
"It's pretty early, Old Wu."

  "You too, come earlier than me."

  "No way, we have to come to the company at the earliest. The warehouse waits until we pull the goods over."

  "So our salary is about the same as that of middle-level cadres, the more you work, the more you get."

  When Wu Wanyang parked the two-wheeled electric vehicle of the Beast King brand, he heard his colleague Xiao Zhang greet him.

  He smiled and greeted him, as usual, he didn't say much, his face was simple, as ordinary as most people in society.

  Wu Wanyang was one of the first batch of Huaxia employees to join the Warcraft Factory, so he has a very good job now, that is, being a company driver, life is easier and has more free time.

  Although they are not as good as those promoted to middle-level managers, the monthly salary of nearly 10,000 yuan can be compared to most of the employees in Zhu City.

  Even if he has to pay off his mortgage and have his daughter go to kindergarten, there is no problem. Hell-like unemployment more than two months ago seemed like a nightmare.

  Wu Wanyang is responsible for going to the new factory every day to pull goods. He used to transport Beastmaster electric vehicles and Ruyi, but now he mainly transports 3D mobile phones.

  This job is very important, and it is impossible to do it without being newly appointed by the company, because the value of the goods shipped every time is very high, as few as millions and as many as tens of millions.

  The distance from the new factory to the old factory is only a few kilometers without passing through the city center with a lot of traffic. It only takes ten minutes to complete, simple and easy.

  Because there has never been any accident, Li Xiuwen and others have not paid too much attention to the delivery process.

  Four people will be arranged for each transportation, and these four people are not the same group of people every day, but they have to change shifts. Today, Wu Wanyang is the driver.

  Wu Wanyang, Xiao Zhang and the other two joined together. After receiving the pass from Lu Jiayue, the manager of the administration and personnel department, they drove the truck.

  On the way to the new factory area.

  The pass the size of a bank card was turned between Xiao Zhang's fingers, his gaze was fixed on the pass made of silver metal, and he smiled and said, "If you don't have this pass, would we even enter the gate of the new factory? Not going?"

  "Aren't you nonsense? If the pass is useless, why should we get it every time? Why should Manager Lu come to the company to work before us?"

  The one sitting in the back row pouted.

  "I think the new factory area is so strict, there must be a very big secret in it, otherwise it won't be so strict."

  Xiao Zhang's eyes flashed with curiosity, and he looked at the pass carefully, as if to see through it.

  "Everyone knows this is good or not, I heard that the new factory area will send several commercial spies to the police station every day."

  The man seemed boring, and he especially liked talking to people.

  Wu Wanyang is still as introverted as usual, doesn't like to interrupt, and drives the truck intently.


  The pass and the machine on the gate were posted, and the gate of the new factory area opened automatically.

  All four people on the truck could see it, and there were three surveillance cameras conspicuously outside the gate, flashing red light, indicating that they had entered the surveillance area.

  In addition to the surveillance cameras, in the guard room that occupies a large area next to the gate, two cold eyes shot through the windshield and scanned the faces of the four people.

  "Damn, every time I get flustered by this guy."

  Xiao Zhang's lips squirmed and whispered.

  "Don't say it, these people have better eyesight than an eagle, otherwise how so many commercial spies are caught, it is impossible for them to avoid the camera without knowing."

  After being drunk, Xiao Zhang closed his mouth.

  After Wu Wanyang drove the truck to the designated place, he turned off the engine and turned on his mobile phone to go online.

  The other three are the same, and can't get off the car after they come here.

Temporarily trapped in a truck.  Half an hour later, tens of thousands of 3D mobile phones and a thousand Taiwan Ruyi were loaded into the car. Wu Wanyang, who received the instructions, started the truck and slowly left the factory area.

  After the truck drove three or four hundred meters, Wu Wanyang slowly slowed down, took out two pills, stuffed them into his nostrils, and opened a bottle of vitamin tablets.

  "Uh, I want to sleep again?"

  Xiao Zhang felt his eyelids fighting, and the sleepy bug climbed onto his eyelids, almost unable to open them.

  "It's okay, I'm going to the company soon, rest assured to sleep."

  Wu Wanyang replied casually.

  Whirring whirring.

  The snoring in the back row reached Xiao Zhang's ears, and he couldn't help it anymore, leaning on the back of the chair and fell into a dream.

  Wu Wanyang turned his head quickly, and after confirming that the other three were asleep, he hit the steering wheel and drove the truck toward the western suburbs.

  After more than thirty minutes.

  Xiao Zhang, who was awakened by his mobile phone, was surprised to find that he and the two colleagues in the back row had slept for more than half an hour, and Wu Wanyang was not sitting in the driving seat.

  The most important thing is that it is not in the company's parking lot, but on the side of the road. You can see the white greenhouses everywhere.

  "What the hell is Wu Wanyang doing... Grass, this is going to kill me!"

  After Xiao Zhang answered the call, his face suddenly became pale, and beads of rice-sized sweat appeared on his forehead.

  Before long, the police and the people from the Warcraft Factory arrived.


  Under Wang Ying's narration, Li Xiuwen understood the general context of the accident.

  "So this Wu Wanyang stole a batch of our mobile phones, Ruyi? He can, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is bold enough! The value is more than 100 million, right."

  When Li Xiuwen was angry, he did not forget to instruct the new factory to continue production and make up for this batch of goods as soon as possible.

  Calculated according to the sales price, the value of the lost goods has exceeded 100 million, although the actual production cost is not that much.

  "What, more than 100 million losses?"

  Zhou Liqi's eyes widened, like a fish coming from the water to the shore, breathing heavily, out of breath.

  "Hurry up and call the police. You should be able to recover this shipment now."

  The 3D phone in her hand almost slipped from the palm of her hand, she was shocked. Even if she is a small well-known anchor with a monthly income of 20,000 to 30,000, it will take four to five hundred years to earn 100 million.

  It was only at this moment that Zhou Liqi realized that the gap between herself and Li Xiuwen not far away was as huge as the Pacific Ocean.

  She looked at Li Xiuwen, who didn't have much mood swings on her face, and didn't seem to be too angry. She really wanted to know what he thought of the theft now.

  "Li Tong, no, President Li. You don't look very angry. If I was stolen 100 million goods, I'm afraid I will be so angry that I want to kill."

  Zhou Liqi stared at Li Xiuwen with piercing eyes.

  "Well, I only need to expedite production for most of the day, and I can replenish the lost goods. There is no need to be too angry. Of course, Wu Wanyang must be in the cell!"

  At the end of Li Xiuwen's speech, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

  Wang Ying glanced at Zhou Liqi, and slowly said: "I think we must fix the loopholes in the delivery of goods, and we can't give people such a big loophole."

  "Yes, this is a lesson."

  Li Xiuwen sighed slightly and nodded. He didn't expect that a small loophole would cause such a big loss.