Sky-Price Trading

Wei Zhang dealt with a few words casually, and after dismissing Director Jiang, he faced Li Xiuwen with a compliment in his eyes.

  "President Li is really young. I think I was planting rice in the fields when I was your age. His biggest dream is to enter the factory and become a glorious employee."

  "I have worked hard for decades and established a BBK supermarket with others, but it is still not as good as you, because Ruyi is so powerful, the world's first commercial brainwave control device."

  "Mr. Wei praised, it's too much."

  Since Ruyi detonated the market, Li Xiuwen has often heard other people's praise recently, and has become a little immune.

  But after hearing Wei Zhang's words, the mood was still excited, and I had to admit that this person's affinity was really strong, it was like a plug-in with a charm aura.

  Wei Zhang was the first successful person Li Xiuwen met. His net worth was calculated in units of billions, and he truly struggled from a farmer to become a rich man.

  Although it is also based on the light of the progress of the times, it cannot be denied that Wei Zhang's own abilities are just like the powerful communication skills he is currently showing.

  It is said that successful businessmen have strong communication skills and can make people willingly hold a low salary and fight with the pie drawn.

  The founder of Ari, Ma Yun, is the best example. When he was poor and white, he asked Cai Chongqing, who graduated with a Ph.D. from Yale University, to join him. The halo of the novel pig's feet was added.

  Li Xiuwen thought to himself, if he stripped off the system and wanted to persuade his classmates to open an electric bicycle factory together, that would be absolutely impossible. It would be good not to be regarded as an MLM.

  However, he quickly got rid of his slightly frustrated mood. Others have top-notch communication and persuasion skills, and he has a system. It is only a matter of time before he surpasses them.

  "Since Mr. Wei came here in person, he must also want to cooperate with me. Have you agreed to the conditions that I asked Wei Jie to bring?"

  Li Xiuwen took the initiative to ask, and he was not as impatient as he faced Han Yu, because if this cooperation can be achieved, it would be very beneficial.

  Moreover, in his opinion, it is also good to find a strong partner, provided that the company's shares are held.

  Secretly, there are many companies that look like golden grains, asking him to deal with the past one by one, and he can't do other things without being exhausted.

  In this case, it is also a best policy to divide some profits and find a stronger partner to face the secret enemy together.

  "Leave aside the sales aspect, the board of BBK believes that Ruyi is very valuable and wants to form alliances to a higher level, such as cross-shareholding."

  Wei Zhang smiled heartily, with a relaxed look on his face, and said slowly.

  "Cross shareholding is impossible, I have never thought about it."

  Li Xiuwen sounded very familiar, and refused without thinking.

  He had heard Han Yu say this an hour ago, and now he heard it again, feeling that the Warcraft Factory has become a sweet pastry, with the fragrance wafting miles away, everyone wants to rush to take a bite.

  [Damn, just took out a brainwave recognition device, and it attracted the attention of all the predators. Fortunately, no more advanced equipment was produced at that time, otherwise it would not be able to end. ]

  The blueprints in the system store are all-encompassing. People on the earth seem to have a lot of black technology blueprints, even if there are many green-level blueprints that exceed the current level of the earth.

  Liu Xiuwen felt a cold sweat on his back, sticky, all frightened.

  Commercial companies such as BBK are pretty good. If a military secret agency or a foreign spy comes in, the company will not be peaceful.

  After being rejected, the smile on Wei Zhang's face still did not dissipate, and he was still very gentle, without the slightest irritation, and the integrity of the business tycoon was fully revealed.

  "Don't be so eager to refuse, let's listen to the offer."

  "No matter how much it is, I will not consider it.

"  "Cash and stock worth 12 billion in exchange for a 20% stake in the Warcraft Factory."


  This is 12 billion. How many people can't earn a fraction of it in their lives. At this moment, it was spoken lightly from Wei Zhang's mouth, like a bomb exploding, creating a strong shock wave.

  Li Xiuwen clearly heard that all the people around him took a few breaths, and the air seemed to smell of money.

  Even he himself swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva fiercely, and his whole body seemed to be burning, very hot.

 ���Li Xiuwen found that his hands were trembling a little, and it was useless to control it hard. It still kept trembling, as if he had Parkinson's disease.

  For a moment, he was about to agree, but in the end he closed his mouth tightly and said nothing.

  In the eyes of outsiders, Li Xiuwen was obviously very excited, trembling all over, and envious.

  If this transaction is completed, Li will become the fastest-growing post-95 generation who can become a new-generation entrepreneurial star comparable to the American husband Wang Sicong.

  Han Yu sighed secretly, and suddenly felt that there was no strength in his body, and a sense of powerlessness filled his whole body.

  The Lida mobile phone chain is also very optimistic about the World of Warcraft factory, and wants to take the opportunity to take this high-speed rail-like express train, but unfortunately can't come up with the capital, far inferior to Backgammon.

  In the face of 12 billion, the share swap proposed by the Lida mobile phone chain is like a play house game, not worth mentioning.

  Director Jiang's eyes were about to go out of his sockets, and he looked at Liu Xiuwen incredulously, filled with regret.

  When regretting the small means of making small loans, UU read the book and didn't show up. He slightly offended Li Xiuwen and left a bad impression.

  Now in the business age, a rich man with tens of billions of capital can influence the regional economy and his influence is no less than that of the mayor, let alone the deputy director of the district office.


  Director Jiang, who was deeply regretful in his heart, tried his best to recall that, apart from not intervening to mediate and maintaining neutrality, he did not stand on the side of the Jinli company to force Li Xiuwen.

  Counting it this way, it's not offending Li Xiuwen at all. As long as you are soft, you might just let go of others and ignore it.

  As a result, Director Jiang was a little bit ready to move, and began to consider how to apologize. Maybe he could take the opportunity to get a relationship and get a promotion with the help of this shareholder's wind.

  Wei Zhang saw Li Xiuwen's cheeks turn red, and his breathing sounded like a bull. He nodded in satisfaction. What he wanted was this shocking effect.

  In fact, when he heard the chairman say this condition this morning, he was surprised for a while, and it took a while to accept it.

  Wei Zhang did not believe that a fledgling college student could refuse such generous terms.

  You know, the market value of BBK is only over 13 billion, and it can be said to be a very risky behavior to be able to make an offer of 12 billion.

  Such a high bid is also very difficult to implement. A huge sum of funds must be raised from the market. If it fails, it will be rejected by the Securities Regulatory Commission.

  However, in the next second, Wei Zhang, who was full of confidence, heard the three words, and he couldn't understand them.

  "Thank you, this condition is really good, but I still disagree."

  Li Xiuwen's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, as if they were shining, he shot firm gazes.