Visitors from Shashi

Qiao Er drove an electric car from the Volkswagen factory. Li Xiuwen sat in the back, leaning on the leather seat, and felt that the car's interior decoration was average, probably at a mid-range level.

  "Qiao Er, you did a good job. It took only half a day to solve the problem, not even a day."

  Li Xiuwen listened attentively. The electric car was quiet during driving and could not smell any gasoline.

  "Who told them not to listen to your boss's advice, but to embed Ruyi in the car, regardless of the current level of technology on the planet."

  Qiao Er laughed and gave Li Xiuwen a secret.


  Li Xiuwen smiled.

  In fact, the idea of ​​using brain waves to manipulate cars is really good. It sounds great.

  If it is really done, the impact is probably the same as Apple redefining the smart phone and redefining the car.

  Just like the very hot driverless cars at present, they have pushed traditional cars into the near future, causing all kinds of capital to rush in like crazy.

  Giant companies such as Google, Baidu, and Uber are not fools and will not spend money on the sunset market. What they see is the bright future that driverless cars will replace existing cars.

  Li Xiuwen's gaze is naturally not as good as that of the scientists hired by Volkswagen, and he can see early that the prospect of brainwave manipulation of cars is elusive.

  The reason why he had long judged that Volkswagen's attempt would fail was because he had seen "Brain Controlled Car Drawings" in the system store. The price of only green grades was five times that of ordinary green drawings.

  From this point, Li Xiuwen knew that in another seven or eight years, when computer technology advances, Volkswagen may be able to create brain waves to manipulate cars.

  Just now at the Volkswagen factory, Li Xiuwen had a way to solve the speed limit problem, as long as he exchanged the blueprints and sent a few summoning monsters.

  But why does he want to help the public? Isn't it his company? Is it just for a little sales? He doesn't do anything that is not good.

  Buzzing, Li Xiuwen's cell phone rang.

  "Mr. Li, a Shashi environmental treatment instrument customer wants to come to the company for inspection, you can't come here?"

  Kong Lingjun's excited tone was completely transmitted through the speaker of the mobile phone.

  Li Xiuwen seemed to see Kong Lingjun's exhilarating smile and nodded slightly: "I'm here, you will receive it first."


  The meeting room of the Warcraft Factory.

  As soon as Li Xiuwen stepped in, he saw Kong Lingjun stand up and introduced the middle-aged man sitting on the sofa a few meters away.

  "Mr. Li, this is Section Chief Xiao of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Lushan District, Shashi.

  Section Chief Xiao, he is President Li of our company. "

  Li Xiuwen stretched out his hand and shook Section Chief Xiao, greeted a few words without mentioning it.

  "What kind of sewage problem does Section Chief Xiao want to solve?"

  Section Chief Xiao sighed, his complexion as heavy as frost: "We received a message a few days ago that a river in Douli Village, Lushan District turned red. When local farmers used river water for irrigation, they were posted online."

  Li Xiuwen knew about this as soon as he heard it, because the news was very popular a few days ago, which caused great indignation among netizens, especially those in Nanhu Province.

  The course of the matter is not complicated. In order to save environmental protection funds, the chemical plant next to the river secretly dug a deep and deep seepage pit.

  Every night, a certain amount of sewage is quietly discharged toward the seepage pit, until the seepage pit leaks into the groundwater layer and pollutes the river through an underground river, causing the river to turn red.

  Section Chief Xiao grinned and said: "Our Environmental Protection Agency immediately sealed off the chemical plant, but it is very troublesome to solve the source of pollution. Groundwater pollution is difficult to control.

  The Environmental Protection Agency has searched for several companies in a row, saying that they can only rely on long-term natural purification, which is not what we want. Even if it is groundwater pollution,

We also want to solve it as soon as possible. "  After listening to Li Xiuwen, he looked at Kong Lingjun, who looked away, a little embarrassed.

  It turned out that it wasn't Kong Lingjun's sales ability report, but because the Environmental Protection Agency had been seeking medical treatment for a disease, and it was counted as one by one, so he went to the Warcraft Factory.

  "I wonder if your company can deal with groundwater pollution? The treatment method must be verified by a panel of experts."

  Section Chief Xiao showed a bit of suspicion in his eyes, and the tone of his words was just like the original, without much confidence.

  Since entering the World of Warcraft factory, what he has seen is full of electronic products, completely irrelevant to sewage treatment.

  At that time, Section Chief Xiao knew that he had been fooled and was fooled by Kong Lingjun.

  However, he was not too disappointed, because he had already lost hope. Even the capital's environmental management experts said that the pollution of groundwater would last for more than ten years and it would not be possible to control it.

  Li Xiuwen heard the warning, did not take it seriously, and nodded and said: "Groundwater pollution, no problem at all! It is within our company's ability."

  "Really? You didn't speak big words."

  Section Chief Xiao's eyes lit up and his spirit improved a lot, but he quickly became wilted again because he remembered the words of the capital's environmental experts.

  Among Li Xiuwen and the capital's environmental experts, he believes in the latter.

  "Well, Section Chief Xiao, you don't have to doubt the technology of the Warcraft Factory. Even Volkswagen has purchased our company's environmental management products."

  Without Li Xiuwen's instructions, Kong Lingjun hurriedly explained the company's technical prowess by reading the book

  Not to mention, Section Chief Xiao really took this set, and kept asking: "Is it Volkswagen in Germany?"

  "Of course, this transaction is completely checkable, the contract is here, and you can also check with Volkswagen."

  "No need, why didn't you say it earlier, I want to apologize, I'm sorry."

  The look on Section Chief Xiao's face changed extremely quickly, as if he had changed his face, full of apologies.

  On the surface, he seemed to completely believe in the technical prowess of the Warcraft Factory, and he felt regretful.

  "it's okay."

  The three of them all laughed, and the meeting room was full of cheerful atmosphere.

  Everyone knows that Section Chief Xiao will return to Volkswagen for verification later, but there is no need to expose this matter.

  Li Xiuwen took the initiative to say: "Well, let's let a few employees go to Shashi now to start treatment of the contaminated groundwater.

  Of course, the remuneration has to be negotiated in advance, but it can't be too small. It is not easy to control groundwater pollution. "

  According to the collected data, the length of the contaminated groundwater in Lushan District is as high as tens of kilometers.

  Kong Lingjun and Section Chief Xiao talked for a long time, and only initially set a cost of 20 million yuan.

  This income is not enough to stuff the teeth between the Warcraft factory, but Li Xiuwen still values ​​it and treats it as an important matter.

  Because it is a live advertisement, it can play more than a mere 20 million.

  There are many polluted waters across the country, and they are all troublesome things to deal with. The accident in Lushan District is still the tip of the iceberg.

  In the vast land of China, there are more opportunities for the Warcraft Factory to make money.