Upgrades and New Drawings

"You damn finally collected one hundred kilograms of gold, I can upgrade it! The speed is really slow enough, the waiting flowers are all thanked."

  As soon as Li Xiuwen turned on the system in the phone, a voice rang in his head.

  He was a little surprised, this broken system has always been indifferent, aloof, and usually only willing to communicate through text, saying that it is to save energy.

  Nowadays, uncharacteristically, he actually communicates directly through thoughts. It is really rare that the sun comes out from the west.

  "You're happy if you just skin it? If it wasn't for the white drawings without too much high technology, I wouldn't be bothered to upgrade!"

  "It cost more than 30 million in the blink of an eye, and I am in pain. If the new green level blueprint does not satisfy me, I will not want to upgrade to level 3 in a short time."

  "Stupid earthlings, you don't have to think about it with a barren brain. The white-level electric car drawings have brought you tens of millions of benefits. How can more advanced drawings be imaginable now."

  Li Xiuwen's mobile phone suddenly emits a white light, which is as bright as a light bulb, but it does not emit scattered light, but a cylindrical beam of light.

  When the beam of light shines on the gold bar, the gold in the alloy box turns into tiny golden particles, which fly toward the phone like a firefly.

  All the golden particles were sucked in by the phone, and one was not wasted, leaving only an empty alloy box.


  [The system is being upgraded, 1%..., it will take about 8 hours. ]

  After the gold was completely absorbed, the phone changed back to its original appearance, and a snail-like progress bar popped up on the screen.

  Li Xiuwen had no choice but to go to sleep. He could not sit and wait all night.

  Woke up at once.

  Li Xiuwen rubbed his wistful eyes and turned on the phone to take a look.

  The Warcraft Factory system has not changed much, but the green-level blueprints and items are unlocked.

  In addition, the system also deletes all other mobile phone applications by the way, and monopolizes this Xiaomi mobile phone.

  Fortunately, Li Xiuwen transferred the data to the new mobile phone Apple 8 a few days ago, so he didn't panic and lost contact with family and friends.

  Why not use Apple X, because he can't see the ugly bangs at the top of the screen, and thinks this thing is too eye-catching, and he wants to be destroyed.

  "Hahaha, advanced black technology, here I am!"

  Li Xiuwen happily searched for green-level drawings, sliding his thumb on the screen continuously.

  Within a few minutes, he only felt that his eyes were about to run out, and he could not make a choice yet. Sometimes, too many options can be an annoyance.

  Of course, what prevents him from choosing casually is the high price of green drawings.

  The lowest-priced green drawings cost ten kilograms, or more than 3.5 million, which is nine times more expensive than white drawings.

  "Core products, this time we must launch products that can attract the attention of a large number of consumers!"

  In Li Xiuwen's plan, this time, it's not like playing an electric car, but playing a big one.

  While earning a lot of money, let his influence grow rapidly, and his strength must become stronger, able to resist the coveting of others.

  However, new products must not be too much, at least they should not be used to enhance military strength, otherwise if foreign forces are attracted, it will be a big death.

  After searching for a long time, Li Xiuwen was a little irritable, and finally a scene flashed in his mind. Yesterday, I heard what the doctor said in the hospital-Wei Yunfeng might be amputated.

  Of course, a prosthesis must be installed after the amputation, but the most expensive prosthesis cannot move as freely as before.

  "That's it!"

  Li Xiuwen's finger finally stopped on the brainwave recognizer drawing (green).

  Brainwave recognizer drawing (green): It can accurately recognize complex and weak brain waves, amplify and transform small ideas into electronic signals,

But the receiving end needs to be within three meters.  At first glance, this drawing does not seem to be very advanced and ordinary.

  There are already many companies on the earth that are studying brain wave recognition and have achieved certain results.

  For example, if you put a lot of metal pieces on your head, you can slowly push the metal ball on the metal electrode through your mind.

  Or implant a chip in the brain, and when the mind moves, the external manipulator/mechanical leg will slowly move and do simple movements such as holding a cup.

  At present, the technology on the earth can initially recognize brain waves, but it is still very basic and cannot be applied to reality.

  We must know that the human brain has about 86 billion neurons. The brain waves emitted by them are very noisy when they are active. Really useful thoughts are like water droplets hidden in a lake.

  Moreover, the voltage changes caused by brain waves are on the order of microvolts and are very susceptible to interference.

  If the hair grows, it won't work, if the foundation is thick, it won't work, or if the phone accidentally shakes it from the side.

  The brainwave recognizer drawing (green) selected by Li Xiuwen is able to eliminate noise-like thoughts and accurately recognize the real instructions given by the brain.

  Compared with this blueprint, the earth's brain wave recognition is the gap between the skyrocket and the Long March series rockets. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com lags behind by a large level.

  Only to realize the production of brainwave recognizers, the current production line of silly and thick electric vehicles is of course not acceptable, and a mobile phone production line must be purchased.

  "Fortunately, it is not required. A production line capable of producing low-end smartphones like the one ten years ago is fine. Otherwise, you won't be able to collect so much money!"

  It does not require much technology to assemble and produce outdated mobile phones, and second-hand production lines are very cheap, and you can buy them for several million.

  However, the core component of the brainwave recognizer, the chip with recognition capabilities, is the top priority. The secret of the secret must not be revealed.

  If the identification chip is also made by others, no one can guarantee that the foundry will not secretly follow the process. Under the temptation of huge amounts of money, the contract is just waste paper.

  What makes Li Xiuwen gratified is that the requirements for the identification chip are not high, and only a precision of 10 microns is needed. This kind of chip technology from the 90s should not be very expensive.

  If the 1x nanometer-level accuracy is like the current mainstream chip, the price is easily hundreds of millions of dollars, and ordinary countries can't play it, let alone the Warcraft factory.

  Just as Li Xiuwen sighed and felt that he needed to sell another Beastmaster electric car production line to raise funds to buy a chip production line, the system had been silent after the upgrade, and he suddenly made a noise again and still laughed.

  "Your mind is full of paste. Since this road is blocked in front of you, you won't change it."

  "Summon a second-level master of skill in the electronics field first. It may bring you a big surprise."

  "The orc hard work is hard work. It's okay to do mechanical processing. He is not good at fine electronics and can't be compared with the master of skill."

  The system's repeated beatings awakened Li Xiuwen.