Display Effects

It didn't take long for the first 3D mobile phone screen to be produced.

  Li Xiuwen took it in his hand and looked carefully. There was a black panel, and he didn't notice that it was much different from a normal mobile phone screen.

  After a while, he returned the screen to Qiao Er, feeling a little timid, and immediately said: "Is there a test machine, let me see the effect."


  Qiao Er took Li Xiuwen a few steps and came to a console on which a book-sized machine was placed.

  I saw it looked like a computer motherboard, a green PCB board with a large number of electronic components, but a large part was sunken in the center.

  At first glance, this machine doesn't even have a casing, and can directly see the green circuit board, which is also shabby.

  Qiao Er put the palm-sized screen on the recess and plugged it in, and then connected the circuit. The black screen was energized and began to emit light.

  Li Xiuwen looked around and saw a layered, three-dimensional 3D image of blue sky and green grass, which was stronger than watching a 3D movie in a movie theater.

  Regrettably, the screen of the mobile phone is only 5.99 inches, and the screen is a bit small, so it is not very enjoyable to watch, but it can't compare with the movie theater.

  Thinking of sitting in the movie theater and looking at a huge screen more than ten meters wide, there are pictures in your sight. Although it is a bit not detailed, it is easy for people to sink in.

  Changing to a 3D mobile phone screen, even if the display effect is three-dimensional and detailed, it is not easy to sink, and the sense of immersion is not so strong, which can be regarded as a gain and a loss.

  "Good, good! Good results."

  Li Xiuwen praised, his face beaming, as if he saw a golden mountain.

  "Boss, please watch the next video."

  Qiao Er's face was happy, grinned, and said quickly.


  A huge 100-meter-high chimpanzee jumped into the bustling and modern city, and stepped down a large building into ruins; with a wave of the huge upper limb, countless cars flew around like beetles.

  Even the 300-400-meter-high skyscraper could not withstand a few hits from chimpanzees. When it fell, it collapsed like a mountain pillar, crushing a large number of houses and killing countless pedestrians.

  In the end, the chimpanzee came to a cross-sea bridge, and after smashing it with a punch, he picked up a hundred-meter-long bridge and threw it out like an iron ball.


  The bridge fell to pieces, like a huge bomb falling, destroying a building several hundred meters in radius, and a gray mushroom cloud rose slowly.

  A large amount of rubble splashed, and some hit Li Xiuwen at high speed, shocking him a little, and finally realized that this was only a 3D effect, not a real rubble.

  The half-minute video stopped here abruptly, and played from the beginning.

  "Yes! This three-dimensional sense is very strong, but the high degree of fidelity scared me a bit."

  Li Xiuwen is very satisfied, and his feeling is not much worse than that of a movie theater.

  He saw such a powerful screen, curiosity came up, and asked: "What is the principle of this screen? It should not be the polarization used in 3D movies."

  Polarized 3D uses the principle that light has a "vibration direction" to decompose the original image. By adding a polarizer on the display screen, two images with different polarization directions can be delivered to the viewer.

  When the picture passes through the polarized glasses, since each lens of the polarized glasses can only accept the picture in one polarization direction, the left and right eyes of a person can receive two sets of pictures, and then combine the three-dimensional image through the brain.

  That's why, going to the cinema to watch a 3D movie requires wearing a pair of polarized glasses.

  "In fact, the way this screen achieves 3D with the naked eye has something to do with the formality. It is its advanced technology.

  To put it simply, it shows that the light emitted by the substrate is refracted by the outermost layer of glass.

A 3D effect is formed. "  Qiao Erhui said, explaining the complicated technical issues very plainly, clearly taking care of Li Xiuwen, who is not studying optics.


  Li Xiuwen now understands that this mobile phone screen is roughly equivalent to integrating polarized glasses into the screen glass.

  Even if he didn't quite understand the difficulty of it, he was still taking a sigh of relief. This kind of processing difficulty is simply heavenly.

  As a result, Li Xiuwen was more relieved, and he was not afraid of other companies cracking the technology, and his worries disappeared.

  He grinned, as if he had seen mobile phone manufacturers such as Apple, Samsung, and others in a hurry, but he was helpless with the 3D mobile phone screen.

  Li Xiuwen can also see that the technology contained in the green-level drawings does not exceed that of the earth too much, and even the principles are already there.

  Ruyi is like this, and the same is true for 3D mobile phone screens. There are similar products on the earth, but the technical content is quite different.

  It's like a person standing at 700 meters, his eyes can see a thousand meters, it seems that as long as he works hard, he can go to that position.

  In fact, the first 700 meters has consumed a lot of energy, but the following 300 meters need to climb the mountain with greatly reduced physical strength. It is very difficult, and every step forward requires more energy.

  "Continue production, don't stop."

  Li Xiuwen ordered.

  The productivity of the foundry is very strong. As long as he is willing to spend money, not to mention 10,000 units a day, even one hundred and five hundred thousand can be achieved. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

  However, limited by the production line of 3D screens, this kind of screens can only produce 10,000 per day. It is better to take advantage of the foundry to take a few days to ship them and accumulate some 3D screens.

  "I will arrange it now."

  Qiao Er nodded, keeping the task in mind.

  Boom, heavy footsteps sounded, and an orc hard labor came over.

  "Boss, someone is looking for you, it is Deng Chao, the president of Volkswagen Nanhu Electric Vehicle Factory."

  Li Xiuwen remembered that last time Vice Mayor Zhu Jingfei and Vice President Olivia visited, they said that the car factory will be located in Zhushi, and the location will be nearby.

  Coming now? So fast.

  "Well, let me meet you."

  Li Xiuwen asked people to guard the workshop gate and turned and walked towards the factory gate.

  Outside the gate.

  Deng Chao and the other five people stood outside, looking at the heavily guarded Warcraft factory. Some people began to grumble and complain.

  "A small company, the shelf is so big, let us wait outside! It shouldn't be."

  "That's, if it wasn't for the neighbor's sake, who would come over and stand stupidly."

  Deng Chao looked at the two people who were complaining and did not speak.

  He did a postdoctoral degree in Germany and then joined Volkswagen. After working in Europe for a few years, he was transferred to China, and finally it was his turn to host a factory. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an elite.

  Seeing that Deng Chao didn't stop him, the complaints of people around him began to become frequent, and the resentment towards Li Xiuwen grew deeper.

  After Li Xiuwen came over, he was stared several times with a few pairs of angry eyes, a little bit unclear.

  However, he didn't take these people seriously, and said to Deng Chao: "Deng has been waiting for a long time. I'm really sorry. An experiment is important."