The Master of Skillful Hands

[Yes, anyway, Master Skillful Hand is going to be summoned, and the orc hard work is a bit too monotonous. Let's try one first to see its capabilities. ]

  Li Xiuwen's index finger moved to a green villain icon. When he was about to summon, he suddenly realized that it would cost 1 kilogram of gold, which was ten times that of the orcs' hard work.

  "Why do you rise so much at once!"

  "Hmph, you love to call or not to call."

  Li Xiuwen gritted his teeth and chose to summon the master of skillful hands.

  After a burst of blue light flashed, there was a thin green-skinned guy on the ground, less than 1.5 meters tall.

  I saw it had a pair of big copper bell eyes, two long pointed ears, and its face was full of wrinkles, plus it was still hunched, and it looked like it was 50 or 60 years old.

  Ugly, very ugly, as ugly as a goblin!

  Li Xiuwen glanced at it and felt it resembled the Guru in "Lord of the Rings". His eyes were a little uncomfortable and he needed a wash.

  Compared with the sturdy muscles of the orcs, Master Qiaoshou only gave people the impression of wretchedness and ugliness, which was not good at first glance.

  So he hurriedly bought a camouflage suit for the master of skillful hands to wear.

  When Master Qiaoshou put on a camouflage suit and turned into a shriveled old man, his vision was immediately clear, and there was no need to wash his eyes with eye drops.

  Although the image of this old man is still not pleasing to the eye and is still ugly, at least he will not pollute the environment and scare the children.

  "You'll be better than Joe in the future."

  "Okay, boss, thank you for naming me."

  Master Qiaoshou was very obedient, nodding and bowing, his proper dogleg appearance was completely different from the taciturn character of the orc drudgery.

  "Not much gossip, take a look at the blueprint of this brainwave recognizer and find the most cost-effective solution."

  Master Qiaoshou took the drawing and studied it carefully.

  A few minutes later, it said aloud: "In fact, the identification chip does not need a 2 micron precision chip production line, only the kind of production line that produces electronic watch chips."

  "I can transform it to improve the accuracy and produce recognition chips. But the performance of the chip will be reduced by about 10%, and the recognition rate is not as accurate as 99.99%."

  Li Xiuwen was overjoyed, isn't it just a 10% drop in performance? It's not a big deal.

  First use the cheap identification chip, upgrade the production line after the money is available, and then release the full version, and continue to make a wave of money.

  what? This is fraud!

  Humph! If you look at Intel, the same chips from the same production line cost the same amount, some are i7, some are i5 or even i3.

  Now that there is a leading brother who has done this, Li Xiuwen will naturally follow the crowd and learn how to empty the pockets of consumers behind him.

  The production of electronic watch chips does not require much advanced technology. It is already a rotten commodity. If you do not want the latest, you can buy a second-hand production line for one or two million.

  The solution proposed by Master Qiaoshou has greatly reduced the need for funds. The money sold in the Bitcoin account is completely enough, and there is no need to bother to promote the production line of the Beastmaster electric car.

  Li Xiuwen found an agent for the nearest electronic watch production line, which is only more than 100 kilometers away from Zhushi. After an extra 100,000 express fee, the agent stated that it would be delivered in the afternoon at the latest.

  Taking advantage of his free time in the morning, he plans to visit Wei Yunfeng in the hospital.


  After Li Xiuwen came to the hospital, he saw Wei Yunfeng and his parents in a four-person ward in the inpatient department.

  The expressions of the three of them were not at all happy, because Wei Yunfeng's right leg disappeared from the knee, leaving only a thigh wrapped in thick white gauze.

  There are a lot of nutrients and fruits on the small table by the hospital bed, but it seems that I haven't moved much.

  "Good teacher Wei, good uncle and auntie.

"  Li Xiuwen put down the fruit basket in his hand and greeted him.

  Wei Yunfeng looked at the ceiling as if he hadn't heard him with his eyes wide open, motionless, his face pale as if he were dead.

  "Hey, this classmate, please forgive me. Yunfeng can't accept this fact at once, which is very pessimistic."

  Dad Wei thanked him a lot, then sighed and said that he seemed to be ten years old.

  "I can understand."

  Li Xiuwen nodded slightly.

  It is not uncommon for anyone who finds out that he has become a handicapped one night later, life is everywhere inconvenient, and he can no longer walk around at will. He will definitely be pessimistic and desperate, and it is not uncommon to even think that he does not want to live.

  It is all too normal to behave like Wei Yunfeng's heartbroken and devastated.

  "Yunfeng, I brought your favorite ribs noodles. Come and have a bite."

  Zhang Yuting was holding a round convenience box in both hands, and said forcefully with a smile.

  Before she came, the air suddenly smelled of fresh ribs, and the whole ward was full of warm atmosphere.

  Wei Yunfeng remained motionless, without turning his eyes, as if he were a vegetable.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, Zhang Yuting carefully picked up a spare rib and stretched it to Wei Yunfeng's mouth.


  Wei Yunfeng opened his mouth to bite the ribs. Before Zhang Yuting could give her encouragement, he spit out hard, causing the ribs to fly for more than two meters and fall to the ground.

  "You go away, I don't want to eat anything, just starve to death! What's the use of being disabled and living!"

  In Zhang Yuting's red and swollen eyes, a layer of crystal water mist suddenly appeared, dripping.

  But she wiped her eyes in the end and did not let the tears flow. UURead smiled and said, "I'll put it next to you first. If you want to eat, just say it."

  "It's hard for you, boy."

  Mother Wei hugged Zhang Yuting, comforting.

  Soon, the two cried silently.

  On a hospital bed next to him, lies a male patient with severe burns to his left hand.

  His left hand was damaged too much, and it was bent like a chicken foot. It was obviously also useless, which was similar to losing his left hand.

  "You guys be patient, after ten and a half days, he will still figure out that it is better to die than to live, just like me."

  "I don't want to live anymore. I think my life is dead, and it feels meaningless to live. It's almost like this friend."

  Father Wei nodded at him without speaking.

  Under such circumstances, talking too much will stimulate Wei Yunfeng, and he has to get out of the despair in his heart by himself.

  Upon seeing this, Li Xiuwen turned on his mobile phone and found a video of a foreigner using his mind to control a mechanical prosthesis.

  "Look, Teacher Wei, now that science and technology are getting more and more advanced, maybe this kind of prosthesis will be widely promoted soon."

  Wei Yunfeng's eyes rolled a few times, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, but it only stopped there.

  "It's definitely not going to be promoted in ten years, it's too expensive, and it's better than nothing."

  As a university teacher majoring in mechanics, he made a judgment close to the facts when he watched the video.

  "Hey, it's like this under normal circumstances, but what if any scientist creates a new technology to improve the performance of the prosthesis."

  "So Teacher Wei still has to work hard to make money, and strive to buy himself a mind-controlled prosthesis as soon as possible."

  Li Xiuwen didn't have a finished prosthesis, and he didn't dare to make a guarantee. He just showed confidence.