Burning the Patchwork?

{AN: Made a discord server with the help of my friend, here is the link:


Don't worry I will also post the link in the comments session.}




"Patchwork zombies are at the same time the strongest and the weakest type of undead. Their strength depends solely on the quality of the materials used to great then and on the ability of their creator."~Alt Jin Book: Walking Dead~

"An example of the superiority of a patchwork zombie is that its creator can choose the best parts for the respective functions. A good example was a supreme patchwork zombie I found once I raided a high-level necromancer base, the zombie had the arms of an Orc giving it great arm strength, it had the nimble legs of a thief Redguard meaning it had great stamina and agility, it had the torso of a Nord Tongue meaning it had a very developed respiratory system and vocal cords, it had the head of an Altmer meaning it could feel magic more easily turning it into a mage killer of sorts. that patchwork Zombie was an absolute beast, whatever the creator used to make it was some strong people, even when I was in my prime it took me quite a while to defeat it. So even if most of the patchwork zombies you will find out there are absolute garbage, never underestimate them"~Alt Jin Boom: the Necronomicon is lame~




Looking at the ten patchwork Zombies I immediately started pumping [Wave] in my two-handed Saber. If I had to compare it to something it would be like using [Sunlight Blade] in Darksouls, sadly just pumping [Wave] in my weapon without technique is in no way comparable with the [Sunlight Blade] buff.

But [Sunlight Blade] is a pretty good technique to have, maybe when I have some time for experimentation I can try recreating the technique for real, that definitely would be a good boost to any weapon I end up using, heck I think I can even make a kitchen knife become op if I use [sunlight Blade] on it.

Talking about the kitchen knife, I picked up a knife in one of my belts with my left hand and didn't even hesitate in pumping it full of [Wave] and tossing it towards one of the Patchwork zombies. Sadly it appears that my throw was slightly off this time, but thankfully it still hit one of the Patchwork zombies, even if I missed its head.

The moment the [Wave] filled knife impacted the zombie, all the wave inside of it discharged and flooded the body of the patchwork zombie, rippling through it and melting its insides with the positive energy of the sun mixed with [Ki]. The zombie tried to walk a little bit more but he was slowly being destroyed from inside, soon his patchwork started failing, parts of his member falling off showing its molten insides, it was like the zombie slowly disassembled itself. The parts of its body stayed on the ground, their interior looking like hot magma showing how [Wave] had melted and destroyed them.

Holy shit, [Wave] is really lethal to these Zombies. Hope my advantage continues like this.

Sadly I didn't have much time to think anymore as the Patchwork Zombie closest to me tried to lunge at me. Thankful I had the [Sharingan] so even if these zombies were a little faster than a normal person I could easily see then, in my sight they looked slower than the slowest of snails. So the Zombie lunging at me was quite easy to spot and predict.

With a horizontal slash of my Saber filled with [Wave], I bisected this Zombie in two. due to the Zombie being Mid lunge its two parts slowly traveled in the air while the [Wave] rippled through its body parts destroying it from the inside. Much like the other, this Zombie started to disassemble itself midair while parts of its body already started to become ashes.

It was an incredible and mesmerizing sight to behold, and looking at it with my [Sharingan] only enabled me to find even more details on this amazing scene. Sadly I didn't have much time to appreciate it when three zombies approached me at the same time.

Unfortunately, this is a very bad moment because my body is literally midswing, this awkward position would be a pretty fatal error normally. Thankfully I have long since left normalcy behind. Using the momentum of the swing I twist my body and aim a roundhouse kick towards the middle of the three patchwork zombies.

Normally I would miss by a long margin here, but I decided to use one of the skills I have copied. It is called [Focus Stomp], unfortunately, I am pretty shitty at using [Focus Stomp] seeing as this is literally the first time I am using it since I copied it. Thanks to that fact instead of the [Wave] becoming focused on only one zombie it ended up spreading towards the other two as well.

Sadly this spread severely weakened the potency of my attack, but it had the benefit of making all the three zombies falter for a moment. The spread of the [Wave] also singled their skin burning its surface slightly. And yes, that made these zombies even uglier.

But thanks to the Zombies faltering I had enough space to continue my attack. Using the resulting momentum of my kick I spun in place creating even more momentum from my next strike, a horizontal slash. Thanks to my spinning my strike had enough momentum to bisect two zombies and cut half of the third one's torso.

Of course, my Saber was filled with [Wave] so the three zombies immediately started to dismantle and become ashes. Seeing as I had dealt with half of the ten zombies I took a deep breath to recover myself.

Using this opportunity I decided to scan the battlefield again. The other five zombies were a little bit farther than the other, but that didn't stop them from rushing into my direction like a bunch of mad dogs out for blood.

Seeing this opportunity I filled my Saber with [wave] and tossed it at the undead in the middle. The huge blade traveled through the air at an impressive speed and easily hit the zombie. The weapon hit the zombie with enough strength to carry it back a few meters until the tip impaled into the ground stranding the zombie. Sadly due to [Wave] the zombie barely had any more time remaining, like the other before it slowly disassembled piece by piece, and soon it became ashes.

Without missing a beat I drew two daggers from my belts, each in one hand, filled them with [Wave], and tossed them at two of the approaching undead. Like my first throw here I didn't spend much time aiming seeing as this is a combat situation. With the purple worm situation, it was quite impossible to miss seeing as the worm is pretty big, but right now I don't have the luxury of aiming properly as I should. But thanks to the [Sharingan] even if I am in this kind of pinch and unable to properly aim, I can still somewhat hit my targets. Yes, I did indeed train my aim, but I won't suddenly become Bullseye and hit everything perfectly in a combat situation, that requires combat experience and practice in real combat. Thankfully these undead are quite good for that factor too.

The daggers filed with [Wave] traveled through the air and hit the undead. One of the daggers hit an undead's chest, and the other digger hit the other undead in the tight. Thankfully [Wave] took care of the finishing process, so both undead quickly started to disassemble and become ashes.

Without missing a beat I drew my other longsword quickly filling it with [Wave], sadly this gave enough time for the final two undead to approach and lunge at me. Unfortunately for them, their lunge was pitifully slow in my eyes, so with a simple slash of my sword filled with [Wave], I was able to bisect the last two indeed in half, making their bodies become ashes in the process.

After seeing that the final undead has finally become ashes I relaxed a bit and let out a loud sigh of relief. Hah, this fight taught me a lot of things. First and foremost, I need to improve my throwing techniques for combat situations asap, being able to predict the enemies' moves won't always work as a crutch for me to hit them. Second, I need way more combat experience and sword skills, the first swing of my saber was too broad and unnecessary, something which may have proven fatal if my enemies weren't dumb zombies.

Yeah, I was able to win against braindead zombies, but I sincerely doubt I could win if those were ten cultivators attacking em at the same time. But if all ten of them circled me and attacked me at once I doubt I would be able to easily fend them off like that.

But my many mistakes aside, I think I did fairly well for my first real big battle of this world. I honestly thought it was going to be way worse, but I guess fighting against shitty zombies helped me a lot.

Seeing as the battle has handed I sheathed my iron longsword and went to take my saber I had thrown. Picking up my saber that was still stuck to the ground I keep turning it to see if there were any problems with the blade or something, thankfully it appears that when I fill a blade with [Wave] its durability also shots up quite a bit meaning that the saber didn't even lose its edge from all the cutting I did. Nice, it appears that I won't need to use the whetstones I took from eh storage room earlier for now, at least. But it always good to maintain your blade in good condition, this is literally a piece of metal that can save your life, so it's better it is always well maintained for when you need to use it.

Twirling the Saber in my hands for a little bit I nod in response at seeing that my weapon feels the same. That throwing move was quite the risk, but that was one of the reasons why I am carrying two swords, you never know when your first sword will become unavailable so having a backup sword is something I definitely ever won't pass up.

I also didn't forget to pick up the dagger I have throw, these little buggers were quite essential in the fight and I will definitely continue using them in the future. Picking the Dagger and putting then back into my belts I rechecked myself to see if everything was in place, confirming that everything was okay I decided to proceed towards the ritual hall like I was doing previously.

Getting closer to the door I started to hear some ominous chanting. It was extremely low and any lesser cultivator would probably struggle to hear it, sadly I can't seem to know what language it belongs to. For me, it sounds like simple gibberish.

Seeing as there are no more undead I opened the double door towards the ritual hall, and to the surprise of absolutely no one a flair of stairs appeared, the stairs of course led towards as if the height I was wasn't creepy enough.

The stairway was large and wide eclipsing the size of the door by a wide margin. But what got my attention was the engraving on the wall, these engravings were very ominous describing battlefields filled with blood and death while undead rise from the dead body of their enemies. This is probably multiple engraving of necromancers succeeding in battle, not surprising seeing as this is a necromancer cult, exalting necromancers is the basic of the basics to make the cult continue functioning. And the more fanatical the followers the better, and sacrifices are a real working alternative in this universe.

Descending the stair the chanting grew louder and louder, it felt slightly hypnotic, like that music you can't get out of your head. Sadly for these necromancers my [Spirit] was simply too strong for any kind of hypnotism to work on me that easily.