Double Happiness

No, this money-making agent can't give up!

  Matt, who had tasted the sweetness for the first time, suddenly had an idea, and acted immediately, unambiguously, and executed the force.

  He quickly stepped forward and caught up with the man-the young Chinese man who bought the last 125 Ruyi.

  "Hello, I want to buy yours, Ruyi."

  Matt was worried that this person could not understand English, so he had to express his intentions intermittently in crappy Chinese.

  Fake, why didn't you study Chinese seriously when you were studying Chinese at a community college? I also blame this language for being too difficult to learn.

  Matt began to regret in his heart, but he quickly shifted the blame to Chinese itself.

  It is not me who is wrong, but the world.

  In this way, Matt's mood is much better and not so uncomfortable.

  "How much do you want to buy? There are discounts for more than ten units."

  The young scalper was slightly surprised, and then began his own work, showing his professional qualities.

  Anyway, it's all about reselling at an increase. As long as the profit is high, it can be sold to anyone, and there is no problem with the gringe.

  "I want all of you, one hundred and twenty-five, and each one will give you two hundred more."

  Matt speaks very loudly and wants to take all his wishes.

  "Hehe, you don't understand the market at all. The price is too low, so I might as well sell it to others."

  The young scalper smiled contemptuously, looking at Matt like a mentally retarded.

  "Then how much do you want to add?"

  Matt held back the breath, his eyes began to show a trace of unkindness.

  "Two thousand yuan."


  An anger rose in Matt's chest, and this local counterpart in China was too greedy.

  Two thousand is equivalent to more than three hundred U.S. dollars, but when I arrived half an hour earlier, I had to add so much price to each Ruyi! I only increased the price by five hundred dollars.

  There is no doubt that if the three hundred dollars are added to Ruyi, it will increase too much risk. Not everyone is willing to spend eight hundred dollars more.

  "Well, do what you said."

  Matt tried to bargain, but the scalper's attitude was very firm and the price did not drop at all.

  In the end, Matt succumbed and paid more for one hundred and twenty-five Ruyi.

  Because he believes that after buying these goods, assuming that he does not increase the price, he can still make more than one hundred dollars.

  It would be even better if consumers in the US could accept the price increase.

  "Tomorrow I should buy a batch of Ruyi. Call me if you want."

  The scalper left his mobile phone number with a big smile and left happily.

  Matt sighed and rushed to FedEx with all his wish.

  It's just that Matt didn't expect that FedEx quickly gave him a stick, which made him dizzy.

  "Sorry, we cannot provide you with express delivery services, because we have received a notice from the postal administration that Ruyi cannot express delivery to foreign countries."

  "Fak, Coordination, these are all unreasonable orders! There was no one yesterday, but it will come out today."

  Matt opened his mouth and spit out a bunch of curses, his face turned red with excitement, wishing to choose someone to eat.

  This is a very decisive way to cut people and money. The hatred is so great that it is not shared.

  These losing moves attracted the attention of people nearby, but he didn't care and continued to spit out a series of swear words.

  After a few minutes, Matt felt dry and thirsty. When he couldn't wait to drink a bottle of water, he finally stopped.

  "No, I'm going to the U.S. Consulate for help."


  After explaining the situation, Matt looked expectantly at his country's diplomat.

  "I think this prohibition of express delivery is against the spirit of free trade and is illegal."

  "Yes, I think so too.

Therefore, I will report this situation to the Consul General and ask China Xia to stop unreasonable practices. "  "How long does this process take? Can it be faster."

  When Matt heard this, he stretched his brows and asked expectantly.

  Time is tight, the simple way to make money by reselling Ruyi cannot be kept secret for long.

  You know that there are many Americans who come to China, and these are his potential competitors.

  "Well, in about a week, we will be able to get an accurate official response from Huaxia."

  The American diplomat spoke plainly, reached out his hand to pick up the donut in the paper cup on the table, and took a bite.


  Matt almost vomited a mouthful of blood, his heart was hit, and he cursed the damn bureaucracy.


  The old factory area of ​​the Warcraft factory.

  Li Xiuwen looked at the sales statistics of the last two days with a smile on his face.

  Since BBK launched its channels, Ruyi's daily sales have soared several times, and the company's daily cash flow has finally dried up on its accounts.

  Yu Bing, who had just jumped from the provincial TV station, also made a lot of credit.

  After she mobilized her classmates in the United States and uploaded videos to the oil pipeline network, Ruyi's sales have experienced a huge increase.

  Every day there are hundreds of Ruyi left, sold out directly, and no one left.

  On the company's phone calls, foreigners began to call for inquiries, and the number of intended orders continued to increase.

  Although the company refuses to cooperate with these foreigners or accept their visits, Ruyi's sales are increasing every day.

  For this reason, Li Xiuwen also specially increased production lines and increased output.

  "Wait another two days, there will be 400 million on the account, then the system will be upgraded."

  Li Xiuwen looked expectant, looking at the increasing numbers on the account, he was so excited that his heart began to agitate.

  Should I wait a few more days? If most of the cash in the account is consumed at once, UU reading is not normal. And it's hard to explain how the money was spent.

  Of course, the entire company is Li Xiuwen's wholly-owned company, and he alone has the final say on how to use the funds, but the reason is really hard to compose.

  "Mr. Li, the situation is a bit bad. A friend of mine in the provincial postal company said that Ruyi cannot be sent to foreign countries through any international express company."

  After Yu Bing knocked on the door, he walked in.

  "No, aren't the officials procrastinating, so they act so fast this time?"

  Li Xiuwen opened his mouth wide in surprise, wondering if he was dreaming. When did their efficiency become so high, could someone whip them?

  "Probably the order above."

  Yu Bing had an expression that she could see through. She saw this situation a lot on TV.

  Normal things are dealt with slowly, and the above explanation is expedited and then expedited, just to try to make a good impression on the leadership.

  As if seeing Li Xiuwen's concern, Yu Bing went on to say: "Don't worry, as long as you make money, those foreigners will definitely find a way to ship Ruyi out of China. Just like the parallel-imported Samsung and Apple mobile phones that were very popular in the past few years. ."

  Li Xiuwen nodded, remembering this, it was indeed like that.


  Assistant Wang Ying came in, took a look at Yu Bing, and said, "Mr. Li, a group of Volkswagen companies will arrive soon. What preparations do you have to do?"

  Li Xiuwen's face was happy, which is a good thing.

  Originally, he was worried that the liquidity in the company's account was not enough, and now he came to the money giver. It was so timely.

  "Well, wait for you and Yu Bing to follow behind me to greet the people from Volkswagen."