers.

  You must know that the construction cost of Tianhe-2 is as high as 2.5 billion. If the intelligent computing center can be sold, Li Xiuwen's net worth will exceed 10 billion every minute, but he dare not sell it, and dare not reveal the slightest news.

  As early as when he got the Warcraft Factory system and saw all kinds of props that far exceeded the existing technology in it, he thought very clearly that in the case of insufficient strength, he must not let the black technology props escape.

  There is no doubt that the intelligent computing center must not be leaked. Li Xiuwen doesn't want to be imprisoned and will never be able to get out of a national-level laboratory.

  Based on the computing power of Bitcoin's entire network, Li Xiuwen calculated that the computing power of the intelligent computing center occupies one third of the entire network, and it can mine about 500 Bitcoins a day.

  If all were sold, that would be $4.5 million.

  Seeing how profitable mining is, Li Xiuwen's eyes are immediately red, and he can't wait to buy an intelligent computing center and start mining.

  It's just that he still has a little clarity, thinking that the dormitory is too crowded and can't provide the powerful electricity needed, so he can resist his inner impulse. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

  "There is something in the factory, go ahead."

  Li Xiuwen hurriedly greeted him, said to his roommates, and was about to leave.

  "Wait, I want to visit your factory, and I will officially go to work tomorrow. Don't you forget what you said last night?"

  Ye Hua suddenly stopped Li Xiuwen and hurriedly got off the bed.

  "You won't go home for the New Year?"

  "Anyway, it's not far away. It's only a few tens of kilometers. You can go back before the New Year. It doesn't matter if you go back later."

  Then Cheng Xi and Zhang Yiping also yelled, saying that they would also visit Li Xiuwen's factory.

  "Come on that piece."

  Outside the gate of the Warcraft factory.

  When Cheng Xi got off the express train, she watched the exhaust pipes of three large trucks spewing exhaust gas and opened the factory gate one after another.

  "Wow, Li Xiuwen, you really didn't brag, the electric cars produced are really selling well."

  Zhang Yiping and Ye Hua also nodded one after another.

  "I have something to deal with, so let the sales manager show you around."

  At this moment, Li Xiuwen was thinking about mining bitcoins, so he didn't have the heart to show them around. After calling Kong Lingjun, he immediately took Beast One to the general manager's office.

  After the office door was locked, Li Xiuwen almost consumed the remaining funds in his account and purchased an intelligent computing center.

  The intelligent computing center is not small, even larger than a washing machine. Except for the shiny black metal shell, there is nothing special, it looks very ordinary.

  Originally, Li Xiuwen was also worried about the noise of the cooling fan, but he did not expect that the intelligent computing center is equipped with a liquid nitrogen cooling system, which is even lower than a silent refrigerator.

  "Beast One, connect it to the network and power, and I will download the mining software."