Negative Comment Attack

Back at the company, Li Xiuwen checked the Internet and found that the school posted the video of his speech on the Internet, which attracted the attention of many netizens.

  Most of these netizens are from Zhuzhou City and nearby cities, and have a little impression of Nanhu University of Technology, and they come in curiously to watch the video.

  "Wow, this man named Li Xiuwen is so generous, he makes five million in one shot."

  "It seems that the University of Technology is going to stand up. With such a powerful student, the school leaders must have smiled and cocked their mouths."

  "I've been hearing how Ruyi is so good. It seems to be quite useful now, but I can't buy it if I want to. Mr. Li, you should produce more."

  "I caught another guy who pretended to be forceful. If he has the ability, don't drink chicken soup, just talk about the fundamental secret of success?"

  "Yes, I hate this kind of people who blow their own success history the most."


  Li Xiuwen browsed these praise and derogatory comments, and his mood fluctuated, sometimes smiling and sometimes gritting his teeth.

  "Don't let me know your names, otherwise you will all be put on the blacklist and you will never be able to buy the products I launched."

  Li Xiuwen was anxious and said a word of revenge.

  He is not a man of high morals, and he is let go of comments that slander him as a breeze, but it is a bit difficult to realize his ideas.

  Because no one is willing to take out his ID card to verify his identity when buying electronic products. Even Apple, the dominant player in the mobile phone industry, did not require customers to prove their identity.

  If one day, the products launched by the Warcraft Factory are irreplaceable like high-speed rail tickets and plane tickets, and are related to public safety, they will probably be able to require consumers to show their ID cards.


  Yu Bing pushed open the door vigorously and rushed in. His face was full of anxiety and worry, and he eagerly said to Li Xiuwen: "Mr. Li, it's not good!

  A video appeared on the Internet, saying that a customer who used Ruyi suddenly fainted and was taken to an emergency hospital by his family.

  I contacted the consumer who fainted and wanted to know more about it and take measures according to the situation, but he was scolded by his family. He was very unreasonable and said he would call the police. "

  Based on the information provided by Yu Bing, Li Xiuwen quickly found the video on the video website.

  A young man dressed in a checkered pattern seems to be an anchor, broadcasting the game to the fans.

  He wears a frame on the bridge of his nose and uses Ruyi to play games, and everything looks normal.

  After more than ten seconds, the person slid from the chair to the ground, and the game character lost control and motionless.

  Then, a middle-aged aunt rushed in, took a look and immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed 120.

  The video came to an abrupt end here.

  Below this video, there was a blockbuster of fear and abuse.

  "Wocao, I didn't expect Ruyi to be so harmful. Fortunately, I didn't buy it. Otherwise, I might be unconscious like the anchor who fell to the ground."

  "Junk World of Warcraft factory, the product launched did not go through detailed inspection, which caused consumers to coma. I have entered 315 to report."

  "I also reported it, rubbish, go bankrupt soon!"

  The few neutral comments that it is best to wait for the investigation before thinking that the facts are not clear are overwhelmed by negative comments like waves.

  "You can't determine the cause based on a single video, so wait until the appraisal agency gives the result."

  "Go away, the man upstairs took a few cents from the Warcraft Factory and helped such unscrupulous businessmen to speak."

  "Hey, it must be the WoW Factory that sees the situation badly. It has hired a large number of naval forces to bury the truth, but the people's eyes are sharp."


  These clamors, coupled with the pictures of the victims after they were hospitalized, aroused a lot of anger and crusades from passersby.

  Even if these passers-by have not bought Ruyi,

But their hatred for inferior products is deeply rooted, and they are afraid of becoming the next victim.  Since then, the online crusade against the Warcraft Factory and Ruyi has become more and more vigorous, and the curse has increased.

  "What are we going to do now, Mr. Li? I am worried that if we continue to develop, the Internet is full of curses against our company, and Ruyi has become synonymous with inferior products.

  After the incident, our products may be temporarily banned from sale, waiting for the inspection by the quality supervision department, and the consequences will be disastrous. "

  Yu Bing instinctively felt that the situation was not right. This time the negative video spread too fast and too violently, and she did not believe that there was no black hand behind the scenes.

  Yu Bing has seen this situation many times when he was on Nanhu TV, and the stars launched by Nanhu TV have also suffered discredit from competitors.

  Only by relying on Nanhu Station's deep roots in the TV and entertainment circles, it will always be able to quickly eliminate the smearing public opinion siege, but the Warcraft Factory does not have that ability.

  Yu Bing sighed deeply, and then realized the importance of the platform.

  She has contacted some public relations companies and wanted to use them to suppress those negative comments.

  It's a pity that I don't know what happened. Those companies shook their heads and refused to take up this task, even if they raised their funds.

  These public relations companies all recognize money but not people, and the indifference shown now makes Yu Bing dare not think about it. There is a kind of fear in his heart, I am afraid that the Warcraft Factory is caught in a great vortex.

  "Don't panic, you've also noticed something is wrong. To shoot a man, you must shoot a horse first. When a snake is attacked, you have to hit seven inches. You have to find the person behind the scenes."

  Li Xiuwen can't guarantee that Ruyi is 100% safe. UU reads, but look at this frenzy of black and dirty Warcraft factories that spread to the entire network in just a few hours.

  As long as people who are not blind know that things will not be that simple, there must be certain forces behind the scenes.

  When netizens believe that wishful thinking is harmful to health, such negative opinions are preconceived, it is futile for Li Xiuwen to mobilize the navy to clean up.

��� The black hand only needs to guide the netizens to continue to anger and send out a flood of public opinion. It takes a small amount of effort to follow the trend.

  However, the Warcraft Factory needs to spend ten times the effort, and it may not be able to resist the overwhelming criticism, and it may be consumed alive.

  "Then how can I find the man behind the scenes?"

  Yu Bing looked at Li Xiuwen in wonder, she couldn't think of a way, but she looked at Li Xiuwen's face with indifferent and confident appearance, obviously not comforting herself.

  "Zhang Yi, can you find the man behind the scenes through the Internet."

  Li Xiuwen tilted his head and said to a pale man sitting at the computer desk in the corner.

  "No problem, anyone who is active on the Internet will leave traces, even if they go through multiple springboards to cover up their whereabouts."

  Zhang Yi's hands crackled on the keyboard, so fast that he couldn't see his fingers, as if each hand had ten fingers.

  Yu Bing was surprised to see, this kind of hand speed, this kind of intensive keyboard percussion, she had never seen it before.

  On Zhang Yi's computer screen, line by line of code flashed, dazzlingly fast.

  Ding dong.

  "I found it! After excluding ordinary netizens, I found the 25 IP sources that kept leading the public to anger, all located at No. 11, Anmin Street, Modu."

  Zhang Yi stopped typing on the keyboard and reported the results.