The Dean's Ambition

"Any medical device that is not recognized by the hospital is a substandard product."

  "If you can all understand how to treat patients, wouldn't we doctors who have studied hard for ten years and practiced for four or five years will not work?"

  "Is this prosthetic limb removed? I said it is a pile of rubbish, it is rubbish."

  Hearing Dr. Zhang's endless words, Dean Wang hesitated for a moment with his outstretched hand, but eventually he retracted without dissuading him again.

  Other hospital managers also chose to sit on the sidelines and watch the development of things.

  Although they are not Wei Yunfeng's attending doctors, Professor Liang's refusal to say hello still touched their feelings.

  Prosthetic limbs and even medical equipment can be deep enough, and the price may vary several times or even ten times from foreign imports to domestic ones.

  Foreign products can also be divided into the stupid high-end products of the United States and Germany, and the second-rate products of other countries, and ordinary people do not understand the inside.

  Relying on the asymmetric information, there is enough room for doctors to recommend things to patients' families.

  Everyone does not listen to greetings and decides the treatment plan without authorization. How can their authority be reflected? In the future, whether anyone will listen or not will be a question.

  Regardless of whether you are a professor at Nanhu University or a tutor at North Lake University, you must act according to my will when you arrive at the hospital.

  If it were not for Director Jiang to stand by, these hospital administrators would have already joined the ranks of spraying.

  "Don't quickly remove the garbage prosthesis. If the wound is opened and bleeds and infected with germs, the consequences will be serious!"

  When Dr. Zhang saw that Professor Liang ignored himself, while holding his breath, he pointed the gun at Wei Yunfeng's father and began to intimidate him.

  "Ah? Your consequences are so serious? It's up to the doctor to teach you to take off the prostheses."

  From Wei Yunfeng's father's view, the treatment of the disease naturally depends on the doctor. The professors cannot cure the disease no matter how powerful it is.

  Doctor Zhang smiled triumphantly, and looked at Professor Liang with a triumphant momentum, hoping to see the old man's sullen face.

  It's just that Dr. Zhang failed to achieve his wish, and Professor Liang did not feel any disappointment on his face. He kept his eyes on the patient, without a glance.

  Liu Mingquan was a little panicked under the attention of both eyes, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

  "Don't worry, you see that Wei Yunfeng's intact leg hasn't moved. Maybe he has been lying down for a long time and his muscles are a little uncomfortable. Give him a little more time to look."

  Finally, Professor Liang spoke out and pointed out the reason.

  Liu Mingquan took a closer look and found that it was true.

  Wei Yunfeng kept blinking and wriggling his body, clumsy like a caterpillar that woke up.

  Don't look at the muscles of a person's body with strength and strength, but if you keep a posture for too long, the muscles will gradually stiffen or even shrink.

  Such as unconscious vegetative people, patients with paralyzed bodies, elderly people with inability to move, etc., need nursing workers to turn their bodies and massage their limbs from time to time.

  It's just that Wei Yunfeng is neither vegetative nor paralyzed. For a while, no one thought of giving him a massage.

  "Move, move me!"

  Wei Yunfeng stared, clenched his fists with both hands, his face flushed red, gritted his teeth and roared.


  As the shouts sounded, Wei Yunfeng bounced off the hospital bed several centimeters, and then fell heavily.

  Kakaka, buzzing.

  At this time, the prosthetic limb that had not moved, suddenly lifted more than ten centimeters, and stretched into the air like another intact leg.

  "Haha, I have legs again!"

  Wei Yunfeng was ecstatic and shouted loudly.

  Then he tried new movements, such as moving the ankles, pressing the soles of the feet, and so on.

  The result is very good,

The prosthetic executed the orders meticulously.  "Dad, I can walk again, I am not a useless person!"

  Wei Yunfeng couldn't wait to fall to the ground and stepped barefoot on the cold ground. The familiar and unfamiliar feeling came back to his heart, tears streaming down unconsciously.

  A healthy person can't imagine the pain of losing a limb, the kind of despair that goes deep into the bones, that can knock down 99% of the people in the world.

  This feeling of crawling back to the ground from the abyss caused Wei Yunfeng to put aside all face and cry like a child.

  When everyone saw it, they felt sad, but they also had another feeling of witnessing history.

  Everyone wants to know that in the near future, the disabled, like Wei Yunfeng, will regain valuable mobility.

  Although everyone can see clearly, the movement of the prosthesis is still a bit stiff, and some detailed movements are still not possible.

  Don't even think about the toe-clamping brush, toe-writing, toe-typing, etc. The price of that kind of sophisticated prosthetic is probably worth a high-end car.

  But no one dares to deny the value of this imperfect prosthesis.

  "Doctor Zhang, what else do you have to say now? Be humble and remember what you don't understand."

  Others didn't think of it, but Liu Mingquan couldn't forget what Dr. Zhang had said before, and he was forced to make a fool of himself. So he seized the opportunity, went back ironically, and slapped his face severely.


  Doctor Zhang's face was flushed red, like a monkey's butt, he got into the crowd and slipped away toward the door.


  Happy laughter suddenly sounded in the ward, UU reading was very happy in the air, after all, everyone likes to see others embarrassed and embarrassed.

  The shocked expression on Dean Wang's face did not dissipate, his mouth was so open that it could fit into the goose egg, and he could almost see the red throat.

  Although he hasn't performed surgery for many years, he has a deep understanding of medical equipment. Even the newly invented products of foreign medical companies have a stack of product descriptions on the desk.

  Of course, all of these materials are free, and they are all sent to the table by the medical company, with invitations to Hawaii medical conferences, or exchange intentions with American hospitals by the way.

  These are of course not bribes, but only medical exchange meetings. The location happens to be in the scenic Hawaii or some other scenic spot.

  Dean Wang has seen similar smart prostheses in the United States, but they are still in the state of prototypes, one by one, bulky and unusable.

  There is no one-tenth of the flexibility of this prosthetic limb in front of you. After the disabled wear it, don't want to walk normally.


  Dean Wang didn't even think about it, and immediately rushed to Professor Liang, with deep admiration on his face, begging.

  "Professor, your invention is so great, it can save tens of millions of people with disabilities across the country."

  "Our hospital still has more than a dozen amputation patients. I implore you to save them."

  The doctors at the scene listened to it and waited to pat the thigh immediately and secretly applauded the dean.

  Think about it, this hospital has become the country's only amputee patient recovery center, and its reputation will inevitably resound across the earth, and it will become the most popular prosthetic hospital, and it will not worry about patients at all.

  Even if this name is only temporary, it will inevitably be transferred to the capital in the future, but the reputation and funds earned are not fake.