The Role of Wisdom

"I like the show you host very much. The style is different from other people, and it's slightly alienated, completely different from those hosts who please the audience."

  The middle-aged man's eyes burst into light, chattering with joy, like a middle school student who sees an idol.

  He was immersed in the memory, but he didn't notice the approaching team, and he talked about his affection for Yu Bing.

  "This is your daughter, she looks like a little princess, so cute."

  The middle-aged man extended his gaze and saw the little girl Cici in the wheelchair and praised him.

  "Uncle, why don't you take a wheelchair like me? This saves a lot of effort."

  Cici opened her eyes wide and asked when she looked at the crutch held by the middle-aged man.

  "Haha, because I have an ugly artificial leg."

  The middle-aged man rolled his trouser legs high, exposing the unnatural silicone skin prosthetic limbs, his expression was not reluctant, as if he was used to it.

  "Well, I actually want to stand by myself like my uncle."

  Cici said calmly, showing a smile.

  "Your wish will surely come true, because this company has developed a very powerful prosthetic."

  The middle-aged man nodded vigorously, feeling a hot eye socket, and almost couldn't help crying.

  Having been a disabled person for many years, he knows very well that this group is in a terrible situation. It can be said that they are discriminated against everywhere.

  It's okay for a physically handicapped person like him, barely able to appear in the public environment, it's just a little effort.

  People with disabilities such as Cici who cannot walk on both legs or who are blind are even more troublesome to go out.

  The blind lanes on the sidewalks are just decorations, and the steps are everywhere. The subway bus does not allow guide dogs to board the bus, which creates many difficulties for the disabled.

  Even the middle-aged man himself, even if he can go out alone, is still subject to omniscience invisible discrimination in all aspects. At least few companies are willing to hire him as an employee.

  The prosthetic limb was always fake, rigid and rigid, not as good as the real leg. He was still inconvenient in movement, so when he heard the brainwave prosthetic limb, he ran over from dozens of miles away.

  "Mr. Li is here!"

  In the crowd gathered at the entrance of the factory, I don't know who said something.

  Someone took the lead, others followed, and everyone ran over to surround the convoy.


  "This is what you said, the mayor. There are more than two hundred people blocking the gate? They don't seem to be bothering me."

  Li Xiuwen rolled his eyes and let go of the heart he had been holding.

  Many of the people in that group lack arms and legs, so they are totally different from those who are good at sabotage, and even blind people can't make a mistake.

  The result is obvious, that is, Zhu Jingfei deliberately concealed important information before, trying to scare Li Xiuwen.

  "I don't want face? You first refused in front of Olivia so happily, just find an opportunity to scare you."

  Zhu Jingfei widened his eyes and said very uncomfortably.

  He is very optimistic about the project proposed by Olivia to integrate Ruyi with cars and wants to promote it.

  But when Li Xiuwen refused without hesitation, the Lord Mayor was naturally angry and made this joke.


  Li Xiuwen shook his head slightly, knowing that Zhu Jingfei's character is not rigid, but a little free and easy, and likes to joke.

  Such a mayor is very different from the officials on TV who are full of serious faces and talk in Mandarin. They are almost an outlier in leadership.

  But Li Xiuwen felt that this kind of mayor seemed to be pretty good, at least much better than those who are high-sounding and secretive.

  "Look at these enthusiastic people outside. You really need to deal with them. At least they can't get more and more together."

  Zhu Jingfei pointed towards the car window and looked at the people who kept squeezing by outside.

Secretly shivered.  The madness in these people's eyes was particularly strong, and their faces were distorted with excitement, and they looked so similar to zombies without sane.

  "What the hell did your kid say that caused them to welcome you so warmly? I am a little worried whether they will swallow you after you go out."

  Zhu Jingfei pressed a trace of fear in his heart, and the look in Li Xiuwen's eyes became strange.

  "I didn't say anything, I don't know why they gathered here."

  Li Xiuwen suddenly felt like he was caught in a tide of zombies, and he couldn't come back once he went out.

  After taking a closer look, he found that many of these people were disabled. He probably guessed why they were blocked at the door.

  It is obviously not a good time to get out of the car. The crowd outside seems to be overly excited, it is better to think about how to solve their needs or disperse them.


  The vast majority of people squeezed towards the convoy, but there were few people standing still, and Yu Bing was one of them.

  "Why don't you go there?"

  The middle-aged man's legs and feet are not very convenient, start slowly, fall behind in a short time, and finally choose to give up the plan to squeeze into the crowd.

  He looked back, looked at Yu Bing who was not moving, and asked curiously.

  "I'm here to buy a brainwave prosthetic, not to make friends with this President Li, why should I surround him? Can the person in front be free?"

  Yu Bing's eyes flashed with wisdom, and said leisurely.

  "Yeah, why are you squeezed together."

  The middle-aged man suddenly, like a sheep waking up in a flock, was puzzled by his previous herd behavior.

  Suddenly, a loud voice came from the second car, sounding very young.

  "Don't crowd, don't get in front of the car, please get out of the way."

  "No, I haven't bought a brain wave prosthesis! Let President Li come out and talk."

  Someone shouted loudly, stubbornly blocking the front of the car, not giving way.

  "I'm Mr. Li, you have all been cheated. There is no so-called brain wave prosthesis here, and this product has never been sold. You should just leave and go home early."

  As soon as Li Xiuwen's words fell, the crowd suddenly became agitated, rushing to the car like a tide.

  The one-and-a-half-ton car was squeezed to move, seeming helpless like a boat on the water drifting with the flow.

  "This is your solution? This is killing me."

  Zhu Jingfei shook his hands slightly, but his face was as usual, and he could not see the slightest worry.

  "I can't help it. I can't open this head. If they don't dispel their thoughts, there might be people at the factory's door all year round and there will be no peace."

  Li Xiuwen heard the crackling of the car window glass, then looked at the angry group of people outside and sighed slightly.

  Knowing this would cause such consequences, he would not have caused a lot of trouble by installing a brain wave prosthesis on Wei Yunfeng in the hospital.

  "Well, now it's your turn to persuade them to go."

  Li Xiuwen handed the car's walkie-talkie to Zhu Jingfei, and his eyes showed "a difficult task for you".

  Zhu Jingfei only felt that his eyes were so familiar. It seemed that he was a little bit dumbfounded when he talked to his officials like this.

  But he had to take the walkie-talkie again, because he was the mayor and broke into the excited crowd. These people had to calm down.

  According to the plan discussed in advance, Zhu Jingfei began to speak.

  "Calm down, everyone, I'm Zhu Jingfei, the executive vice mayor of Zhuzhou City!"

  "I know everyone is here for brainwave prostheses. Everyone wants to live and work like ordinary people. It's just that the company here only produces Ruyi, not the so-called brainwave prostheses."

  Zhu Jingfei is bitter, with lotus blossoms, but the effect is not very good.

  "Do not!"

  "Will not."

  "The news I got can never be wrong!"

  A shout erupted from the excited crowd, struggling to believe it.

  The despair in these shouts was so strong that everyone nearby could hear them.

  "It's over, hope is still shattered! I already knew what brain wave prosthesis was not very reliable, but I ran over with the intention of just in case, hey!"

  The middle-aged man shook his face, his eyes twitched a few times, knowingly, and the light in his eyes was much dim.

  Damei Yu Bing's face flashed with disappointment, but after rolling his eyes twice, she quickly regained her hopes, and the corners of her mouth curled up.

  "Don't be disappointed, do you know the effect of Ruyi?"

  "Ruyi? What is this? Is it jade ruyi, an ancient ornament?"

  The middle-aged man looked blank and barely thought of a related knowledge.

  "Check it with your phone."

  Yu Bing curled his mouth in depression, feeling that he was facing a stupid cow, and UU reading no longer had the thought of explaining.

  There are such people who don't do any work beforehand. Don't you know what the World of Warcraft Factory does?

  Zhu Jingfei's voice came out again: "Everyone's eagerness, I can understand and empathize with each other, and I feel uncomfortable at all."

  "I have asked Mr. Li to sell one Ruyi to each of you. You can decide whether to buy it or not."

  Zhu Jingfei is like a roundworm in everyone's stomach, knowing their doubts.

  "Ruyi can recognize everyone's specific brain waves, such as raising hands and feet. So after you buy Ruyi, you can find a way to add it to the electric prosthesis, so that you can get the so-called brain wave prosthesis."

  "If you can't find a mechanical engineer, you can ask the Zhushi Disabled Persons' Federation for help, and the government will arrange engineers to help you."


  The crowd fluctuated violently, like ignited gunpowder, and deflagrated.

  "Ruyi, Ruyi, the name is so nice and easy to remember!"

  "It turns out that this is the so-called brain wave prosthesis, and you have to figure out a solution yourself."

  "It's nice to have a method, what do you want? It's better than the wooden-like prosthesis on my body now."

  At this time, someone inside the factory pushed a cart out, which was filled with palm-sized boxes.

  "I want to buy!"

  "I want to wish too."

  After buying Ruyi, the group of people left contentedly, and the entrance of the factory was empty.

  Li Xiuwen got out of the car, let out a long breath, and then saw Yu Bing pushing the wheelchair.

  For nothing else, she is so eye-catching, as beautiful as a star.

  "President Li, I beg you for one thing."