Live Evaluation

After Jiang Tianming paid the payment and got the 3D phone, he plucked up the courage to walk towards Yu Bing.

  All four eyes couldn't hold back, so he had to follow behind, planning to find a way to comfort his friend later, but he was not optimistic about Jiang Tianming's behavior at all.

  "Miss Yu, your performance just now was great. You are a perfect host. Can I add your WeChat account?"

  Jiang Tianming grinned openly, trying to make himself appear less aggressive, packaging his behavior into an ordinary process of meeting friends.

  This trick is quite useful, because he relied on such a straightforward and not insignificant action to make his first two girlfriends.

  Nowadays, there is an imbalance between men and women, and beautiful girls are often chased by several suitors, many of whom like this kind of direct start, rather than procrastinating boys.

  "Thank you. But I am very busy at work and don't have time to chat, sorry."

  The smile on Yu Bing's face disappeared, as if covered with a layer of frost, said coldly.

  Jiang Tianming's heart was cold, as if immersed in ice water, he reluctantly smiled and said, "Excuse me, Miss Yu."

  Four eyes pulled Jiang Tianming and walked out to more than ten meters away, and lost a sentence: "Okay, get hit, I have said that Yu Bing does not like you who are still in school.

  People have been in the society for five or six years, and I see too many people in Guo, and you are not the protagonist of a stallion novel. When you go out, beautiful women will be posted up and embraced. "

  "Grass, you are so comforting! No wonder you are still a virgin until now. I think you will stay single until you are thirty."

  Jiang Tianming squirted angrily, but the frustration in his heart was relieved a lot.

  "Hey, in return for pulling you out of the broken-up relationship, I will first study 3D mobile phones for a long time!"

  He grabbed the phone with all four eyes, and said happily, the movement was like lightning.

  "No, give it to me! It's mine."


  When Jiang Tianming returned home, he couldn't wait to turn on the camera, opened the frequently visited electronic digital evaluation website, and started the live broadcast.

  With good things, naturally you can't hide them. It's too boring, just let others look at them drooling and enjoy their enviable eyes.

  It is for this purpose that Jiang Tianming became a digital electronic reviewer, otherwise it would be difficult for him to continue this behavior that requires a lot of money.

  Jiang Tianming is fairly well-known, attracting more than a thousand people to watch it when he went online, and the number is slowly increasing.

  Don't look at the small number, it can't be compared with those female anchors who have more than one hundred thousand and hundreds of thousands of fans. That's because there are too many men who like to see beautiful women.

  After all, there are so few beauties in reality that ordinary men can't reach them, so they can only experience eye addiction from the screen.

  "Brother Ming bought something new again? It's really a trench, I want to hang it on Brother Ming's lap."

  "What is the product tested this time? I hope that Ming will not look down on it. When it is on sale, he will have a chance to grab it."

  "The thoughts upstairs are really mean, I want to seriously criticize! Ming brother, for this kind of sake, can you let me sell the new products later."

  After some old acquaintances poured into the live broadcast room, a mess of barrage appeared one by one.

  Jiang Tianming is not a collector. Some digital electronics he doesn't like will not be put in the cabinet to eat ashes, but will be sold at a discount to recover part of the cost.

  It is precisely this behavior that attracts more and more people's attention to his evaluation videos. It's not cheap to be a bastard, people are all for profit.

  "Stop thinking about it this time, I will never sell it."

  Jiang Tianming suddenly made a sentence.

  "Aha, it seems that Brother Ming is very satisfied with the new product."

  "Hurry up, I will have to work later."

  Jiang Tianming glanced at the number of people online and found that it had already exceeded 3,000 at this moment.

Caught up with the usual level.  He shook the 3D phone that he had hardly recovered in front of the camera, deliberately silently, and stared at the screen.

  Sure enough, a lot of complaints appeared.

  "No, it turned out to be a mobile phone! I'm going offline and don't want to watch it."

  "From Huawei to Apple, from Samsung to Xiaomi, the phones are all numb and I can't get excited at all."

  "Think about it with your head, Ming is very precious, maybe there is something special about it."

  "Cut, even Apple's new mobile phone is not surprising, let alone other mobile phone manufacturers."

  Jiang Tianming was expressionless, but he was a little proud, because he dug a hole to make people watching the live jump off.

  He thought happily: You people, you will stare back later and be surprised!

  Jiang Tianming seemed to have seen the people behind the screen, each of them with big mouths could be stuffed into goose eggs later, staring at him enviously.

  "This mobile phone produced by the Warcraft Factory sells at 8388, 6G memory, remains at the same level as Apple X, do you think it is expensive?"

  Jiang Tianming showed the front and back sides of the 3D mobile phone in front of the camera, and he paused for several seconds so that the audience could see clearly.

  The front of the phone is unremarkable, and the screen-to-body ratio is not as good as Xiaomi's mix2s full-screen phone with only one chin.

  There is also an icon of an orc face with fangs on the back, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is very simple.

  From the outside, it is really unremarkable, and it's not worth the high price. At least most viewers think so and say so.

  "What does the Warcraft factory do? Is it a new small-brand mobile phone factory? I dare to sell it so expensive. I bet that I can't sell 100,000 units in a year, and I will lose that company."

  "Congratulations upstairs just got online. I don't even know about the World of Warcraft Factory. It is so well-known that it has been launched. I don't even know this. Why are you still on the digital network."

  "No, it's so expensive! I found that the products of this company are all going for high prices. There is no cheap."

  "Brother Ming, did you forget to say the name of your phone? I haven't listened to you."

  Jiang Tianming smiled mysteriously and replied: "It's not that I don't want to say the name of the phone, but there will be no surprises when I say it. You will know what's going on if you look down carefully."

  "Stop selling it, hurry up and evaluate it!" x5

  Jiang Tianming awakened the screen and played the two-minute video on his phone.


  A huge orangutan jumped out, jumped into the huge modern city, and smashed and trampled it, like a demon monkey.

  The barrage that had appeared continuously, suddenly disappeared, leaving only the refreshing video.

  Jiang Tianming laughed and seemed to see thousands of surprised viewers, staring at the live broadcast.

  "I wiped it, isn't it? It turned out to be a 3D phone! I thought it would take another ten years to see it."

  "Brother Ming, I bought this phone at the original price, 8388, right? Sell it to me."

  "Go away, Brother Ming, you are in Shashi, and I am also in Shashi. Give me an address and I will come to buy."