
Li Xiuwen was sitting in a commercial vehicle, with Wang Ying and Yu Bing on the left, and Qiao Er as the driver.

  He didn't have to go to Shashi, it was just a one-two-million-dollar sewage treatment, and he just sent two or three employees there.

  I just heard Section Chief Xiao say that if the World of Warcraft Factory solves this groundwater pollution, a large-scale press conference will be arranged.

  Li Xiuwen could understand that Chief Xiao was to celebrate his merits, to promote the solicitation, and by the way, to take off the hat of indulgent chemical plants on his head—many people on the Internet were criticizing the Lushan District Environmental Protection Bureau.

  After all, that chemical plant has been standing there for several years, but the Environmental Protection Bureau inspected it every year but found no small actions by the chemical plant to evade sewage. This is considered negligence.

  Yu Bing, who came back from Wushi, suggested that Li Xiuwen personally lead the team to complete the order: "President Li, this is a good opportunity for publicity and a good time to wash away the stigma of Ruyi. You should not miss it."

  It was Yu Bing's proposal that impressed Li Xiuwen. Ruyi's sluggish sales were already a chronic disease, which dragged down the Warcraft Factory. The sooner it was resolved, the better.

  A faint smell of perfume came from the left. Li Xiuwen sniffed and distinguished that there were two scents in it, which should come from Wang Ying and Yu Bing respectively.

  At this time, the two women whispered to each other, after discussing makeup, perfume and lipstick for a while, they changed the subject.

  "Sister Bingbing, you came from Nanhu TV, maybe you will meet old colleagues at this press conference."

  "It's not possible, but certain. Nanhu Station will definitely send someone over for this kind of official invitation."

  "When those people know that Sister Bingbing is in charge and you are living well, you will definitely die of anger."

  "Oh, yes, I really hope that some of the popularity will pass."

  Jintai's fat face appeared in Yu Bing's mind, and his eyes showed deep contempt.


  Dou Li Village is here.

  Although it is still a rural area, what is grown in the fields is not food crops, but high-value crops such as flowers and vegetables, which are supplied to Shashi, the provincial capital, more than ten kilometers away. Each family can earn more than 100,000 a year.

  In a word, this village has reached a well-off level, as can be seen from the fashionable and western houses.

  Section Chief Xiao led Li Xiuwen and others to the village committee office, and then found that there were already more than ten people sitting in the huge room, divided into three small groups.

  When they saw someone coming in again, the expressions in their eyes were very different, some with professional smirks, and some with a warning look.

  "Director Jing, they are from the Warcraft Factory, and they say they can quickly solve the problem of groundwater pollution."

  Section Chief Xiao walked to the top of the long table with a smile on his face, and said to a 50-year-old official in harmony and kindness. He also leaned forward slightly, respectfully.

  "Well, sit down first, I want to listen to the governance plans of their three companies."

  Director Jing nodded slightly, his tone was neither rush nor slow, sharply and suspiciously, he scanned Li Xiuwen and others.

  In other words, there are two competitors?

  Li Xiuwen was slightly upset. This Section Chief Xiao hadn't said before that there would be two peers.

  However, he believes that only the Warcraft Factory can solve the pollution of groundwater as quickly as possible. Others cannot. The order is confirmed.

  "Mr. Li, when I went to your company, I didn't know that these two companies were involved."

  Section Chief Xiao seemed to see the displeasure on Li Xiuwen's face and explained it quietly.

  "Nothing, neither of them can."

  "Hmm, for sure."

  Li Xiuwen could tell at a glance that Section Chief Xiao agreed with him politely, not from the bottom of his heart. But it doesn't matter, Section Chief Xiao will soon be able to see how Warcraft Factory slams his opponent.

  The plan of the Green Water Cleaning Company from Hangzhou is rude, simple, and expensive: it is pumping water.

  Is the groundwater contaminated?

As long as the sewage is pumped out, treated and then injected back.  In principle, the effect of this method is indeed good. It not only achieves the thorough treatment of sewage, but also maintains the groundwater layer.

  After hearing this, Director Jing crossed the Green Water Cleaning Company in his heart.

  The people in Lvshui probably saw the director's thoughts and hurriedly added: "The director, regardless of the heavy workload such as pumping and re-injection, it actually only costs some electricity, which is not much."

  "How much will the whole project cost and how long will it take to manage?"

  Director Jing thought for a while before asking, even though he was not optimistic about this plan.

  "It takes three to four months for a one-billion-dollar fund."

  This is robbery, Shashi is no richer than Hangzhou!

  Director Jing curled his mouth and almost screamed, condemning Lushui Cleaning Company to death.

  Last year, the Shashi Environmental Protection Bureau's funding was less than 100 million. If this plan is proposed, how will the Municipal Bureau look at him!

  This is the case for the general environment. Although the country has recently paid more attention to environmental protection, the increase in funding has not kept up with the increase in GDP, and nothing can be done without money.

  In particular, this kind of groundwater treatment that costs a lot and cannot directly improve the entire face of the Shashi City, even if this plan is submitted, it will definitely be shot back.


  Director Jing did not make any comments and called the next company.

  Blue Sky Environmental Management Company, a local company in Shashi, confidently put forward its own plan: put in neutralizing agents, and combine the three most contained compounds in sewage into water-insoluble sediments.

  "The entire program requires 50 million yuan and one month of governance time."

  When Director Jing heard this, he nodded, his eyes showed some approval.

  This plan not only costs less, but also requires less time, which is more in line with his wishes.

  Fifty million is still a lot, but it is not impossible to get through if you try to fight for it.

  The last plan took almost half a year to treat. After the groundwater pollution was treated, the news has long passed, and the gold content of political achievements will be greatly reduced.

  "Very good, it really deserves to be the best environmental management company in Shashi, so be it, I now announce..."

  Director Jing blushed, and he was about to announce the final result.

  The Lushui Company and others were a little disappointed. They knew that they had failed and failed to take the large order. They had a small setback for the company that wanted to open up the Nanhu market.

  Section Chief Xiao's lips squirmed, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

  "Wait, Director Jing! You haven't listened to our Warcraft Factory plan."

  Yu Bing suddenly said loudly, interrupting Director Jing.


  Director Jing was unhappy, stared at Yu Bing for two seconds, and finally said with a calm face, "Tell me about your plan."

  On the one hand, to maintain a fair face, on the other hand, he felt that Yu Bing's face was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

  In fact, the latter occupies a little bit more. Director Jing is very careful in life and will not offend people, especially beautiful women, when it is not necessary.

  Because behind such a woman, there is often a deep relationship, and the energy cannot be underestimated.