Hope Shattered

"Ah, Dean? You are here."

  Wei Yunfeng's father recognized the head of the hospital, and a smile appeared on his face, with courtesy to please.

  This is also no way. You can sing any song on which mountain, and you must respect others in other people's places.

  Now that Wei Yunfeng is lying in the hospital bed, he is counting on the doctor to do his best, how dare he offend the hospital director.

  "Stop talking nonsense, you roll up his trouser legs to see if the wound is scabbed. I really hope that the wound is scabbed, otherwise you have to wait a few days before trying the prosthesis."

  Professor Liang Bianyao interrupted Father Wei aloud, with an impatient look on his face.

  In his opinion, time is best spent on research topics. It is okay to spend time on sponsorship. It is unbearable to spend time in polite nonsense.

  "Uncle, this is Professor Liang from Nanhu University, an expert specializing in robotics. This time I brought an advanced prosthetic limb."

  "After the teacher connects it, he can walk like an ordinary person and can carry lightweight things, just like an ordinary person."

  Li Xiuwen hurried forward to explain, highlighting the two words of Nanhu University and professor.

  Sure enough, Wei Yunfeng's father's eyes lit up, and there was a strong hope in his eyes, and his weather-beaten face was full of excitement.

  "Thank you, thank you Professor Liang. His wound has stopped bleeding, the doctor said, as long as there is no big movement, it will be fine."

  Wei Yunfeng's father stretched out his hands and held Liang Bianyao's right hand tightly, grateful.

  The dean, chief physician and others on one side showed an unwilling look on their faces.

  "That's not good. The patient belongs to me, so I should decide the treatment plan, and the prosthesis also needs my permission."

  The attending physician, Dr. Zhang, was furious and couldn't help but say.

  His own rights were violated, and the doctor couldn't stand it anymore.

  Even if the dean and other leaders did not instruct, Dr. Zhang thought it necessary to ask questions.

  No one responded, Professor Liang and others seemed to ignore him, as if they did not exist.

  When Dr. Zhang was about to move further, the dean quietly pulled his white coat and motioned for him to be quiet.

  Doctor Zhang was full of displeasure, ready to wait until Professor Liang failed.

  "Okay, let's start. Liu Mingquan, you help the doctors put on prostheses for this person, be careful."

  "Got it."

  Liu Mingquan responded and opened a rectangular box with a black plastic shell beside his feet.

  A shining, steel-filled prosthetic limb appeared in front of everyone.

  It is composed of light and strong aluminum-magnesium alloys, roughly in the shape of a leg, and does not look particularly delicate, a bit like exoskeleton armor.

  "In order to reduce weight and speed, we did not install the casing and cover the silicone. After all, it is a prototype, so don't be too particular about it."

  Liu Mingquan scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

  The finished prosthesis should be similar to the real leg, so that it is easier for people to accept.

  Otherwise, such a prosthetic limb full of mechanical sense, like always reminding others: Hi! My legs are gone, only a fake prosthesis is left.

  "Don't look down on it! I used epoch-making technology, equipped it with brain wave control modules and lithium batteries, to ensure that it is more powerful than real legs."

  Liu Mingquan saw the young female doctor next to her with disapproval, her face flushed, and she complimented her work unconvinced.

  Originally standing aside, some Wei Zhang, Director Jiang and others who didn't care too much began to face this prosthetic leg.

  It's just that no matter how they look at it, they haven't noticed anything special about the prosthetic leg. Isn't it a weight-bearing prosthetic leg?

  Wei Zhang's eyes swept back and forth, moving from Li Xiuwen to Professor Liang, suddenly as if thinking of something, his eyes widened.

  Then he quietly took out his phone, pointed the camera at the disabled person on the hospital bed, and silently turned on the camera mode.

  [Weird Li Xiuwen is so big, he is not worried about the security crisis at all. It turns out that he has developed a new product that benefits the country and the people in conjunction with the professors of Nanhu University! ]

  There are at least millions of disabled people with amputations across the country. These people lack the necessary labor and are a heavy burden for the country and the family.

  Once they can obtain labor through prosthetics, although they are inferior to ordinary people, it can also make society better.

 ���Wei Zhang turned his head and looked to the left, only to see Li Xiuwen's calm face, he felt that this young man really should not be underestimated and he must pay more attention to it.

  "You made this? It's amazing, much better than the domestic prostheses I have seen."

  The beautiful female doctor smiled slightly, showing her white teeth.

  "Yes... I did it."

  Liu Mingquan felt his heart beat violently and his blood pressure went straight up.

  Suddenly, he couldn't speak well, and he stammered, exposing the fact that he was a single dog without a girlfriend.


  Professor Liang urged that he didn't understand the customs at all, and he didn't care that his students were solving lifelong issues.

  Liu Mingquan obeyed the order habitually, lowered his head and carefully installed the prosthesis.

  During the whole process, Wei Yunfeng remained silent and motionless, like an unconscious vegetative.

  "Hey, after the operation, he has been unable to accept it, so it became like this. Therefore, I hope that the prosthesis is very good and can awaken his mind."

  Wei Yunfeng's father sighed depressed, and said sadly that his eyes became moist.

  The white coats saw all kinds of extreme expressions from their family members. UU reading www.uukanshu.com looked indifferent one by one, and continued to work very indifferently.

  As doctors, let alone such a scene of tears, even if the family members cried bitterly at least once a month, their warm hearts became habitually numb.

  With such a misleading expression, there is a high possibility of a dispute between the family and the doctor. In fact, it is good for both sides to understand each other.

  However, Liu Mingquan was irritated, his eyes turned red, and his hands became more careful.

  After putting on the prosthesis, Wei Yunfeng regained his two legs, which are still the same length and look similar in size.

  Ignoring the metal appearance of the prosthesis a little bit, he is like a good person.

  "Put him on the spectacle frame."

  Professor Liang solemnly ordered.

  "Child, you give instructions in your mind to move the prosthesis."

  "Try it, it's not ordinary. Give instructions to the intact leg as you normally do."

  "If it moves, it is equivalent to a good healthy leg. You are no different from ordinary people."

  Under the guidance of Professor Liang's Chunchun, Wei Yunfeng's eyes moved, a glimmer of hope emerged, and he said in a soft voice, "Really?"

  "True than pearls!"

  Wei Yunfeng frowned slightly and gave instructions to the prosthesis.

  Everyone held their breath subconsciously, and their sights were all on their stationary prostheses, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath.

  More than ten seconds passed, and the prosthesis was lying on the bed, motionless.

  Everyone was disappointed.

  "Haha, I said it a long time ago, this is rubbish, it's useless at all!"

  Doctor Zhang laughed loudly, extremely proud, and felt a bit of suffocation in his chest, which was too painful.