Fight to the End

Zhang Yi's voice fell, and the office seemed to come to life again, and the whole atmosphere became relaxed, not as tense as before.

  Those "revealing" posts that stimulate and guide the emotions of netizens all come from one location, and they are most likely a group of naval forces who take money to do things.

  If this fact is exposed, everyone will see that there is a problem, and they will wonder if they have been cheated.

  At that time, netizens who feel fooled will have a 180-degree reversal in their emotions, and will double their words scolding the Warcraft Factory.

  The shock on Yu Bing's face did not dissipate for a long time, his eyes were wide, and an egg could be put in his mouth. He looked at Zhang Yi and said, "Mr. Li, you also hired a super hacker!

  Now as long as we publish this discovery, the black hand behind the scenes will definitely be taken aback, and will temporarily stop the action, we have the opportunity to fight a beautiful counterattack. "

  A smile appeared on Yu Bing's face, as if he had seen the scene of the failure of the black hands behind the scenes.

  "Zhang Yi, can you find anything from the computers of these navy soldiers? Check if they have contact with the person who entered the hospital."

  Li Xiuwen was still dissatisfied, and wanted to dig deeper and even find the identity of the man behind the scenes.

  This level of counterattack is nothing more than exposing a navy public relations team and asking them to visit the detention center for half a month.

  For the real enemy, it is just a loss of money, and the foundation will not be shaken.

  It won't be long before the intact behind-the-scenes man puts out a sum of money, and can cause a good quality accident! Let the Warcraft Factory exhausted, most of the time is spent fighting negative public opinion.

  Click, click.

  Zhang Yi's hands quickly knocked on the keyboard for a while, and installed the new-style Trojan horse on the computer of the Navy.

  The free and simple defense software on the computer does not respond at all to the new Trojan horse, just as the current drone detection cannot be found in the cold weapon era.

  The Trojan was started silently, searching and copying useful information in the computer disk.

  "No useful information was found. These computers are clean and seem to have been processed without important information."

  Zhang Yi held the mouse in his right hand and quickly clicked, and quickly browsed through these computer disks.

  "By the way, I hacked into their mailbox and found some interesting information."

  "let me see."

  Li Xiuwen's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to move his head over.

  The content of these mails sent from foreign countries is not complicated. They are all asking the navy to be dispatched to attack designated people or companies.

  A recent e-mail staggeredly read "Attack the Warcraft Factory and Ruyi, and drown all praise with negative comments."

  "Hahaha, now the evidence is solid, we will be able to turn over soon!"

  Yu Bing read these emails and waved a small fist excitedly, as if he had won a great battle.

  Then she turned to Li Xiuwen and said, "Mr. Li, when will we release the evidence? The scolding on us on the Internet is already very serious. Many of our customer service sisters have been scolded and crying, and they are so emotionally broken that they don't want to answer the phone."

  In order to avoid suspicion, Yu Bing did not close the door when he came in, so he could see the staff office area outside from the general manager's office.

  The situation outside is very bad. It can be said to be a turbulent situation. The employees are not focused on their work, and they look at the general manager's office from time to time, with panic eyes.

  For them, the salary provided by the Warcraft Factory exceeds the average salary in Zhuzhou, and they are very worried about losing this excellent job.

  Li Xiuwen's gaze swept outside, and the employees bowed their heads to avoid him, making his gaze look like a laser, sweeping everyone to death.

  "You first post a message on the official website and on the official microblog certified by Weibo, saying that we will wait for the quality inspection center to test the results of the ruyi that caused people to coma.

"  Li Xiuwen stood up from the chair, his eyes shot sharp: "I took someone to visit the comatose consumer, Zhang Yi and the people went to the magic city, copied the navy's lair, and forced to ask the instigator behind the scenes.

  What I need is not just to fight back, but to dig out the messengers behind the scenes and send them to prison! But it's not just as simple as losing a little money. "

  Looking at Li Xiuwen's back, Yu Bing was shocked by his sonorous words, and his face was flushed with excitement.

  How long hasn't she heard such masculine words?

  The ex-husband and even the leaders of the provincial TV station, as well as the so-called little fresh meat, are either feminine or greasy, and they don't have the temperament of a normal man.

  "Why don't you send a message?"

  Li Xiuwen looked at Yu Bing, who was standing still, slightly wondering.

  "I'm going now."

  Yu Bing sipped himself secretly, and walked out of the office with a slightly feverish face.


  The second public hospital in Wu City, capital of Beihu Province.

  In this separate ward, Zou Xiaolong and his mother were the only ones. The door of the room was still locked by them. People outside had to knock on the door if they wanted to come in.

  "Son, is there any risk in doing this? If the hospital finds that you are not sick, will they tell others?

  I also heard that UU reading www. So what Warcraft company is very rich, if it is going to be against us, how can we protect ourselves? "

  Mother Zou looked at Zou Long who was lying on the hospital bed with a little worry in her eyes, and asked worriedly.


  Zou Xiaolong's game character let out a scream and died.

  "It's okay. The human brain is very complicated, and many diseases can't figure out why they happen. Doctors are very cautious, and it is absolutely impossible to rule out the possibility of Ruyi triggering a coma.

  Besides, there are people behind us. They are jealous of the speed at which the Warcraft Factory makes money, and they will come from behind, and they will arrange it. "

  Zou Xiaolong explained impatiently that it was the third time, and he still couldn't let go of it. He always felt that it was risky.

  So he didn't expect persuasion at all, as long as she was at ease.

  When Zou Xiaolong wanted to play another game, the elderly phone on the bedside table called.

  "Li Xiuwen of the Warcraft Factory has come to Wushi, and he will visit you soon, and a reporter will follow. You know how to do it, be honest, don't use too much force."

  A male voice that sounded very magnetic said.

  "Got it."

  Zou Xiaolong put down the old man machine, which had been in use for only two days, and asked his mother to open the door.

  "Wait you don't talk, just pretend to be very angry, remember."

  Mother Zou nodded vigorously.

  Before long, a commotion of footsteps came in from the corridor outside.

  "President Li, this is Zou Xiaolong's ward."

  The voice of Vice President Wu of the hospital reached Zou Xiaolong's ears.

  "Thank you, Dean Wu, I really trouble you, how is Zou Xiaolong's health?"

  Li Xiuwen asked.