Slow and 1 Point Better

The excavator was heavy and not very fast. Li Xiuwen was not eager to run away. He just looked at Tang Heshuo with red eyes and carefully distinguished whether the madness on his face was a pretense.

  "Mr. Li, run away! The excavator is coming over!"

  Wei Jie looked at the approaching excavator and confirmed that it would not stop. He was so frightened that he ran away.

  It's just that before he left, he reminded Li Xiuwen that he didn't stop at all.


  Ye Hua didn't talk nonsense at all, and directly took Li Xiuwen's arm and ran into the factory.

  "Don't be nervous, let me fix it."

  "Beast Nine Beasts Ten, think of a way to stop the excavator, so there can be no casualties."

  Li Xiuwen struggled with his arm, and after getting rid of Ye Hua's pull, he immediately ordered the orc to work hard.

  Ye Hua was anxious to jump his feet. It was about the juncture, and he sent workers to stop the excavator weighing several tons. This classmate himself shouldn't be panicked, Shi Lezhi, right?

  "Go to death!"

  "Well-hearted Li Xiuwen, ungrateful, really a beast!"

  "If it weren't for me to recruit you into the factory and ask you to practice in the factory, could you invent the battery management technology for the Beastmaster electric car?"

  "It doesn't matter if you don't share the technology with me. In the end, you will be deprived of my electric car sales qualification. You are still not a human! Today I want you to die at the gate of the factory."

  Tang Heshuo's yelling from the bottom of his voice came out through the speaker of the amplifier, covering a radius of 100 meters.

  Wei Jie, who ran twenty or thirty meters away, felt safe and stopped to look at Li Xiuwen, very surprised: I did not expect you to have this kind of operation! It's not clean.

  However, he still hopes that Li Xiuwen will be safe and reach cooperation with his family.

  In these days, everything is in line with money. Whoever manages the first pot of gold is clean and can bring benefits.

  "Fuck you shit!"

  "This factory was bought by Li Xiuwen, and the technology was invented by him after you went bankrupt. It has nothing to do with you!"

  "On the contrary, you are colluding with the fake electric car factory, digging into the company's walls, and you have the face to talk about other people."

  Ye Hua yelled, shouting loudly.

  He knew from his colleagues that Tang Heshuo's methods were despicable and his heart was shameless and gloomy, and his disqualification really deserved it.

  It was just Ye Hua's rebuttal that had no effect at all, and the excavator still rumblingly chased Li Xiuwen.

  You can't expect a person who has fallen into madness to wake up, that is only in the story.


  The excavator stretched out a giant shovel to dig, and it looked like the tall wall collapsed suddenly, opening a section of more than one meter wide.

  After a few consecutive blows, a gap of about ten meters was formed on the fence, and the excavator was able to drive in all the way.

  "Haha, Li Xiuwen, die for me."

  The huge bucket of the excavator was raised high, like a furious steel giant, there is no problem in falling down and crushing a person to death.

  Standing at the door of the workshop, Li Xiuwen sneered. Two heavy forklifts for unloading spit out black smoke and slammed into the excavator from left to right.

  Bang, bang!

  The excavator's track looks mighty and powerful, but in fact it is very fragile. At least it cannot withstand the impact of a forklift and immediately deforms and breaks.

  Without the track, the excavator is like a person who has lost two legs, without the ability to move autonomously.

  "No! You dare to stop me, go to death!"

  Seeing the sneer on Li Xiuwen's face, Tang Heshuo suddenly exploded with the last bit of courage, operating the bucket of the excavator, and rammed into the cab of the forklift on the left.


  A thin layer of steel plate could not stop the bucket at all, and the forklift cab immediately collapsed, like a flattened can.

  When everyone was worried about the workers inside, a tall figure climbed onto the excavator from the side,

Grasping Tang Heshuo's neck is as easy as grabbing a chicken.  It turned out that the cab of the forklift was already empty. The workers inside took advantage of Tang Heshuo's fatal blow and when he was relaxed, he raided him.

  Uh, uh!

  Tang Heshuo's neck was grabbed by Beast Shi's big hands, his breathing was a little bit difficult, and his face quickly changed to the color of eggplant.

  "Relax, don't let him die, or it will be cheaper for him."

  Li Xiuwen walked over slowly and said coldly.

  Tang Heshuo was bold enough. He let him leave easily at the beginning, but he didn't expect to have this big show. It was really amazing.

  If Li Xiuwen called the police, he would naturally allow Tang Heshuo to enter the cell to enjoy life.

  If only to disrupt the production order, Tang Heshuo would probably only be detained for half a month, and he would come out soon. That would be incomplete cutting of the grass.

  "Mr. Li, let the lawyer take care of this matter and order him a deliberate attempted homicide, and let him sit in jail for at least four or five years."

  Wei Jie leaned over and said enthusiastically, patting his chest.

  "This is difficult."

  "It's okay, it's not difficult, professional people are left to do professional things."

  Li Xiuwen smiled and nodded, accepting Wei Jie's kindness, thinking that he would be very good at coming and deal with problems very well.

  "I heard it all, you want to frame me, I want to tell the police!"

  Tang Heshuo held back for a while, his mind became clearer, the bloodshot eyes faded a bit, and he struggled unwillingly.

  "Haha! Do you dare to say that you didn't mean to kill people before? It's all recorded."

  Wei Jie smiled faintly, since he has done something bad, of course he must bear the responsibility.

  "Can I take a look at Ruyi's production process? It is guaranteed not to take pictures or take pictures."

  "Of course, come with me."

  After seeing the ordinary production line, Wei Jie was really hard to understand and kept sighing.

  Ruyi's advanced equipment, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is produced in an environment that does not appear to be high-tech at all, which is eye-opening.

  Wei Jie came to the finished product area, picked up a Ruyi and tested it, and confirmed that it was genuine.

  Like Ye Nan's live broadcast, it can directly recognize brainwave instructions and complete operations on mobile phones.

  "Mr. Li, have you thought about developing other products? For example, mind drones, mind robots, etc."

  Wei Jie's eyes glowed, as if he saw a vast blue ocean, the kind that no one competed, monopolizing the entire market.

  In the final analysis, Bluetooth is just a short-distance communication method, far less than the mobile phone's 4G signal spread far.

  Changing the communication method is not complicated in principle and not difficult to implement.

  "If you take too much steps, you will get involved, and you have to do a little bit."

  Li Xiuwen said in a hurry, without the slightest anxiety on his face, as steady as a mountain.

  "Yes, it's better to be steady."

  Wei Jie didn't completely agree, but he kept echoing.

  "Haha, the lawyer I hired is here, and he also reported to the police."

  When Wei Jie looked outside, he was immediately happy and said happily.

  Two policemen escorted Tang Heshuo into the police car, and there was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes next to him who kept talking, making the policemen look bad.

  The policemen who were in a bad mood naturally angered Tang Heshuo.

  As a result, Tang Heshuo's movements were a little rougher, and Tang Heshuo's head also collided with the police car several times, and he quickly became bruised and swollen.

  "Let me go, I haven't done much bad things, you are cheating for personal gains!"

  Tang Heshuo howled like a pig, his voice was very sad.


  Li Xiuwen looked at it and laughed out loud.