The Double Rule

When Wei Jie left, he not only pulled more than 1,000 Ruyi away, but also said he would show his sincerity.

  Li Xiuwen quickly knew what this sincerity was, that is, Ruyi suddenly became popular on the Internet.

  In each of the small videos of less than three minutes, the popular anchors all showed the biggest feature of Ruyi, that is, no need to tap the screen with their fingers.

  On Kuaishou, Douyin, and Volcano Video, these videos are spread across several large and small video platforms, and the playback rate is increasing.

  Although these anchors are not still entertaining stars, they also have tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of fans, and they immediately made Ruyi famous, and hundreds of millions of people knew Ruyi.

  Suddenly, the stores opened by the Warcraft Factory on Taobao were about to be overwhelmed, and the temporary customer service Ye Hua couldn't respond by himself.

  I had to ask the robot to send a rigid answer: Hello, there are currently two thousand Ruyi sales in our shop every day, please come over at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

  "Mr. Li, I strongly request to recruit 30 customer service girls, otherwise they will not be able to work properly."

  Ye Hua looked at the one-card-one-card computer and complained.

  "I agree. You will be the head of the customer service department from now on, and you will be promoted and raised. But you guys can be careful, don't mess with the customer service girls."

  Li Xiuwen sent the recruitment task to Lu Jiayue through his mobile phone, and then warned Ye Hua after hanging up.

  When this kid was in the dormitory before, he exposed the nature of scum. After chasing five or six girls, they all returned with failure, claiming to be a fighter in the thread.

  Before long, he will have a large number of young girls under his control. If it is not strictly controlled, some scandal may arise.

  "Am I the kind of person who engages in intimidation and coercion? You are willing, you will never ban it."

  "Poor, I have been single for 23 years. I haven't held a girl's hand yet, not in kindergarten."

  Ye Hua seemed to have suffered a huge grievance, and suddenly cried out.

  While talking, his eyes flashed green, as if he saw a group of young and beautiful girls calling him the manager in a crisp voice.

  "Fart, I have the final say in the company. Office romances are forbidden. Offenders are fined one month's salary and cancel the year-end bonus."

  Although Li Xiuwen didn't know the reason before, he knew that most companies did not support office romances.

  It doesn't matter if it is not clear, just follow the mainstream, so this company rule is also supported.

  He guessed that it was probably because the single employees of the company ate too much dog food. They were both sad and heartbroken. He strongly urged the company to implement this rule to avoid seeing it.

  The phone rang.

  Li Xiuwen picked it up and saw that it was a strange number.

  I didn't want to connect, but he finally remembered that he was not an ordinary person, he was already a business person, in case this person wanted to cooperate.

  "Hello, Mr. Li, I am invested by Huaxin and I want to invest in your company."


  With the system in hand, Li Xiuwen never thought about giving out shares to others, not to mention now, nor in the future.

  But he wanted to hear about the other party's conditions, so he could know the weight of Warcraft Factory in the eyes of others.

  Although I haven't heard of this company, I can still get a little information after exchanges.

  "Now talk about your conditions."

  "We are willing to invest 100 million yuan, but we have to get 30% of the shares."


  Li Xiuwen didn't even have any thoughts of refuting, so he just hung up the phone and blocked it.

  He deeply suspects that the so-called Huaxin Investment has not conducted any investigation at all, or that he wants to make a big deal.

  This kind of pheasant investment company is really dreaming! I really thought there was money on the ground for them to pick it up.

  One hundred million is nothing more than ten thousand Ruyi units. It only takes five days of production time. This little money is embarrassing to show off.

  After the Huaxin number was blacked out, another unfamiliar number called.

  "Hello, Mr. Li, we are from Nanfu Investment Company and want to help your company grow."

  "Tell me, what kind of help do you want."

  "Two hundred million to invest in your company requires 49% of the shares."

  "It's easy to leave."

  Jingle bell, Jingle bell.

  Li Xiuwen's cell phone kept ringing, and there was almost no moment of silence, making annoying noises.

  Finally, it was set to reject calls from strangers before it stopped.

  But in this way, it is very likely that the opportunity is missed. It is just a palliative method, and it is fine for a short time.

  "I need a secretary and a new phone card."

  Regarding the phone call, Li Xiuwen didn't want to answer any of them. It felt too bad, and it was too costly to spend energy on this.

  He did not wonder why these investment companies knew their mobile phone numbers, because they used this number when registering companies and applying for patents.

  As long as he has some resources, or is proficient in using the Internet to log in to the business website, he can find his number.

  "You just said about me, did you also expose your inner wolfishness? I have a secretary to do, nothing to do... I despise you."

  Ye Hua exclaimed that his old classmates' net worth was calculated in 100 million, while making small jokes, making fun of each other just like in the dormitory before.

  Ye Hua knew that his abilities were mediocre, and probably soon couldn't adapt to the rapidly expanding Warcraft factory, but he didn't want to be left behind, so he had to firmly grasp the identity of a classmate.

  A senior employee is not the same thing as a company executive. Although the salary of the two may not differ too much, the latter has a higher status and a greater voice.

  "Don't underestimate the secretary. If you don't have one like me, and you're too busy answering the phone every day, then do you want to do something?"

  Li Xiuwen suddenly remembered Wang Ying, whom she met at Chow Tai Fook, who was slim and graceful, like a lotus, and felt that if she were to be the secretary, it would be great.

  Action is not as good as the heart, UU reading www. He picked up the phone directly and dialed Wang Ying's number.

  When he was a former student, Li Xiuwen was still very shy. It was absolutely lacking in such execution, and would probably drag him for a long time and dare not fight.

  In fact, he was the same as Ye Hua in college. He was single for four years and became a lonely dog.

  Don't ask how this number came from, he got it easily from the store manager of Chow Tai Fook.

  "Are you... President Li?"

  Wang Ying's soft voice came through the phone speaker. As long as it was a little distorted, it still sounded like a yellow oriole.

  "Yes, you remember my number, very good! I want to hire you as the assistant to the general manager to take charge of my schedule."

  "This is not so good, I have never been an assistant."

  "It's very simple, that is, just be responsible for making and receiving calls. It's not difficult at all. And a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan, an annual increase of 10%.

  Li Xiuwen heard Wang Ying's hesitation and naturally increased his weight.

  Doing Chow Tai Fook's shopping guide, although you can get a commission, but the income is not very stable, and the upward channel is very narrow.

  Assistants are different. There is a good chance that they will become department heads and become senior managers.

  He saw Ye Hua raised his middle finger, raised his foot to make a kick, and forced this guy away.

  "You let me think about it, can I call you back tomorrow."

  "Okay, come over to work tomorrow, it's a deal."

  "Hey! I'm not that..."

  Li Xiuwen didn't wait for Wang Ying to finish, and immediately hung up.

  "Okay, the hooligans are skilled in tricks. I found that money can really do whatever they want."

  Ye Hua didn't know when to come over, and was full of emotion.

  "Then don't hurry up and make money!"