
Jiang Tianming sat in the third row. Geographically speaking, he was relatively close to the podium and no more than ten meters away from Yu Bing, who hosted the conference.

  Since Yu Bing came out, his gaze has not moved, he placed it on her, his heart beating fiercely.

  Jiang Tianming's eyes lit up and his mouth whispered in praise: "This host is so beautiful, I'm going to chase her."

  The friend "Four Eyes" next to him stretched out his palm, slapped Jiang Tianming's shoulder firmly, and exhorted: "Die this heart, others can look down on you as a little hairy head.

  You played games all day, didn't you know that Yu Bing used to be a provincial radio host, and you have seen more rich people than you have seen beautiful women.

  Besides, people are in their 30s, and they won't look for you. You are not handsome enough, and you are a bit short of wanting to be a custard. "

  "You go away, how can you know if you haven't tried it? Since Yu Bing used to be a host, her contact information should be easy to find. When the press conference is over, I will be friends with her."

  As soon as Jiang Tianming's hormones are on his head, no matter how much he cares about, I will talk about it first.

  Moreover, he has also measured that although his family is not rich and expensive, but has four sets of Shashi houses, it is a bit of a family background, and he is qualified to chase the former host Yu Bing.

  Jiang Tianming is an electronic digital enthusiast. From mobile phones to drones, he likes to use the latest ones.

  He bought one of Ruyi as soon as it went on the market, and the video of his unpacking Ruyi is still circulating on the Internet. It is a digital test expert who brings his own dry food.

  Jiang Tianming was very pleased to be able to free his hands while playing games, and felt that his 10,000 yuan had no white flowers.

  For nothing else, Ruyi's function is very cool. There are fewer people around who are willing to pay for it, so he made a small effort in the university, even Banhua Lili borrowed Ruyi for two days.

  Later, it was circulated on the Internet that Ruyi could harm the brain, causing consumers to be admitted to the hospital. Jiang Tianming once locked Ruyi in the cabinet, and then took it out after the official dispelled the rumors.

  Hearing that the Warcraft Factory had a new product release this time, Jiang Tianming ran over to participate, and he also caught his friends.

  "Hehe, I'm just watching you fail."

  Four eyes spit out mercilessly, not at all optimistic about Jiang Tianming's upcoming pursuit.

  From the eyes of four eyes, the mature Yu Bing would never look down on Jiang Tianming, who was still in school. The age gap was still a small problem, and the most important thing was that he was completely out of sync.

  Although Jiang Tianming was splashed with a bucket of cold water by his friend, he didn't care. Once Yu Bing finished speaking, he clapped vigorously and shouted loudly.

  Not to mention, he took the lead and guided the atmosphere very warmly, which was a bit of icing on the cake for the press conference.

  "Hey, Yu Bing's boss is actually our peers?"

  Jiang Tianming found a surprise when Li Xiuwen gave the new product, a little unbelievable.

  He used Ruyi for a long time, but he never thought that the boss of this company was about the same age as himself, and he looked like a college student.

  This makes Jiang Tianming a little harder to accept. Ruyi sells for 10,000 units, and the assets of the Warcraft Factory are hundreds of times stronger than his family.

  "It must be a rich second generation with the help of family resources!"

  Jiang Tianming didn't even want to say, his tone was a little jealous and envy.

  He thought back for a moment, his college career was not playing games, or doing surprises to pass exams, and the students around him did the same thing.

  Not a single entrepreneurial classmate, but there are two or three of those who go outside to work part-time.

  Compared with Li Xiuwen flying in the sky, they are like tortoises crawling slowly on the ground, there is no comparison at all.

  "Maybe it is his dad who can really call the shots at Warcraft Factory, but there is nothing to compare. We and him are completely two types of people, and we can't get in touch with each other.

"  Four eyes didn't care, they looked very wide.

  Jiang Tianming was not very comfortable, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. What can I do if I don't look away, I'm still an ordinary college student, and everyone is the boss of the Warcraft Factory.

  Just as he was immersed in the blow, his eyes suddenly screamed: "Look, it turned out to be a 3D phone! It's too damn unexpected, I thought it would take ten years before it was born!"

  Four eyes excitedly shook Jiang Tianming's neck and woke him up.


  Jiang Tianming opened his mouth wide, watching the mobile phone in Yu Bing's hand was playing a 3D video, a huge orangutan was devastating in the metropolis, and there was no return for a long time.

  "I'm not dazzled, right."

  "You have no dizziness. I also saw the mobile phone playing 3D video, as if King Kong was demolishing the city."

  "This trip is worth it, I must buy this phone!"

  Jiang Tianming's mind is full of 3D mobile phones, even Yu Bing, who had never forgotten before, temporarily put aside.

  Not only Jiang Tianming and Siyan were shocked, most of the people in the room drooled while looking at the 3D phone, their eyes glowing green.

  Going to the cinema to watch a 3D movie is an audio-visual enjoyment, but the whole viewing process is still a bit uncomfortable. Not only did I rush over in advance, I still have to sit in a chair most of the time.

  If you have a 3D phone, you can watch a movie whenever you want, and you don't need to mention it to the cinema.

  "This is a real 3D mobile phone, much more advanced than the full screen and Liu Haiping!"

  "Yes, the full screen is all scum, I just want to know how much this phone costs? It's better to be less than 10,000 yuan. If it is too expensive, there is no need to buy it. UU reading "

  "Don't be too happy. There are 3D mobile phones, but the current videos don't have many 3D formats at all. Don't buy back a machine that you can't use."

  Buzzing, buzzing.

  The audience's comments were all over the scene, and Yu Bing had to wait for a few minutes, and then continued to say: "Now, please look at the big screen, the parameters of the mobile phone.

  It uses Samsung's 5.99-inch large screen, Qualcomm 835 chip, 6G memory, 128G storage space, and the price is 8388..."

  When Jiang Tianming heard this, he shook his head slightly, with a hint of disappointment on his face: "The parameters of this phone are not the best, but it looks like a major brand's flagship phone configuration a year ago."

  Having a better understanding of the mobile phone industry, Siyan said with a smile: "Don't even think about it. As a newbie in the mobile phone industry, can Warcraft Factory grab the latest Qualcomm chips?

  I just want to know that 128G can't fit a few high-definition movies in a mobile phone without a memory card, and it also needs to be in 3D format. "

  Some people care about mobile phone storage, some care about the camera effect of mobile phones, and some want to buy stock... Questions flooded Yu Bing, and as a result, she couldn't answer anyone's questions at all and couldn't hear her clearly.

  Finally, Yu Bing asked people to sit down again: "You can ask questions, I will call them randomly, one by one."


  After answering a few questions that many people care about, Yu Bing announced that there were 30 engineering machines available for sale. This decision was like throwing a bomb into the water, setting off a huge wave.

  "I'll buy it."

  "I have money too, I want one!"

  Jiang Tianming and Siyan joined the scramble team, but in the end they were not lucky. They grabbed a mobile phone due to being close to the podium.