Never Bow Your Head

Han Yu was stunned, his mouth opened wide, his eyes staring at Li Xiuwen blankly.

  Director Jiang couldn't help it any longer, and put his tail finger in his ear, digging it out, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

  We must know that in Wei Zhang's offer, 20% of the shares are obviously still negotiable and can be cut even lower.

  The reason is simple. This is the first quotation, and it includes a certain scope of negotiation, and of course there are details to be discussed.

  It's just that no one thought that Li Xiuwen would not even talk about it and directly rejected the 12 billion offer, which is somewhat unusual.

  12 billion, so many companies in the country do not have that many assets. Even in Wudaokou, the capital of the center of the universe, you can buy 1,200 sets!

  Converted to a 100 yuan bill, the 12 billion bill would weigh more than 130 tons, and it would kill an elephant.

  In the hearts of Han Yu, Director Jiang and others, there are still people in the world who can refuse such a condition, which is totally unreasonable. To be himself, I am afraid that he would not agree with him long ago.

  "Li is always worried that our BBK Group can't get the money?"

  Wei Zhang thought for two seconds, and suddenly realized, as if he understood the reason, he explained immediately.

  "Don't worry, it's true that the group can't take out this money. Everyone can check the group's stock price. But Fujisun and Jingxi, who have recently invested in shares, can definitely take it out."

  Han Yu, Director Jiang and others stopped, nodding their heads, without a trace of doubt on their faces.

  Maybe everyone is worried that Jingxi loses money every year and cannot give out too much cash, but no one suspects that China's most profitable Internet company, Fujisun, has no money.

  Twelve billion is just a drop in the bucket for Fujisun, which has a market value of more than four trillion.

  Moreover, in Wei Zhang's words, an absolutely breaking news was revealed, that is, Fujisun is also optimistic about Ruyi, and originally intended to spend a huge amount of money to become a shareholder of Warcraft Factory.

  It is very likely that Wei Zhang's trip did not come with the opinions of the company, but with Fujisun's decision. He was just an intermediary.

  Thinking about this, Han Yu, Director Jiang and others are more optimistic about Li Xiuwen, thinking that the World of Warcraft Factory is really promising.

  Not to mention, as long as you let Fujixun take a stake, and take advantage of the huge traffic of the social ruler of China Network, Ruyi can easily enter everyone's sight.

  The disclosure of this kind of transaction will definitely attract the attention of hundreds of millions of people, and it is much more useful than any subway or TV advertisement.

  "12 billion is really a lot to say, and I am sure that Fujitsu has investigated in advance and the value of 60 billion for Warcraft Factory is already very high. But I still think that Warcraft Factory is undervalued and underestimated."

  "For nothing else, assuming Ruyi does not expand production, 360,000 units are sold a year, which can achieve a turnover of 7.2 billion. The valuation of 60 billion is not low."

  "But don't forget that the overseas market is larger than the domestic market, and there are more high-end consumers in developed countries. Isn't this an underestimation?"

  Ma Huateng is really cunning and cunning, no wonder the wallets of so many parents of elementary school students are pitted!

  After stopping Li Xiuwen's explanation, everyone realized later that they had been misled by the 12 billion.

  Once Ruyi expands its production several times, its turnover can also be doubled. Of course, the valuation has to be doubled.

  Looking at it from another angle, the proposal that sounds so expensive seems to have become a thief.

  Of course, chicken thieves sound bad, or they can be said to be shrewd and good at finding low-value companies.

  "If President Li is dissatisfied with the price, he can still negotiate. Don't be so anxious to refuse. If you are willing to divide the shares, President Ma can take the time to negotiate with you in person."

  Upon seeing this, Wei Zhang felt that it was time to throw the last hole cards, otherwise this mission would really fail.

  Others were shocked again, even more shocked than they had just heard about the transaction price of 12 billion.

  If Wei Zhang was just a hint before,

Now it is clearly revealed that Ma Huateng values ​​Ruyi or Li Xiuwen very much.  President Ma's status is not something ordinary people can see. He is a business giant who often meets with the Prime Minister. For China Internet, he is like the czar's father.

  Through the many times of China Internet, only another Internet giant with the surname Ma, who established Ali, can compete.

  Is Li Xiuwen the next Zhang Yiming (the founder of Toutiao)?

  Toutiao is already China's largest information flow application, which has overwhelmed Baidu mobile terminal and even has a tendency to replace Baidu.

  Although Baidu has gradually been unable to keep up with the times in the mobile Internet era, it is still dead and barely squeezed into the Big Three.

  The headlines slowly surpassed Baidu, which can be said to be a major event that has changed the pattern of China's Internet. Zhang Yiming's position has also risen sharply and cannot be underestimated.

  "No, I refused it not because of the price. Although 120 is not a lot, I also feel the sincerity of President Ma. But in the end, the reason for my rejection is not this, but the principle of non-diversification of equity."

  Li Xiuwen refused again, showing that he did not dislike the lack of money.

  Today, President Ma is able to take money into stocks, so the day after tomorrow, can others also throw money in?

  Either don't open a hole, or the second and third tycoon who wants to buy shares will be angry: Ma can always come in, but I can't? This is looking down on me, go to war!

  As a result, Li Xiuwen was not sure that the control of Warcraft Factory was always in his hands.

  Then he quickly said: "Let's talk about cooperation. I am very happy to reopen a channel, a physical sales channel that is different from the Internet."

  Eggs can't be put in a basket, UU reading This is a proverb that every Chinese person knows.

  "It's a pity, in fact, if you work together, you will benefit both. Mr. Ma will not snatch your control of the company."

  Wei Zhang sighed deeply, as if he had lost his interest in negotiation and handed over the sales cooperation to his son Wei Jie.

  Li Xiuwen smiled and shook his head slightly, without a look of regret on his face.


  Onlookers such as Han Yu and Director Jiang were all anxious to death, and they wanted to agree to replace Li Xiuwen.

  You refused such a good plan. Do you eat too much brain damage?

  Suddenly, they thought that Zhang Yiming seemed to have rejected Ma Huateng's solicitation when he founded Toutiao.

  It seems that he is truly outstanding, arrogant and free, and he will not easily become a subordinate of a vassal, even if he enters President Ma's command.

  The negotiation on sales this time went smoothly. The conditions proposed by Li Xiuwen for payment first, no miscellaneous expenses, etc., were quickly reached. Backgammon's concession was very obvious and sincere.

  Li Xiuwen was a little surprised, thinking that Wei Jie would bite into the rules of the supermarket chain and stick to it longer.

  The purchase price of large quantities is of course lower than the online sales price, which is not important, and the double increase in sales will quickly make up for this loss.

  Therefore, it is inevitable to increase the Ruyi production line, and it must be completed as soon as possible and in the shortest time.

  The contract of intent has been signed, and the Warcraft Factory will send out the first batch of Ruyi towards BBK in two days. Time is tight.

  Li Xiuwen glanced around and found that Zhao Guangying of Jinli Company had already left, probably because he couldn't bear the burst of news.

  "Mr. Li, your teacher's prosthesis is ready, shall we go to the hospital now?"

  Professor Liang Bianyao brought a few students to the door and said slightly excited.