Encountering Li called the Beast

At the very beginning, Liu Mingquan still gave instructions, but later he didn't make a sound at all, and he didn't hold a mobile phone in his hand. He looked like a stone man.

  But the robot moves very smoothly, without hiccups, and the speed is faster than usual.

  The two manipulators are extremely flexible. The aluminum cans of Coke, shelled peanuts and even the thick sticks of the thumb are all pinched and put down.

  At the end of the day, the manipulator also did it himself, twisting the rotary lock of the door, and opening the door of the laboratory.

  The younger brothers and younger sisters opened their eyes wide, looking at the robot like aliens, and the light from their eyes was about to scorch it.

  They are all PhD students in the field of robotics, and they all know that these seemingly ordinary operations are actually very difficult.

  Even the world's top robotics laboratory can't make the manipulator as flexible as it is in front of you.

  Although the manipulator of this robot is far inferior to human hands, it still exceeds the known robots in the world.

  "Liu Mingquan, you developed an automatic control program? No, you are not good at software."

  "Such an automatic control program can be used on the lunar satellite vehicle."

  Professor Liang Bianyao's mood was also not calm, and his pale eyebrows were about to meet to form a word.

  The shock on his face doesn't have to be how weak the students are, but he is still holding the tutor's frame, instead of asking directly, but knocking sideways.

  Chi Chi!

  There was a soft noise.

  The robot stopped, and the red eyes were no longer shining, and the camera was restored to its original appearance.

  "Professor, I did not install any new control program for the robot, just added a Bluetooth recognition module."

  "I know the reason you want to ask, it's very simple. I use Ruyi to control the robot."

  When Liu Mingquan said this, the whole person got excited and shook Ruyi's hand vigorously: "It is the world's first commercialized brain wave recognition device, so damn easy to use!"

  Brain wave recognition? Still a commercial product!

  The other people in the laboratory were all blindfolded, and suddenly felt as if they were out of the times.

  I haven't left the laboratory for only a few days, and I missed such important news! A TV should be installed in the laboratory.

  Liang Bianyao immediately understood that the robot was so flexible just now because it was not controlled by a rigid program, but because Liu Mingquan operated it himself.

  The current industrial manufacturing capacity is very strong, and it is not a problem to make a manipulator with a complicated structure like a human hand.

  But to make this purely mechanical hand as flexible as a human hand is a super difficult problem, which has stumped the world.

��� It's good now. There is no need to develop cumbersome and inefficient control programs, as long as you write the drive of five mechanical fingers to let people think of command.

  It is called Ruyi, is it made in China or a foreign country? How many know this thing now? "

  Liang Bianyao's expression suddenly became serious, and he asked in a deep voice.

  "Uh, Ruyi should be produced by a private enterprise in Zhuzhou, and it says on the box."

  Liu Mingquan scratched his head and replied uncertainly: "There should be millions of people who know Ruyi, and videos demonstrating it are everywhere on the Internet."

  "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and buy a train ticket to Zhushi. No, let us drive us directly to the Ruyi factory."

  Liang Bianyao said loudly, a rare trace of eagerness appeared on his old face, and he urged: "Do you still have brains? Huaxia is more than our team doing robots!"

  The PhD students, including Liu Mingquan, were stunned and motionless.

  In their impression, the instructor is always serious and rarely gets angry. Let alone anxious, it was never seen before.

  Is the previous mentor fake?


Keep up with you. "  "Oh oh."

  Liu Mingquan suddenly reacted and looked at his mobile phone. It was already past nine o'clock in the evening and suggested: "Professor, it seems a bit late now. Should we leave tomorrow morning?"

  "Don't talk nonsense, just leave now."

  Liang Bianyao turned his head and scolded sternly.

  [Okay, you are the biggest, everything is up to you. Don't the people at the Warcraft Factory stay up at night, waiting for you to visit? ]

  Liu Mingquan stopped persuading, but was ready to touch his nose in his heart.

  Such a sudden visit, of course, may not be welcomed by others, and it may be troublesome.

  A group of people came out of the laboratory and ran into several mechanical professors in the elevator.

  "Lao Liang, are you going to a party? It seems that the project is going well, you have made a lot of money, and you have a celebration party."

  "The funding for the new semester, let me be a little bit. The automation is really poor and it can't be compared with your robot."

  Professor Li has jet-black hair and red face. He looks like he is in his forties.

  In fact, they are over 60 years old, and they keep their black hair by dyeing their hair.

  Liu Mingquan has heard the rumors of this Professor Li, saying that he often uses his status as a tutor to lure female students with graduation, and his reputation among his classmates is very poor.

  However, the person involved graduated, got a certificate, and didn't come out to make trouble, the matter just faded away in a muddle, and finally the rumors changed.

  "Hehe, how to divide the funds, it is not my turn to decide, it all depends on the academic committee."

  Liang Bianyao easily pushed the question aside, smiling and laughing.

  "Oh, Lao Liang, you are just perfunctory, forget it."

  Professor Li shook his head, looking very disappointed, and stopped mentioning funding.

  However, his next sentence changed the faces of Liu Mingquan and other students.

  "I have decided that I will study robots in the new semester, otherwise I will never be able to grab the funds."

  [Wocao, UU reading www.uukanshu.com This old hooligan! ]

  Liu Mingquan cursed secretly in his heart and glared at him.

  It's just that Professor Li's face remained unchanged, he was calm, and he didn't care about his angry gaze.

  "Go, go your own way and see what others do?"

  Liang Bianyao saw the angrily faces of the students, the corners of his mouth tilted up, and then pretended to be serious.

  "Yes, Professor."

��� Doraemon!

  The elevator came to the first floor.

  Liang Bianyao and his party walked out of the elevator and saw a Volkswagen's pale gold commercial car parked in front of the gate.

  "Professor Liang, here!"

  The driver stuck out a chubby head and said in a loud voice.

  Before getting on the bus, Liang Bianyao ordered two male students and told them to stay instead of following.

  "The car can't hold too many people. You two can go to rest now. I will call you if I have something to do."

  "Ah, I'm going to see the inventor of Ruyi."

  "Professor, I don't want to stay. I will take the train."

  Liang Bianyao glared at him, and immediately became fierce. The two men immediately shut up and became honest.

  "It's also useful for you to stay. Maybe I will let you bring the robot over. That's it."


  The last thing Professor Li saw was that Liang Bianyao led the students into the car, leaving two people behind. This was obviously not going to a celebration banquet.

  "Hey! Where is Lao Liang going?"


  Both of them ignored them, leaving a back of their head for him.

  "Presumptuous, what is your name? I want to punish you!"

  "Guess slowly."

  The two left behind went farther and farther without any pause, and soon disappeared.