Opening up a New Battlefield

After Wang Ying sent away Thomas and his party with gloomy water dripping on their faces, they returned to her office-the place next to the general manager's office.

  She was going to sit down and start to handle the company's chores, but she inadvertently looked in the office and saw Li Xiuwen's contemplative face, so she walked in.

  "President Li, what should we do if North America prohibits Ruyi sales?"

  "Cold salad, other countries together can't beat the United States. Naturally, our company can't ask the United States to do anything, right?"

  Li Xiuwen said lightly, as if talking about a trivial matter, just like choosing Golden Arch or KFC for lunch.


  Wang Ying's eyes opened wide and she was very surprised: So it doesn't matter if you don't enter the North American market. You really intend to give up such a big market.

  "Don't look at me in such a shock, do you still think I can't bring down America? Haha."

  Li Xiuwen found Wang Ying's surprised appearance, very interesting, with big eyes and open mouth, like a surprised character in a comic.


  Wang Ying turned her head and left, wishing that this guy would be single for a lifetime, and even make fun of a beauty like herself!

  Li Xiuwen watched Wang Ying walk out of the office with a twist, keeping his eyes on the round buttocks wrapped under the skirt for a few more seconds.

  Strangely speaking, before switching to the system, if Li Xiuwen could know Wang Ying, a beauty comparable to a movie star, he probably wouldn't even have the courage to pursue it.

  Now that Wang Ying is shaking in front of her all day long, Li Xiuwen has no idea to pursue, most of her thoughts are on expanding the company.

  After she disappeared from sight, Li Xiuwen continued to wonder how to open the company's current dilemma.

  Ruyi's current sales are sluggish, and the company doesn't have much cash on its accounts. If there is no other way, the company cannot grow.

  The slander this time also made Li Xiuwen feel that he was not powerful enough. He was almost forced to be embarrassed by negative public opinion on the Internet, and he was almost blocked by the government.

  Li Xiuwen truly realized that the power of the media in the modern information society is very important.

  Paper media TV has declined, and only online media is the mainstream.

  If he is a Weibo shareholder, or can influence the WeChat official account, he will not be so passive in the face of the continuous Internet slander.

  Many people on the Internet speculate that Ma Yun, relying on his status as a major shareholder of Weibo, can prevent large-scale smearing of Taobao from happening on the Internet.

  Not to mention that Ma Yun invited most of the celebrities in the China Entertainment Industry to make a messy promotional film "Gong Shou Dao". Without the status of a major shareholder of Weibo, it would be difficult to do it even if he had money.

  This advantage makes Li Xiuwen feel very jealous.

  It is a pity that Weibo, which has a market value of more than 20 billion US dollars, is basically a large enterprise that he can't get involved now, let alone WeChat, which is valued at hundreds of billions of dollars.

  [Damn, there must be a channel that can influence public opinion. ]

  Li Xiuwen has been thinking about it, and now he wants to launch a software that will occupy a certain share from Weibo, WeChat, Kuaishou, and Toutiao, which is extremely difficult.

  It's not impossible, but the possibility is very small. You have to know that people have stepped on tired bones to get to the throne, and burned one or two billion to get their current status.

  Software development is not difficult. The problem is to promote it and let netizens like it. It is not something that can be done with money.

  In this regard, the magical system can't help.

  Since the software direction is too difficult, Li Xiuwen turned his attention to the hardware, that is, the smartphone.

  Although it is very difficult to break out of the Red Sea's smartphone market, the Warcraft Factory is good at manufacturing advanced products, and hopes are bigger than software.

  Li Xiuwen opened the system and found it.

  The drawings made him dazzled and made him suffer from choice difficulties.

  Large battery capacity mobile phone (white), borderless smartphone (green), flexible foldable screen mobile phone (green)... 3D screen mobile phone (green) visible to the naked eye.

  In addition to mobile phones, there are other advanced smart terminals, such as contact lenses, which are nothing but blue-level drawings.

  Liu Xiuwen can now exchange the blueprints, but he wouldn't do that.

  Because such advanced blueprints arouse the greed of various countries, Li Xiuwen believes that the current Warcraft Factory is not strong enough to resist.

  Technology at the level of Ruyi has attracted the attention of many people, and there is a steady stream of commercial spies.

  Li Xiuwen reluctantly gave up the drawings that made him drool, only Jiang focused his eyes on the relatively simple mobile phone drawings.

  [I heard that Samsung seems to be developing a foldable mobile phone. ]

  This is not to be afraid of competing with Samsung, but to be in the lead and not give consumers the biggest surprise.

  After all, Samsung has released many renderings and even prototypes. Even if the Warcraft Factory immediately launches a foldable mobile phone, others will follow it.

  Let those mobile phone factories despair!

  Li Xiuwen finally chose a 3D mobile phone that is visible to the naked eye, so he spent 150 kilograms of gold. UU Reading exchanged the manufacturing drawings.


  Li Xiuwen looked at the drawings for a while and found that there are two major difficulties that need to be overcome to produce this 3D mobile phone, that is, battery capacity and screen.

  These two troubles can be said to have trapped scientists for many years, and they are both very difficult to solve.

  Ordinary mobile phones consume a lot of power to watch videos, let alone display 3D effects, and the power consumption needs to be doubled to be barely enough.

  The current battery technology progress is very slow, and the annual progress is as slow as a snail, causing mobile phones to become less and less usable. If you watch videos, you have to charge two or three times a day.

  Not to mention the screen that can see the 3D effect with the naked eye. Almost no one claims to have developed a prototype, stuck on the material for decades without progress.

  Relying on the technology of the earth, it will take more than ten years to manufacture these two parts.

  Li Xiuwen measured it painfully for a while, but still didn't plan to change his mind, even if he knew that the launch of a 3D mobile phone would cause a sensation in the world.

  Fortunately, there is a production line in the system that can be purchased. Although a large amount of gold is required, it is also much more convenient.

  It's just that the exchange price is not low at all. After deducting the gold used to buy the drawings, the remaining 800 kilograms of gold can only form a production line with a daily production capacity of 10,000 mobile phones.

  As a result, the one ton of gold that Li Xiuwen bought last time will be all spent, and there is no more funds in the company's account to increase the production line.

  After making a decision, Li Xiuwen took action and walked out of the office. It is not a procrastinator, and there is no procrastination.

  "Mr. Li, where are you going?"

  Wang Ying got up from the chair and asked.

  "Yeah, I'm going to inspect the new factory, you don't need to follow it."