
Qiao Yi took the two prostheses next to Cici and carefully put them on her, as simple as wearing two high boots.

  Then carefully adjust the bolts to gradually shrink the prosthesis until it fits Cici's leg without leaving any gap.

  Finally, the prosthetic limbs were covered with pale yellow silicone skin, so that at first glance, they looked like real legs.

  "Come on, stand up with your mind, take your time, don't worry if you start to fail."

  "Also, the goal of prosthetic design is to allow you to walk normally, but squatting, running and other exercises are still not good, remember."

  Qiao's face was as plain as water, without any excitement at all, as if he was doing a very small thing.

  "Being able to walk, I already like it."

  Cici was a little uncomfortable with the frame on the bridge of her nose, pushed with her fingers, and finally endured it.

  She glanced at Yu Bing, and when she was affirmed, her two small hands were clenched into fists.


  Cici successfully stood on the ground at once, and then plunged into Yu Bing's arms.

  But everyone can see that her movements are still relatively slow, a bit slower than ordinary children.

  "Mom, I can stand up!"

  "Well, you don't have to be in a wheelchair anymore."

  Yu Bing hugged her daughter, weeped excitedly, and whimpered in a low voice.

  Li Xiuwen was a bit dissatisfied with the performance of the prosthesis, and immediately asked: "Qiao Yi, Teacher Wei Yunfeng also wears this kind of prosthesis, but he walks like ordinary people, but he is not so slow!"

  You know, he said before in front of everyone that Cici should walk like a normal person.

  It's alright now. After putting on the prosthetic leg, Cici is a bit worse than the normal person, making what he said is discounted.

  "Boss, you forgot that Wei Yunfeng still has a good leg. You don't need to alternately command two prosthetic limbs like Cici does. It should be quick to move."

  Joe bowed slightly, with a little tension on his face, and said quickly.

  Since it wasn't the quality of the prosthetic limbs, but the unskilled operation of Cici herself, Li Xiuwen's face cleared up and she was kind a lot.

  "It doesn't matter, the brainwave prosthesis is already very good, I am already very satisfied. Thanks to you, Cici can walk on her own."

  Yu Bing wiped his tears and thanked him sincerely.

  "Thank you Uncle Li, thank you Grandpa Joe."

  Cici followed and thanked Li Xiuwen and Joe, who was serious and looked like an adult.


  When everyone saw it, they all laughed, feeling like a sunny sky.

  Seeing such a small girl sitting in a wheelchair, everyone felt uncomfortable. Now that the problem is basically solved, they are all very happy.

  Cici got out of Yu Bing's arms, walked around her several times, yelling, like the bear kid who got the best toy.

  Yu Bing watched carefully on the side, worries appeared on his face, but in the end he did not stop.

  She knew that she could no longer just grab her daughter, take care of her carefully, and let her go moderately.

  "Mr. Li, the workers in your company are really amazing. They can make such a powerful prosthesis. This time it will probably kill other prosthetic companies."

  Zhu Jingfei stretched out his hand and patted Li Xiuwen's shoulder, and shook his head slightly: "Your kid is too cunning. I thought of this a long time ago and didn't produce brain wave prostheses, right?"

  "Mayor, I can't do anything about it, my conscience is not dark enough, and I don't want to make money for prosthetics from those amputees."

  Li Xiuwen plausibly said: "They only need to buy Ruyi and let the mechanical engineers install it on the prosthetic limbs, which can save money."


  Zhu Jingfei asked in a low voice: "Since you can make prostheses that cover both legs, your workers should also be able to make an exoskeleton that covers the whole body, just like the artificially driven robots that appeared in Avatar?"

  Li Xiuwen was shocked,

Feeling troubled upper body, shook his head quickly.  "It doesn't make sense. Such robots need to be driven by humans. They are far inferior to unmanned robots. There are no casualties. They only need to consume metal, chips and other raw materials."

  On the face of it, it sounds normal and reasonable, without any lie.

  Nowadays, offensive weapons of various countries are extremely powerful. An anti-tank missile can destroy a main battle tank, let alone a robot with a human inside.

  No matter how thick the armor of the robot is, it is impossible to have the thickness of the multi-layer composite armor of the tank, and I am afraid that it will not be able to stop even large-caliber bullets.

  But not suitable for large-scale equipment does not mean it is useless, otherwise the United States will not study soldier exoskeleton equipment.

  The physical strength of the soldier is limited, but the exoskeleton can amplify the strength and endurance, allowing the soldier to carry more ammunition and supplies, which is still very valuable.

  Zhu Jingfei looked at Li Xiuwen with a smile, with no meaning in his eyes.

  "You kid want to fool me? Forget it, anyway, I'm not from the military logistics department, so I don't bother to take care of that much."

  "It's just that I want to remind you that Ruyi's technology can't be spread everywhere, so that foreigners have to go. Be prepared, and soon there will be people from the Ministry of Commerce to inspect and receive them."

  "Don't worry, definitely entertain them."

  Li Xiuwen could only keep nodding his head, and barely patted his chest to ensure that he would never let the technology leak.

  [Dump bird, it seems that you don't want to sell Ruyi abroad in a short time. ]

  Li Xiuwen is not a fool. Of course he could hear the hidden meaning in Zhu Jingfei's words, and he sighed inwardly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com is temporarily unable to earn foreign dollars and euros.

  Zhu Jingfei's secretary came over with a mobile phone in his hand.

  "Okay, I have something to deal with, let's go first."

  "Mayor go slowly."

  Li Xiuwen waved his hand earnestly, and sent it more than ten meters away, but he was a little unhappy in his heart. The way to earn foreign exchange through Ruyi is temporarily unworkable.

  "What is President Li worrying about?"

  In fact, Yu Bing had seen Li Xiuwen's face a little gloomy, but he waited until Zhu Jingfei left before asking.

  "Hey, I originally wanted to sell Ruyi to the United States and Europe, but Mayor Zhu didn't seem to agree, saying that it was necessary to go through inspections. The domestic market is limited, and not everyone is willing to spend 10,000 to buy Ruyi."

  Li Xiuwen was distressed and didn't hide it, so he said it directly.

  Naturally, there is also an element to test Yu Bing's ability, to see if she is as good as she said.

  "I think of a method, it depends on whether President Li is willing to use it."

  Yu Bing thought for a while, a light flashed in his eyes, and said with a faint smile.

  "Tell me."

  Li Xiuwen opened his eyes wide, the surprise on his face was not fake, but real surprise.

  This is less than a minute, and I really thought of a way to break the game.

  "We can't take the initiative to sell Ruyi abroad, so what do they take the initiative to order? No matter what our company, as long as someone buys in the country, it will ship, no matter which country they are from."

  Yu Bing said confidently.


  Li Xiuwen slapped his hands a few times and admitted that Yu Bing's ability is really not weak.

  As long as the foreign merchants are not fools, they will definitely see the value of wishful thinking, and they will definitely be willing to try purchasing agents.