Press Conference

Just at night, a small truck stopped at the entrance of the hotel, and the beast walked down with a black gift box.

  "Boss, I have brought the exhibits you want, a total of thirty sets."

  Yuyi put the box on the coffee table, bound his hands, and said respectfully.


  Li Xiuwen opened the box and saw the mobile phones in the air bubble shockproof bag.

  Take out a black phone at will and turn it on.

  Soon, the little green chubby robot appeared on the screen.

  It's just that unlike other Android phones, this little robot has a very strong three-dimensional effect, as if there really is a small round machine standing on the screen.

  "Because time is very short, we installed the native Android system on the phone and marked the company logo on the boot screen."

  The beast gave Li Xiuwen a careful look and explained.

  After the little robot representing Android disappeared, an orc icon with green faces and fangs from the Warcraft Factory appeared, which lasted for three seconds.

  "Well, you have done a good job. I know that there is too little time for you."

  Li Xiuwen did not hesitate to praise.

  He knew very well that he asked the employees of Warcraft to launch 3D mobile phones as quickly as possible, which caused the system to be imperfect.

  After all, if you want 3D mobile phones to enter the market, you must not only produce, but also apply for a series of permits from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

  "Even so, it will receive countless shocked eyes tomorrow."

  Li Xiuwen played with his phone and said flatly.


  The conference is about to begin.

  This time there are a lot more reporters than yesterday. Not only did the well-known media in Shashi sent people over, but also some reporters from Beihu Province in the north.

  In addition, many Shashi residents joined in with curiosity, and the total number of participants exceeded one thousand, which looked like a black head.

  "Hey, what new products do you think the Warcraft Factory will launch? It is said on the Internet that it is about to close down."

  "The company that cannot sell the product will of course go bankrupt. This is nothing to say. It depends on the lack of new products. If it doesn't work, bankruptcy can begin to count down."

  "You people, it seems like you are looking forward to the closure of the Warcraft Factory. Isn't that just what the American capitalists want. They want to get the desired technology, so we have to support the Warcraft Factory."

  "Cut, Ruyi wants ten thousand one, if you buy me, I will definitely use it."

  "Young man, the sweet fruits of your own struggle will come."

  Da da da!

  Yu Bing walked onto the court, wearing a white T-shirt with the icon of the Warcraft Factory and a pair of light blue long jeans. His movements were very neat.

  Behind her is a huge screen, which is more than ten meters in length, just like a wall.

  Since Steve Jobs gave a press conference for the new mobile phone, this configuration has become standard, and almost every mobile phone factory has to come up with a new product when it launches.

  Later, not only mobile phone factories were in use, but other electrical appliances factories also followed up.

  Air purifiers, smart TVs, drones, as long as they are consumer-facing electronic products, they all have a tall press conference, which is tiresome.

  Although the routine is old, it is useful. When the person hosting the press conference is of high value, the audience has turned their attention to Yu Bing.

  "It's so beautiful! I like the style of a superwoman."

  "Similarly, I want to move to this company. As long as I can be her employee, I can see it every day."

  "Don't you even know Yu Bing? She was a TV host before and she was very popular."

  Ignoring the buzzing sound from the audience, Yu Bing directly spoke into the miniature microphone under the collar.


Today is the World of Warcraft factory launched an epoch-making product. I don't think everyone seems to believe it, the suspicion on his face is too obvious, I can see clearly when I stand ten meters away.  In fact, until now, I don't know what the company's new product is, and I'm just saying it according to Mr. Li's lines, so I, like you, are full of unknowns about the new product. "

  The people in the audience heard it, and suddenly felt that such a conference was really beautiful and refined, and it was very different from other coquettish bitches.

  Other companies engage in press conferences, either stepping on their friends, or stepping on them. Anyway, their products are the most powerful, and they slap all their friends.

  Let consumers see from the PPT that the performance data of the new product is very high, and you should not buy it soon.

  Yu Bing glanced across the front rows of people, and suddenly found a lot of familiar faces, all of whom were colleagues from the provincial TV station.

  She felt that she had good luck today. She didn't see the greasy face of Chief Jintai, at least not so disgusting.

  "Mr. Li, please send me the company's new product. Who told you not to tell me what the new product is in advance, so I hope you will reveal the secret."

  A beam of light suddenly shone on the far left end, covering Li Xiuwen.

  This is definitely revenge, women are so careful!

  Li Xiuwen has seen Yu Bing's process PPT. It was originally Wang Ying who submitted the 3D phone to her. Now the script is suddenly changed. This is not revenge or something.

  "Mr. Li, this small task is entrusted to you."

  Wang Ying gloated and put the 3D phone in Li Xiuwen's hand, her face full of joy.

  What else could Li Xiuwen do? I can only forgive Yu Bing. UU reading www.uukanshu. With such a small friction as com, letting outsiders know that they don't laugh and laugh at the company's internal discord, which is too bad for the company's image.

  Li Xiuwen walked to Yu Bing's stern face and was about to put the phone in Yu Bing's hand.

  "Thank you, Mr. Li, I'm a little flattered. The biggest boss of the company gave me a shot. It's rare. Do you think it is."

  Yu Bing's playful remarks once again aroused enthusiastic cheers from the audience.


  The mountain whispered the tsunami answer.

  "Well, everyone can see that the new product is a mobile phone.

  How should I put it, I am a little disappointed now, mobile phones are too common, everyone has at least one in hand.

  I want to open the head of Mr. Li and see what he is thinking about, that he wants to enter the mobile phone market in the Red Sea.

  I can only say admiration, he wants to throw money into the water without bubbling. "

  These words spoke out everyone's heart, and they felt that they were thinking the same way, so they just had to say it.

  After ten years of competition, the smartphone market has entered the second half of the big fish eating the small fish, and the sales of the top ten mobile phone companies occupy most of the market.

  Latecomers have no room to grow slowly. They only have to be swallowed by heavy rain. Just look at the Meizu, Hammer, and 360 mobile phones on the Huaxia market.

  "Well, at least we have to open a phone to see what the system looks like on this Apple 8 mobile phone, and then sentence it."

  While talking, Yu Bing pressed the power button.

  A few seconds after the black screen, the startup screen began to appear on the phone screen, and a small green machine appeared.

  "Li, President Li! It is three-dimensional!"

  Wang Ying grabbed Li Xiuwen's arm excitedly, speaking incoherently.