
"Walk slowly, not send it."

  Li Xiuwen stood up and said to the representatives of ov's two mobile phones.

  These two mobile phone companies on the same front rushed over, and their intentions are similar to those of Apple and Xiaomi, and they all want to seek the screen and battery technology of 3D mobile phones.

  Their sincerity is also sufficient, saying that it can be 30 dollars higher than the 300 dollars that Xiaomi buys the screen, even if the price of the cheaper battery is increased by 10 dollars.

  With an order of one million screens, Li Xiuwen could make an extra 30 million US dollars, but he refused without hesitation.

  After tearing up the signed contract, he saw the money open. Besides, he didn't plan to let mobile phones equipped with 3D screens be everywhere. Not to mention the proliferation of competition, the homogeneity would be serious.

  Just like the current popular full screen, at first glance, most of the mobile phones on the market have changed their faces, giving themselves the full screen name, regardless of the two foreheads and chins on the top and bottom of the screen.

  Li Xiuwen doesn't want more than a dozen 3D mobile phones on the market. Apart from anything else, the mobile phones produced by the Warcraft Factory will be submerged in these mobile phones, which is not eye-catching at all.

  "Mr. Li, there is a beautiful girl looking for you, saying that it is your classmate."

  Wang Ying walked in and said blankly.

  "Let her in."

  Li Xiuwen saw that Wang Ying's mood seemed not very good, and guessed whether she had come to her aunt, her mood was a little unstable, and generously forgiven her cold face.


  When Wang Ying went out, she snorted heavily in her nose.

  Not as knowledgeable as her.

  Li Xiuwen pretended not to see it, and wondered whether to hire another assistant.

  As the company's products increase, even if he tries to streamline it as much as possible, there are more and more company affairs that need to be handled, almost swallowing most of his time.

  "Student Li Xiuwen, it is not easy to see you, because your assistant blocked you outside."

  Before anyone came in, the crisp voice reached Li Xiuwen's ears.

  He looked around and recognized the identity of the person who came. He was really a classmate, Zhou Liqi, the student union cadre he met last time when he went back to the university to give a speech.

  "Haha, when I went to the student union to do errands, I ate closed doors."

  Li Xiuwen remembered one thing, when he went to the student union in his sophomore year, a small vice president's nostrils turned upside down, which made him go back and forth three times to get it done.

  He recalled for a moment now that the vice chairman's very difficult communication is still vivid.

  "Then we are even."

  Zhou Liqi smiled, two shallow dimples appeared on the white melon seeds' face, bright and moving.

  Everyone has a female classmate with long hair and shawl in their hearts, not to mention Zhou Liqi can be regarded as the goddess in most boys' hearts. With such a smile, the youthful and bright breath rushes to the face, which makes people suddenly return to the school days.

  Li Xiuwen stared blankly, took a deep breath, and slowly said, "What's the matter with classmate Zhou? Could it be that there is something in the school?"

  "This time it's my personal matter, it has nothing to do with the school."

  Zhou Liqi pouted her mouth and complained: "Why there are only 50,000 3D mobile phones, I couldn't get them, so I want to buy one directly from you. Don't tell me, there are no mobile phones in your warehouse, don't worry. Will pay."

  When speaking, her two black pearl-like eyes seemed to be speaking, showing aggrieved color.

  Damn, I haven't bullied her.

  Stared at by those bright eyes, Li Xiuwen felt as if he had done something bad, secretly surprised.

  Classmate Zhou seems to have added a little bit to her charm. She is so contagious, no wonder she is regarded as a goddess by most boys.

  Such an aptitude, it is a pity not to be a star, and a waste of talent.

  Many celebrities don't look very beautiful in their photos, but they can make their heads out. They are probably such highly infectious people.

  "Count me for giving you."

  Li Xiuwen opened the drawer,

Take out a mobile phone and place it on the table.  For other people, it is hard to find a single machine. Li Xiuwen is not a problem at all. Who makes him a mobile phone manufacturer?

  Besides, the time that Zhou Liqi wasted was enough for Li Xiuwen to earn several 3D mobile phones, and it was nothing to give one to him.

  "This won't work, I can still afford a mobile phone."

  Zhou Liqi frowned slightly, seemingly unhappy, and the smile on her face disappeared.

  "It's not a question of money. Of course I know that you can buy a mobile phone, but I don't want other students to find it and buy mobile phones."

  Li Xiuwen smiled bitterly and expressed his worry.

  Zhou Liqi hesitated when she heard it.

  She also wanted to get the mobile phone once it was brought back to school. If the classmates around me asked about it, the source of the mobile phone would be exposed. Maybe other people would follow her method and buy a mobile phone from Li Xiuwen.

  At that time, whether Li Xiuwen sells or not, it will be very troublesome. Although this is not a big deal, I don't like it because of the many troubles for no reason.

  "Then, I won't buy it."

  Zhou Liqi put down the phone reluctantly.

  Speaking of which, if she is not a small well-known Douyu anchor, she will be the icing on the cake with the latest 3D mobile phone, and she will not come to Li Xiuwen.

  "So if I give you a mobile phone, it won't be too much trouble. It is difficult for me to provide thousands of mobile phones to my classmates. It is not a problem for you to own it alone."

  Li Xiuwen said with a smile.

  "Why not, if I promote your mobile phone for a week, UU reading will be used as an advertising fee. I am an anchor with 100,000 true fans, and I have a lot of influence."

  Zhou Liqi rolled her eyes, her inspiration flashed, and she made a suggestion.

  "Then it's settled."

  Li Xiuwen looked at her naturally beautiful face and believed that she definitely has 100,000 fans.

  Zhou Liqi picked up the phone, couldn't bear the curiosity in her heart, and wanted to watch the super-three-dimensional 3D video on the Internet.

  I entered the video website and downloaded a funny short video. After playing it, I saw that Doudou had a lively life, as if it really appeared on the screen, but it was just shrunk.

  Such an effect was beyond Zhou Liqi's expectation: no wonder those anchors with 3D mobile phones are very personal!

  "Mr. Li, the situation is not good! Our 10,000 mobile phones have disappeared."

  Wang Ying hurried in, with a little panic in her voice.

  "No hurry, speak slowly."

  Li Xiuwen shook his heart, but his face remained calm and calm.

  Losing 10,000 mobile phones is not a trivial matter. Not only will today's online orders be unfinished and consumers will be dissatisfied, but the matter must also be thoroughly investigated and recovered as much as possible.

  In Wang Ying's narration, Li Xiuwen and Zhou Liqi gradually understood the cause of the accident.

  Things have to start from the two scattered factory areas. The new factory area serving as the production base has only WoW workers, which has blocked countless waves of spying and infiltration, and has been very stable.

  Even Li Xiuwen has a fixed impression that the goods shipped from the new factory are safe and there is no problem.

  According to the regulations made by Li Xiuwen, WoW workers try not to mix with Huaxia employees, so it is Huaxia employees who are responsible for the transportation. An old driver in his early thirties, Yaozi is on his body.