I want to customize

World of Warcraft.

  Li Xiuwen was lying on the camp bed with his eyes closed, but his brain was half empty, thinking about the company's development plan.

  It's strange to say that when he didn't get the system before, he either watched live broadcasts or read novels after work, and he felt very happy.

  But now I don't have the heart to watch the live broadcast. I think about things as soon as I get down. My brain is like a soldier on the battlefield all the time.

  The door of the general manager's office was suddenly slapped hard, making a bang bang.


  He sat up angrily, the inspiration he had just thought of disappeared, like a scared rabbit.

  So he got up so badly that he wanted to kill.

  "Boss, a professor from Nanhu University came and said that he wanted to cooperate with you."

  The beast said one by one.

  "Professor? I remember not inviting anyone over."

  Li Xiuwen's plan to meet this professor is to give Nanhu University a bit of face.

  The Nanhu University of Technology he attended was only two words less than Nanhu University, but it was not a university of the same level at all, just like the sparrow and the Honghu, the difference was huge.

  When filling in his volunteer four years ago, Li Xiuwen also fantasized about entering Nanhu University. As soon as the score came out, he knew it was a dream.

  The workshop was brightly lit, and the machine was as silent as a dead thing, but a large group of people kept spinning around the production line, their eyes shining.

  It seems that if it weren't for the hard work of the orcs nearby, they would definitely dismantle the production line and study each part carefully.

  Li Xiuwen saw Professor Liang in the crowd at a glance, his age is the best proof.

  "Hello professor, it's a hard work for you to come from Shashi so late. But why are you here?"

  "You are the one who invented Ruyi? Too young, so young! I think you can get the Nobel Prize in Natural Science."

  Liang Bianyao's mouth was exclaimed, his face was incredible, as if he had seen Bole of Maxima.

  The Nobel Prize in Natural Science, including the Physics Prize, the Chemistry Prize and the Physiology and Medicine Prize, has not yet been won by China.

  "Nobel Prize? It doesn't matter whether it is there or not, the bonus is not worth it at all, it is too small."

  Li Xiuwen is not a scientist engaged in scientific research. He doesn't care much about awards, and his expression is indifferent.

  If the Nobel Prize will give the winner a ton of gold, he might care.

  "You, you, you are all rich people, of course you don't care about the bonus. Mo Yan bought a house in the capital with the bonus back then, of course it doesn't work anymore."

  Liang Bianyao said with a smile, as gentle as chatting with a familiar junior.

  When Liu Mingquan and other students saw this scene, they once again felt that the tutor in their impression was a fake, but he had never been treated so kindly.

  "My student Liu Mingquan bought a Ruyi from the black market at a price of fifteen thousand. After getting it in the laboratory, I was shocked. He was able to increase the flexibility of the robot several times."

  "If we can cooperate to develop robots, I believe that it will not be a problem to make robots as dexterous as a living person. Needless to say, this market is at least trillions."

  Liang Bianyao confessed the reason frankly, and it seemed that he had not concealed it at all, and was quite like a master.

  "Professor are you telling the truth?"

  Li Xiuwen shook his head slightly, with a smile on his face.

  This reason seems very reliable, but in fact it hides a big hidden danger.

  A robot needs to be manipulated by one person, so when the number of robots soars to millions and tens of millions, where do you find so many operators?

  Although program-driven robots are more rigid, they are also much cheaper. They can still work around the clock, and the overall cost is bound to be much lower.

  It can be said that the market for this kind of brain-controlled robots,

It's not as big as Professor Liang said, probably only needed for some special harsh environments.  In the case of very little demand, even if the price is extremely high, it is impossible to achieve a trillion scale.

  "Ahem, I'm talking about possible future situations."

  Liang Bianyao cried out unlucky in his heart. How could he apply the words of the local boss who fooled him and didn't know how to use the words of Mr. Li, which was self-defeating.

  There is no way, just relying on the little funds allocated by the school, that is, to starve people and purchase German precision parts for a few times.

  To have sufficient research funding, one must use eloquence to fool the local bosses outside.

  "Sorry, Professor, I don't plan to enter the robotics industry yet."

  Li Xiuwen rejected the request for cooperation.

  A robot can be as low as tens of thousands and as high as several million, ordinary people and small and micro enterprises cannot afford it, and its market potential is limited.

  It is better to consider how to export Ruyi and earn foreigners' money, which is more practical.


  Liang Bianyao was surprised, then frowned, and said, "How about I entrust you to develop a robot? I will pay you a custom fee."

  "If you provide robot materials, I won't charge you any money, which is considered a sponsorship. Nanhu University is the university I want to enter during the college entrance examination."

  Li Xiuwen waved his hand without asking for the customization fee. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

  "Then thank you Mr. Li. The project team can also save tens of millions."

  When Liang Bianyao said this, he paused for a while, and said seriously: "Mr. Li, you have to be prepared. Ruyi's daily sales are 20 million, which is very conspicuous. Maybe it will attract many unkind eyes. ."

  Li Xiuwen nodded lightly, his heart warmed, and the expression on his face became serious.

  20 million a day, 600 million a month, 7.2 billion a year, this is still in the case of no increase in production lines.

  Not to mention Zhushi, even companies in Nanhu Province that can have such a large turnover are rare, and they can all enter the top 30 private enterprises.

  Unlike other large companies that have gradually grown over the past few decades, Li Xiuwen's Warcraft factory has been established for less than a quarter, and its foundation is very shallow.

  He was very grateful for the problem that Liang Bianyao reminded and considered how to solve it.

  That is to grow rapidly and rapidly, become the same big man as those coveted, and have the power to protect themselves.

  It is impossible for him to engage in dining table culture and cling to rights. It is impossible in this life, and he can only rely on himself to maintain a safe appearance.

  Although it is more difficult to do so, and there is no backing in the event, it is not without benefits, that is, it is clean and innocent, and the official transfer or dumping will not be affected.

  "Young people, don't think about it too dark, the atmosphere today is much better than the previous two years. Concentrate on quality, and consumers will give back."

  Liang Bianyao said with a smile: "You can call me if you have something to do. In the industrial field of Nanhu Province, I can still speak a few words."

  Li Xiuwen respectfully accepted Liang Bianyao's business card and said: "Then I'm not welcome, now I have a favor to ask the professor to help."