The Crash

Iceland, Keflavík Plain.

  On the snow-covered wasteland, it was dead and cold, there was no green at all, and there were no moving animals.

  A large area of ​​yellow artificial buildings appeared on the ground, like ugly scars. And the towering chimney, which emits hot steam like a white dragon.

  The building surrounded by wire walls is a mining plant in Bitfury, which is mining increasingly scarce Bitcoins day and night.

  This world's third-ranked mining company has taken a fancy to Iceland's low-cost geothermal power generation and the icy environment, and has specially placed the mining plant here to save costs.

  Sitting in the control room, David observed the operating conditions of the mining machines in the factory and the computing power of the entire network through six huge 50-inch screens.

  Mining Bitcoin is like a guessing game. Only the person who guesses the answer first can get the reward-Bitcoin.

  This act of cracking the password through a computer and obtaining Bitcoin is vividly compared to "mining."

  Over a period of time, the output speed of Bitcoin is constant, so the computing power of the entire network is crucial.

  Only when mining companies occupy more computing power can they mine more bitcoins and make money after offsetting machine depreciation, electricity costs, and labor costs.

  At present, this mining plant of bitfury company occupies 0.5% of the computing power of the entire network and can mine ten bitcoins a day.

  "The two mining machines in 22 cabinets in Zone G have stopped working. Workers are requested to deal with them as soon as possible."

  David yawned, picked up the semi-hot coffee, and took a sip.

  It's a boring life. In Keflavík in the snow and ice, there are less than ten people on a square kilometer of land. The biggest gathering place is the company mine.

  Hundreds of thousands of mining machines make huge noises when they are working, almost the same as airplanes, and they have strong penetrating power.

  If it weren't for a good salary, David wouldn't want to stay here, spending the whole day with ice, snow and noise.

  Even though he was sitting in the control room, he still heard the booming sound, paying respect to the workers who had to enter the workshop to deal with the problematic mining machine.

  David put down the white ceramic coffee cup, glanced over the screen inadvertently, and stopped for a while on the computing power of the entire network.

  [Well, the computing power data is wrong? ]

  David remembers that more than ten minutes ago, the computing power of the entire network was only two-thirds of what it is now.

  He only reported to strike miners once and took a sip of coffee. How could the computing power of the entire network surge?

  Although people all over the world are jealous of the benefits of mining bitcoin, and there is a steady stream of people joining the industry of miners, increasing the computing power of the entire network, there has never been such a terrifying rate of surge of one-third.

  After refreshing it several times, David found that the data of the entire network's computing power had not changed, and he felt a bit of a sigh, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

  [There will be no problems with this system! ]

  David waited for ten minutes and found that the mining factory got only two-thirds of the original bitcoin, which could no longer cover the cost and started to lose money.

  "It's not good, James, Mr. James! Something unusual happened."

  The panicked David immediately reported the situation to his boss, stammering a little, and was out of breath.

  "Damn it! Who rushed into the mining industry and didn't say a word?"

  Far away in London, James was furious and threw his beloved bone china tea cup to the ground.

  At about the same time, the mine owners in Moscow, Switzerland, Finland and other places became furious, cursing the latest big player who joined the mining industry.

  Not to mention the thinning of my own income, I even started to lose money, if the price of Bitcoin has been maintained at $9,000.

  "God, let Bitcoin appreciate!"

  Just cursing has no effect,

The new big miner is still mining Bitcoin, and they can only expect Bitcoin to appreciate a little bit more.  There are also some small mining owners who do not have much strength in their own right, and looking at the cash flow beyond making ends meet, they desperately stop mining to avoid further losses.

  As a result, the computing power of the entire network has become a little bit smaller.

  As a result, big mining owners such as Bitfury have their income just enough to cover their expenditures, and one input and one output are flat.

  "God, have you finally set your kind eyes on me?"

  The ecstatic owners of the big mining factories, each with a cross on their chest, became religious.


  Ah cut!

  Li Xiuwen sneezed and stared at the screen with bright eyes, watching the bitcoin in the wallet increase from 0 to 0.01, and from 0.01 to 1.

  In just a few minutes, he obtained a bitcoin through mining, which is worth about nine thousand US dollars in foreign exchange markets.

  "Haha, it's fucking awesome, just keep digging like this!"

  Li Xiuwen immediately put this freshly-baked Bitcoin on the trading network, without any intention of accumulating.

  He believes that Bitcoin is a speculative product with a very unstable price. It is a stupid act to keep it on hand, and it is better to exchange it for the universal dollar.

  Ding Dong!

  Soon, he sold one bitcoin, and after being charged a 0.2% transaction fee, he received more than eight thousand dollars.

  "You come and watch the beast, and follow me just now."

�� "Forget it, UU reading or another person, you go to the workshop."

  Li Xiuwen looked bored for a while, and there were only numbers that kept beating on the screen.

  However, after thinking about it, he decided to summon a new orc to work hard and let the beast return to the production workshop.

  After all, at present, the Beastmaster electric car can also make a lot of money, and it is still upright, not afraid of inquiries by banks and tax authorities.

  Li Xiuwen went out for a circle and sent away three friends.

  [There are more and more secrets. It's time to rent an office in the city center to divert Huaxia employees. ]

  Since switching out of the intelligent computing center, he has always felt a little chilly, and his heart has begun to feel uneasy.

  He decided to cut the mess with a sharp knife, so he could leave only the WoW workers in the factory earlier, so that he could relax.

  "Lu Jiayue, I saw on the Internet that the fifteenth floor of Chuangli Building seems to be renting. Go and talk about it and set the price to the lowest."

  "Chuangli Building? The newest building in the city, boss, you are really willing!"

  Lu Jiayue was full of smiles.

  She hadn't wanted to be boring for a long time, and there was no factory with a white-collar atmosphere.

  "You are so happy to hear that you are in the Chuangli Building now. When the company establishes its own office building, will you jump up with excitement?"

  Li Xiuwen's goal is not small. The benchmark of the Warcraft Factory is a large company like Huawei and Apple, not a small company that only produces electric cars.

  Lu Jiayue pouted, her face full of suspicion.

  After returning to the general manager's office, Li Xiuwen suddenly found that the price of Bitcoin had dropped by three hundred dollars on the trading network, which was already less than nine thousand dollars.

  [How is this going? ] His brows frowned.