The Curiosity of the Foundry


  Li Xiuwen entered the production workshop and sighed quietly when he saw the stopped production line.

  Ruyi's sales are recovering very slowly, with more and more days, but the production line cannot run at full capacity because more than 100,000 units have been accumulated in the warehouse.

  "Close a production line and free the workshop."

  Li Xiuwen directs the idle orcs to work hard, temporarily transfer a production line, and wait until the new factory is built before placing it in.

  The vacated workshop is naturally used to produce the 3D mobile phone he just exchanged for the blueprint.

  Of course, a smart phone has to be ten times more complex, requiring hundreds of components to be assembled into a normal mobile phone.

  Li Xiuwen did not intend to produce every component, but instead sent the less important and commercial components as orders to the foundry Longcheer.

  Although Longcheer is a little confused, I don't know why it does not need to produce the whole machine, but produces the large parts of the mobile phone, such as the circuit board and the casing.

  Judging from the generous OEM fees, Longcheer took the order because the Warcraft Factory paid 70% of the money first.

  The life of the foundry is not easy, not to mention the low profits, and the orders are decreasing, because the sales of China's smart phones are decreasing every year.

  Before the change, millions of orders were not taken seriously by Longcheer at all, and orders from companies such as Xiaomi, Meizu, Coolpad, and Lenovo could not be completed.

  Now, with the exception of Xiaomi's orders, the orders of the next three mobile phone manufacturers are basically no, and Longcheer has begun to lay off employees.

  The order from the Warcraft factory is no different from a life-saving order for Longcheer in the water and fire, and I am happy to prepare for production immediately after the next.

  After outsourcing the complicated things, the Warcraft Factory only needs to produce core components, 3D screens and batteries, and the rest only needs to be assembled.

  Thanks to the highly-developed mobile phone industry supply system and convenient logistics, Li Xiuwen received a message from Longqi that he had begun modeling and adjusting the production line.

  Clang, Clang.

  One day later, the orc drudges moved very fast, moving away from Ruyi's production line, they were about to set up the large-capacity battery production line and the 3D screen production line.

  Li Xiuwen was very satisfied with this speed. Seeing nightfall, he turned and returned to the more comfortable old factory area.

  The new factory here is good as a production base, but the workers called out are like wood, not as lively as Huaxia employees.

  The confidentiality here is and very confidential, the surroundings are also deserted, and the convenience store is also one kilometer away recently. It is precisely because of this that the new factory here makes Li Xiuwen feel inappropriate.


  "Mr. Li, we have something to tell you, go to the meeting room."

  Li Xiuwen was about to go to the new factory, but was stopped by a group of company executives, including Kong Lingjun, Ye Hua, Wang Hong and others.

  He took a look and saw that their faces were very serious, with some sadness between their brows.

  "What are you doing? They all have a straight face, as if they have lost their wallet."

  Li Xiuwen joked, trying to dissipate the dignity in the air, but the effect was very little.

  As soon as he entered the conference room, Li Xiuwen said, "If you have anything to say, you are all important members of the company. There is nothing you can't say."

  "Mr. Li, Ruyi's sales are very low, and it seems that it will take a long time to recover. The company's revenue is already very low and underestimated. How about we think of a way to sell Ruyi abroad?"

  Kong Lingjun, who was in charge of sales, was worried and raised a warning from the company's perspective.

  "Yes, Mr. Li, it can't go on like this. The company's current situation is very dangerous. Yesterday you also transferred a certain amount of funds, and the account is almost out of money."

  The eldest sister Wang Hong is in charge of the financial aspect and is very clear about the company's cash flow.

Vaguely expressed the crisis.  The others are the same, with worries on their faces, one after another agrees.

  They didn't know what Li Xiuwen was up to lately, so they were worried.

  "Your suggestion is very good, you can try it. Ruyi is not very expensive for the North American and European markets. Maybe many people are willing to try it."

  The management gave themselves tasks, and Li Xiuwen certainly welcomed them and encouraged them with a few words.

  "That, Li Xiu... Li! I think the company can still have a place in the sewage treatment market. After all, our environmental treatment equipment is very advanced, and even Volkswagen is willing to buy it at a high price."

  Ye Hua was still a little uncomfortable, and almost missed the word. After all, he and Li Xiuwen have been classmates for four years, and the names are all right.

  There is also a very important point. Li Xiuwen personally said before that he would not focus on promoting environmental treatment instruments. At that time, Ruyi's sales were in full swing and the company did not lack revenue.

  Ye Hua was a little worried that Li Xiuwen vetoed it for the sake of face, and no one liked to slap himself in the face.

  "This is also a good way, you can work hard."

  Li Xiu nodded, agreeing, and said with a smile on his face: "You are talking about environmental treatment equipment. The previous sales of wishful thinking abroad are a trick. UU read"

  "Haha, President Li's eyes are really sharp!"

  Kong Lingjun, Ye Hua and others looked at each other, and at the same time Hao Ran's faces were filled with uncontrollable excitement.

  Ruyi is a consumer electronic product that depends on the quantity, but the development of new markets will not be successful in a short while.

  Companies such as Xiaomi and Huawei entered India and Europe, but it took two or three years to get a firm foothold. They still rely on the old magic weapon: high quality and low price.

  So they all rejoiced when they heard Li Xiuwen allowed to promote the environmental treatment instrument.

  After all, to be accepted by foreigners, Huaxia can also manufacture leading international electronic products without spending a lot of money and huge energy.

  The environmental treatment instrument is different, not to mention the foreign market, even the domestic market of China is also amazing. Whoever makes it technologically advanced, the same kind of sewage treatment technology cannot be compared.

  As long as you eat a small piece of sewage treatment in Nanhu Province, the Warcraft Factory will not be in danger of closing down. Kong Lingjun and others have no doubt about this.

  "Well, let me tell you a piece of news. It won't be long before the company will launch an advanced electronic product, which will not only return to the previous grand occasion, but also take it to the next level."

  Li Xiuwen thought for a while, and Wei Wei revealed a little bit of news, which was considered a prevention.

  "What product?"

  Everyone has a strong interest and keeps asking questions.

  "Don't worry, you will find out in a few days."

  Li Xiuwen laughed, suddenly changed his tone and kept it tight.



  Li Xiuwen left the company's executives full of curiosity and came to the new factory.

  "Boss, shall we start production now?"

  Qiao Er came to ask.

  "Well, let's start."