Thick Chicken Soup

Zhou Liqi walked in front to lead the way, Li Xiuwen followed, her eyes slowly falling on her two long legs.

  Although enveloped in blue and white jeans, Zhou Liqi's two legs are still full of true colors, long and straight, very attractive.

  Even Li Xiuwen couldn't help but glanced a few more times, and he didn't even hear the first sentence of the Dean Mei Shizhong.

  "Student Li Xiuwen came right in time. Give a speech to your classmates, so that there are more successful entrepreneurs like you."

  Mei Shizhong's old face almost burst into laughter, and his tone was even more kind, without the dean's airs.

  "Where and where, my classmates and I were all cultivated by the school, and we will always remember the lessons we learned from our teachers during our studies in the college."

  Li Xiuwen made a few polite sentences, and behaved very well in line with the standard-after success, he did not forget his alma mater and was grateful.

  In fact, everyone knows that those successful entrepreneurs rely more on their own talents and luck, but if they don't say this, they will look like a white-eyed wolf and their character will be questioned.

  "Haha, the school is also proud of you."

  Mei Shizhong's eyes were narrowed with a smile, and she was extremely satisfied, and she felt much better for Li Xiuwen.

  Suddenly, the two of you blowing and I blowing, the atmosphere became very harmonious.

  Before the contact, Mei Shizhong was worried that the young and successful Li Xiuwen would be arrogant and difficult to deal with, so I can rest assured now.

  He even felt that Li Xiuwen's communication skills were better than most graduate students in this school.

  "Hello Dean, Li Xiuwen, go in quickly. The students can't wait to listen to your speech."

  Zhou Liqi opened the back door and hurried out of the auditorium, when a strong noise came out.

  "Go in, today's protagonist is you."

  As if encouraging, Mei Shizhong patted Li Xiuwen's right shoulder twice.


  Li Xiuwen took a deep breath, calming down his nervousness.

  In the face of thousands of people giving speeches, he didn't have the slightest experience, and the most was that he was called to the podium to answer questions during class.

  Slowly and step by step into the auditorium, Li Xiuwen felt that his legs were a little unwilling, and he had to use a lot of strength to drive him.

  [Haha, he is so nervous that his legs are stiff. ]

  Zhou Liqi looked at Li Xiuwen's back, as if she had discovered a funny thing, with a smile on her mouth.

  Li Xiuwen didn't know that someone was arranging him. Standing in front of the sensor microphone and being watched by thousands of pairs of eyes, he felt like he was on fire.

  "He is Li Xiuwen?"

  "No, Ruyi was launched by his company?"

  "There is no doubt, he is the richest person among our graduates."

  The crowded heads seem to be boundless. Everyone speaks a little softly, but it mixes up like a loud noise.


  The whispers of thousands of people, mixed together, formed a huge wave, rushing towards the platform.

  Li Xiuwen felt like he was caught in the sea, breathing hard, and his throat seemed to be blocked by walnuts, and he couldn't make a sound.

  Keke, Keke.

  Suddenly, Li Xiuwen remembered that the leaders like to cough twice before speaking. Is it just to cope with the current situation?

  So he also tried.

  The result was very good. The number of speakers gradually decreased, and finally the whole auditorium was generally quiet.

  "Students, you all know the wish, please raise your hand if you buy it."

  Li Xiuwen crumpled the printing paper full of handwriting into a ball, stuffed it into his pocket, and gave up the format manuscript downloaded from the Internet.

  Among the thousands of listeners, only 30 or 40 people raised their arms.

The sparsely looked very pitiful, like a stunted bean sprout.  "Do you want a Ruyi?"

  Li Xiuwen said loudly, almost a roar, and what came out of the sound system was a roar.


  The desperate desire rushed towards Li Xiuwen like a tsunami.

  "It just so happens that I brought five hundred Ruyi units, and I will start the lottery later! About two people, one of them wins, are you satisfied?"


  Everyone was convinced, and they were all shocked by Li Xiuwen's big handwork, and all of them were overjoyed.

  The selling price of 500 Ruyi is as high as 5 million, but I have a one-half chance of getting it. How unhappy and excited.

  They are all young people, the most receptive, and they like early adopters the most, and they have longed for Ruyi for a long time.

  Li Xiuwen waited for a while, and waited for the audience to quiet down spontaneously, then said: "I was also surprised. Yesterday I received a call from the school leader asking me to talk about entrepreneurship.

  In fact, I think everyone should be more cautious when determined to start a business, and plan to lose everything! Because it is so difficult, only a few people succeed in starting a business.

  Take me as an example. If it weren't for luck and hired a few real R&D engineers, I would probably only be able to carry a few million in debt at this time, and I would be out of breath..."

  In Li Xiuwen's speech, his entrepreneurial process was as difficult as a wonderful novel, and he could directly make a TV series.

  The students who hadn't been involved in the world were fascinated, and their faces flushed, as if they had taken the role of Li Xiuwen who was facing the challenge.

  "Well, I'm finished, and the draw will begin immediately."

  Li Xiuwen let out a long sigh, his mouth was so dry that he couldn't wait to drink two bottles of 500ml of mineral water in one sip.

  But seeing those students who were intoxicated in the story, a strong refreshment rose in their hearts: you all obediently drink the chicken soup I prepared.

  At this time, Li Xiuwen had a little understanding of why Ma Yun, Liu Qiangdong, Wang Jianlin and other big men like to speak surprisingly, and some golden sentences pop out from time to time.

  Such as "repent to create Ali", "I am blind, I don't know that the milk tea girl looks good", "set a small goal and earn 100 million yuan a year."

  When the big guys said these amazing words, they were probably in the same mood as he is now. They smiled and saw the audience substituting in, bowing down to their own successful experience, and taking themselves as the goal of their struggle.

  This is also a kind of pretense, it's still a very deep invisible force, the feedback you get is cool and don't want it.

  The lottery begins.

  The orc who was as strong as a bear worked hard, entered the seat number into the lottery pool, and presided over the whole lottery.

  It is precisely because of him as a deterrent that the students who are not yet under his shoulders are very rule-abiding and safe.

  At this time, Li Xiuwen left the hall of the auditorium and came to a small conference room. He saw the school leaders such as Dean Mei Shizhong and Principal Lu.

  "Student Li Xiuwen, what you said just now is really good. I was always careful that all the students would learn from you, and they would run into entrepreneurship with a hot mind."

  Principal Lu held his gray hair, his gentle eyes shot out from behind his glasses, and he nodded slightly in approval.

  "Because I'm starting a business, I know that there are too many difficulties, and I can't do it without preparation."

  Li Xiuwen said positively, and also expressed that he would donate 10 million to the school as funds for the purchase of books and top publications.

  "Good, good!"

  Principal Lu said a good word in succession.