We Can Change

"Why are you two so awkward?" Easton asked, eyeing his older brother and Lydia Claymore. For once, the woman wasn't raising Hell in the castle. She was actually standing like a lady, her lips shut, and her eyes lowered. It was as if she was ashamed of something.

Weston, on the other hand, was finally not brooding. His brows were tugged together in discomfort and he glanced to the side. He couldn't find it in himself to look at Lydia, not after what they did yesterday. He couldn't even believe it happened, but it did, and he was torn.

"Don't tell me you two fucked," Easton deadpanned, his mouth agape. His eyes widened and  instantly, he pointed an accusing finger towards his brother and then towards Lydia. 

Easton dramatically gasped."No way, you guys really had sex?!"

Lydia groaned, just as Weston's head whipped towards his brother.

"Oh wow, brother, this must be your first woman in like what? Two decades?"