
[WARNING: The following contains sexual contents.]

"It'll definitely hurt the baby," Adeline weakly said, using her elbows to sit upright. Elias was still in between her thighs, glaring down at her with a look that made her entire body hum.

"It won't," Elias reassured her. 

Before Adeline could overthink, he grabbed her chin and kissed her. She pressed against his chest, but he grabbed both of her wrists and pinned them beside her head. He kissed her hard and deep, until she whimpered against his mouth. Then he kissed her softly and gently, savouring the taste of her mouth.

"I'll be kind," Elias whispered, pecking her bruised lips. 

Her gaze was hesitant, before she slowly nodded her head. It was all he needed to grab the front of her dress and rip it with his bare hands. Her eyes went wide at the ripping sound. Without warning, his mouth went to her breasts, her back instantly arching off the bed.