Read leisurely...

Now that her fears of never finding banana's is assuaged, Jiushu returned to organizing books. 

The Shen's books are organized… 

She put away the book about spiritual plants, and started organizing books from MoQiu's family. 

'List of books in imperial library' 

'Golden words I' ..

'Golden words II' 




'Golden words N' ???

Golden words? What the hell is that? She opened it to skim the book..

Dang it's the daily records of emperors words. 

Why in the world would Aunt Fa keep them so safely? 

Jiushu tucked them all away without looking again. 

'Talking with Angel' …

That looks interesting. 

'Forgotten Realms' 

'Forgotten history' 

'Confirming the codex' 

'Mysteries of the world' 

Then, the one she has been anticipating the most. 

'Records of Blessed, Empire'