Reverse Purchase

Wushi, a three-star hotel.

  "Oh, damn, why is it so hot before summer? The legend of the stove is really not a lie."

  Matt turned on the air conditioner and after blowing it for a while, he felt better.

  He came to China to purchase goods from the United States, but a few days after coming to Wushi, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

  From food to travel, from pedestrians to language, I felt out of place, as if I had broken into another world.

  Fortunately, Matt's trading company provided sufficient funds, which made him feel that it was worth it to endure.

  [Fak, after this work is completed, I must go to Hawaii for a few days and have a good rest. ]

  Matt opened the mailbox and sent greeting emails to some of the company's main suppliers, contacted the feelings, and urged the delivery as soon as possible.

  Because he felt that Huaxia was simply a prison, and he couldn't go to Facebook or Twitter. It was too inconvenient to connect with friends.


  The phone began to vibrate.

  "Matt, did you know that there is a brain wave device in China, so remember to bring three of them when you return to the United States. No, bring five, it is very popular on the oil pipeline network."

  The sister hurriedly said a big basket, and repeatedly told Matt to remember to bring an electronic device.

  I also repeated the word Ruyi several times.

  "Jesse, what is this Ruyi?"

  Matt used to be a frequent visitor to the oil pipeline network. He often watched some funny and interesting music videos on it. But after coming to China, he couldn't make it anymore. He suddenly felt a bit out of the times.

  This thing called Ruyi sounds like a Chinese pronunciation. For him, an American, it is too weird to remember at all.

  Fortunately, this word is very short, so repeating it twice is almost the same.

  "Oh, I almost forgot that you couldn't get on the oil pipeline network. I have a pity for you. You can search the Internet for Ruyi. Remember to add the word brain wave, don't get confused."

  Jesse's voice came from the phone, with a very pitiful tone.

  "Damn, you still dare to laugh at me like this if you don't want to take any kind of guilt."

  Matt felt a sense of depression in his chest, and his mood suddenly became uncomfortable.

  "Sorry, Matt. But what I said is the truth, you should go back to the United States as soon as possible, Huaxia is not fun at all."

  Jesse hung up after speaking.

  Matt opened the English version of Bing, and after entering Ruyi, a blockbuster result appeared.

  The quality of the search results is relatively poor, full of irrelevant information, many web pages are about a kind of ancient Chinese jade.

  This is definitely not what his sister needs, probably because not many people search in English.

  After adding the brain waves, the result is much better. It is an epoch-making product produced by China.

  After reading the introduction, Matt was half-believing, not so convinced of the search results.

  Brain wave device? Do not make jokes.

  Please, even the American Apple Company has not launched a similar product, but China has produced it?

  There are too many spoof videos on Jesse must have been caught in a trap and treat the spoof as a fact. Don't make too many examples of this.

  Matt sneered. He wanted to close the website and forget what his sister said, but after inadvertently clicking on a short video, he immediately changed his mind.

  "Oh Maiga, I won't use my fingers anymore to play games in the future!"

  Matt watched seven or eight short videos unbelief, and found that the people performing the demonstration were different, and finally realized that he had an oolong.

  Then there is the constant wondering time. The video protagonist does not need to manually operate, but the people in the game are killing him. This scene makes him watch with enthusiasm, and he can't wait to have such a device right away.

  It would be better if Ruyi could be used on PS game consoles!

  Matt doesn't like mobile games too much. It is console games that spend a lot of time. Compared with the console that can connect to dozens of inches of TV, the screen of the mobile phone is too small.

  He originally thought that buying Wutai Ruyi is very simple, as long as you find the online store and swipe the card to buy it, just like many online shoppers in China sit at home to receive the goods.

  "What shit company, only sells two thousand units on the Internet a day!"

  Matt saw the grey buy button and was so angry that he would smash the mouse.

  At this time, he realized that his sister's request was not easy to fulfill.

  This output is not even enough to satisfy China's local market, let alone allow Americans to enjoy the benefits of brainwave manipulation of game characters.

  Is it so dingy to tell my sister that she can't buy Ruyi and make her look down?

  Matt was unwilling, but made a big discovery.

  A BBK supermarket in Wushi ran an advertisement stating that starting from 10 o'clock this morning, there will be two thousand Ruyi units available for sale.

  He took a look at the time, and it was not ten o'clock, which means that sales have not yet started.

  [Let's go there. After returning to the United States, I will search hard about my sister's part-time salary. ]

  Matt suddenly thought of an idea to transfer money, and it was very itchy. Without hesitation, he immediately dialed his sister's phone.

  "You said that Ruyi is very popular with young people?"

  "Of course, otherwise I won't think of you trapped in China, have you bought Ruyi?"

  "Can you count how many university students around you need wishful thinking? I will buy a batch from Huaxia and make a little money."

  "The profit is five to five cents!"

  In the end, Matt took up 70% of the profits of future transactions on the grounds that the supply was tight, and only he could get them.

  Little vampire!

  Matt complained bitterly, thinking that he was really unlucky, to have such a greedy sister who is not cute at all.

  Backgammon supermarket.

  There is a brand new counter at the electrical counter, dedicated to selling Ruyi.

  A young female salesperson stood behind the counter with a professional smile on her face.

  "Come on one hundred Ruyi!"

  Matt had good luck, there were only three or four people in front, and it was his turn soon.

  One million renminbi is only more than one hundred thousand dollars converted into U.S. dollars, and Matt collects all of them from various credit cards.

  It is very convenient for Americans who have a legitimate job to borrow money.

  "What, you want a hundred?"

  The salesman's face was a bit shocked. The previous customers had only bought two at most, but Matt asked for a hundred at one go, which was a lot.

  "Yes, give me a box to put it up."

  Matt was very refreshed, and said lightly.

  If it weren't for the credit card can only borrow so much, he would like to buy 300 units in one go.

  Because of the classmates around my sister, more than 300 people expressed their willingness to add 500 dollars to buy Ruyi.

  After all, the price of more than 1,000 yuan is not expensive for Americans, just swiping a credit card.

  "OK, just a second."

  After Matt got Ruyi, he immediately came to FedEx.

  After paying high freight, he let Ruyi board the plane and arrive in the United States late tonight.


  In the morning of the next day, Matt received the profit from this purchase, a full 35,000 US dollars! More than his four-month salary.

  After seeing the extra profit on the account, Matt's eyes immediately turned red. After taking care of the work casually, all his thoughts were on purchasing Ruyi.

  After borrowing money from his parents, partnering with his sister, maxing out credit cards, etc., UU read www. Matt has a huge sum of money for the first time: one million dollars.

  After the money was transferred to Huaxia's domestic account, it was automatically exchanged for RMB, so Matt didn't bother at all.

  It was still a BBK supermarket, and Matt found that there were a lot more people in front, more than ten people.

  You must know that he came very early, there is still half an hour before the start of the sale, but he still didn't get to the top.

  [Trouble, more and more Huaxia people want to buy Ruyi! ]

  Matt looked sad and felt that his business was about to go nowhere.

  If the person at the top buys Ruyi in large quantities, he will not be able to buy it.

  "Six hundred and fifty Ruyi, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

  Matt didn't want to observe the shock on the salesman's face this time, and kept urging.

  The timing is precious, and he must make enough profits before others find out the way.

  If you wait for the giant crocodiles to enter the market, or after Ruyi sells to the United States, you can no longer make money so easily.


  Another day passed, when Matt, who had made a lot of money, rushed to the counter, he suddenly realized that the line had reached more than 30 people.

  That's fine. After a few normal customers bought Ruyi and left, a middle-aged man bought 1,000 units in one go and bought half of the inventory.


  Matt knew immediately that he had met a colleague, cursed, and a heart had been raised.

  However, things slid towards the worst. When it was the eleventh customer's turn, all the Ruyis were sold and none of them were sold.


  Matt is heartbroken, he can no longer easily earn money on purchasing agents.

  In terms of local advantages, he is not the opponent of the local snake and cattle at all, don't think of buying Ruyi on the counter.