Yu Bing

Whirring whirring.

  The breathing of Olivia, Zhu Jingfei and others became much thicker, and each of them stared at Li Xiuwen like a hungry wolf.

  "Mr. Li, you are a good opportunity! A perfect opportunity for overtaking on a curve."

  What Zhu Jingfei thought was that in case Ruyi + cars could become popular, the economic pull of Zhushi would definitely be rocket-like, so put down your body and persuade.

  "No, no! The risk is too great, I don't want to incorporate Ruyi into the car."

  Li Xiuwen shook his head repeatedly, as determined as avoiding shit.

  Human thinking is as fast as lightning. If it is applied to a car, a bad one is a car accident.

  After all, there is more than one car on the road, there are other cars, motorcycles that do not follow the rules, pedestrians on zebra crossings, and so on.

  Although a car incorporating Ruyi is an excellent gimmick and can make a lot of money, it is too risky and may capsize.

  Li Xiuwen is now making a lot of money by selling Ruyi, so why bother by himself? Does he show his strength?

  "Mr. Li, you think about it again. The business prospects here are great, and it may make Warcraft Factory a member of the world's top 500 companies."

  Olivia said guiltyly.

  Auto giants such as Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Honda, etc., are all Fortune 500 companies, or top-ranked ones.

  "Well, you have visited enough, the workers don't want production efficiency to be affected."

  Li Xiuwen's determination did not waver at all, but it was a tactful hint that Olivia and others could leave.

  "It's a pity, but I will come again, and will follow the president of Huaxia District."

  Before Olivia left, she regretted that she hadn't given up on it.

  "Thank you to come early, and remember to bring the money for the environmental treatment instrument."

  Li Xiuwen didn't seem to hear the potential meaning, but he never forgot the huge sum of one billion yuan.

  Ruyi, currently selling through online stores, was temporarily held by Alipay, waiting for consumers to confirm receipt. He did not receive a dime, and there was not much money in the company's account.

  If you want to upgrade the system to level 3, you can only count on this huge sum of billions. There is no other way.

  [Perhaps Volkswagen finds that ten environmental treatment instruments are not enough, and they cannot be copied, so they will continue to buy! ]

  Li Xiuwen thought happily, and the depression and disappointment on the faces of the researchers in the Volkswagen Company's laboratory appeared before him.

  Zhu Jingfei, who had already reached the gate, answered a call and turned back.

  "Mr. Li, there is bad news to inform you that the gate of your old factory is blocked by a group of people. I am afraid that there are no less than two hundred people. In this case, the police are dispatched urgently to control the situation."

  Zhu Jingfei had a comfortable smile on his face, as if he refused to propose to Li Xiuwen before, and he did not agree to let Ruyi be integrated into the car.

  "It's so serious. Could it be that Jinli Company got it?"

  Li Xiuwen looked solemn, his face gloomy.

  The first thing he thought of was the revenge of Jinli Company. He was naturally not so happy, and he immediately sank.

  This kind of small loan company can do anything if it goes crazy. Violent reminders are their specialty.

  "I don't know if there is an envoy at the moment, it's pretty good to be able to barely control the situation."

  After Zhu Jingfei let out a sulky breath, he regained his mood and his tone became serious.

  From the top to the bottom of the officialdom, they all hope for a stable character, and do not want other things to break the order and affect their official future.

  The gathering of two hundred people is a big force, to the point where Zhu Jingfei must pay attention.

  "I want to see, who would dare to mess around! It seems that the lesson last time was not serious enough, and there is no one who hurt the Jinli company!"

  A trace of worry flashed across Li Xiuwen's face,

Then said angrily.  There are many ordinary employees in the old factory. They are ordinary people, but they are not as calm as the orcs.

  The thought of the employees would be frightened, an anger began to burn in his chest.

  "Let's go, you can't be missing over there."

  As if he hadn't heard Li Xiuwen's threat to Jinli Company, Zhu Jingfei turned and left.


  When Yu Bing got the news, he was very decisive. After recording the program of eating all over Nanhu the next day, he asked the provincial TV station for a three-day holiday.

  "How did you do it, but now you have to ask for leave, do you want to record the show? You are gone, what about the show?"

  The deputy director in charge of the leisure program stood up from the massage chair, leaned forward, staring at the elegant and elegant Yu Bing.

  After standing up, Jintai's bloated body was exposed, like a pile of fat and meat.

  Especially his eyes, constantly looking towards Yu Bing's pair of towering peaks, as if he wanted to stick his eyes on.

  "Chief Jintai, my daughter is sick and has to be hospitalized. There is really no way. Otherwise, you can ask Xiao Li to go up and take charge for a few days."

  Yu Bing was wearing a white suit, his style was already conservative, and the bag was tight and solid, but he still couldn't hold down the proud mountain.

  She resisted the greasiness in her heart, and said lightly, treating Jintai's green eyes as a bad dog.

  "Also let someone do it, come once a month, I think you, the host, don't want to do it!"

  Jintai reluctantly retracted his gaze, his mouth let out an angry roar, and the sound shook the office.

  Yu Bing pursed his mouth, without saying a word, withstanding the roar.

  "But, I know that your daughter can't walk and often has to go to the hospital. This is barely excusable. It's just that the show still has to be delayed. What about the losses?"

  "If you agree to have a meal with me in the evening, chat or talk or something, it's not a big deal for me to give you a substitute."

  The anger on Jintaichang's face disappeared, as if it had never appeared before, and he said cheerfully.

  One of his fat hands was white and fat, covering the back of Yu Bing's hand, his eyes flashing with desire.

  "Excuse me, I'm going to have dinner with my daughter tonight. I put the leave notice here."

  An anger flashed on Yu Bing's face, he pulled his hand back, and after putting down a piece of paper, he walked towards the opened door without hesitation.

  "Okay, just go! Don't want your salary this week."

  After Chief Jintai gave a threat, his face was not very angry, because such a scene had appeared many times.

  [Humph! I don't believe it, how long can this little girl's skin last! I heard that her husband and Xiaosan are living together, and she will be hungry and thirsty, and sooner or later she will bow her head and beg for mercy. ]

  His body of more than two hundred catties fell back onto the massage chair, squeezing the chair creaky, a trace of lewdness appeared on his round and fat face, he also slapped his mouth and swallowed his saliva back.

  When Yu Bing came outside the office, he received strange gazes from many people, with scorn, disdain, and contempt.

  Regarding these, she took it as a breeze, walking on her own, her high heels stepping on the ground and making a crisp click.

  When he got home, Yu Bing picked up his doll-like daughter from the small wheelchair and gave him a hard kiss.

  "Baby, don't you want to walk by yourself, now we go to a place to fulfill your wish."

  "Mom, is this true?"

  Looking at the hope in her daughter's black jewel-like eyes, Yu Bing's nose was sour, and he nodded vigorously.

  "Where are you two, let's go after lunch."

  An aunt in the kitchen heard the movement and shouted.

  "Mom, we don't want to eat anymore, we have to rush to Zhushi. There is a company that has developed a new prosthetic limb that can make Cici stand up."

  Yu Bing put her daughter back in the wheelchair and pushed her out.

  After driving for more than an hour and arriving at the destination, Yu Bing took his daughter out after taking a deep breath.

  At this time, she found that seven or eighty people had gathered at the gate of the company, about to block the ten-meter-wide iron gate.

  "Sister, you came quite early. It's your husband who is sticking the cane? Where did you hear the news."

  "Haha, a niece of mine works in the hospital, and she told me immediately when she heard the news. You can do it too, I found it here."

  "A classmate of mine who was a civil servant told me that it can provide a kind of brain wave prosthetic, which is quite advanced. Let me come over and replace the old prosthetic hand."


  Yu Bing stood outside the crowd and listened for a short while, and suddenly discovered that these people were similar to him, and they had all rushed over after receiving the news. They were either disabled or disabled.

  Among this group of people, some with missing legs, some with amputated hands, and some lying in bed, all the mixed voices gathered together, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was as lively as a busy city.

  When Yu Bing saw this situation, he was surprised.

  The good news is that so many people have rushed over, and it seems that the brainwave prosthetic limbs are probably real; what is shocking is that so many people are jammed here, if it irritates the company, it would be bad.

  She hasn't forgotten that she and these people have come to seek help, but now she has properly caused trouble, and she is definitely not happy to be the boss of the company.

  What if the boss of this company is unhappy and refuses to provide brain wave prostheses?

  "Thank you, please line up, look neater, don't block other people's company doors! We are not here to make others upset."

  Yu Bing was worried that he would be affected, so he had to stand up and said loudly.

  There was a commotion among the crowd, and a few people thought this suggestion was good, and came out and lined up.

  "Which one are you, how do I need you to control?"

  But most people didn't move, and some even retorted them in an aggressive tone.

  Yu Bing did not go back, but pushed her daughter to the end of the line.

  A middle-aged man in front turned his head and whispered: "Those people are really low-quality, I hope the company boss will not treat us as one of them."

  "Hey, where did I think I saw you."

  After seeing Yu Bing's beautiful face, the middle-aged man's eyes lit up and he slightly frowned to remember.

  "You remembered wrong."

  Yu Bing has long been accustomed to this treatment, and said lightly, looking a little cold.

  "Yes, you are the host who has eaten all over Nanhu!"

  The middle-aged man got excited at once and almost jumped up, if it wasn't for his only one leg.

  Yu Bing ignored this, looking at a group of vehicles coming by.