This and that

Jiushu walked to the bamboo, and checked if it's growing. 

She can clearly see the bamboo absorbing the spirit energy. 

The purple strikes are but a hair's thickness. They form so very slowly, but they are being formed all the same. 

She brought all the leftover books in a cart, and settled besides Xiao xing. 

She grabbed another cloud of spirit energy.. 

Lazily held it to the ground…

Xiao Xing on the other hand seemed to be having fun pulling the clouds to the field.

Jiushu organized the remaining books carefully. 

Crops first, soil compositions after that .. spirit plants, and their whereabouts… spirit animals and their habitats.. 

These books look quite interesting. 

She thought Xiao Xing will find it not fun to pull clouds if she is not beside him… however, that doesn't seem to be the case … so, Jiushu slowly slipped off. 

Next up, she has to count her coins.