Disaster never gives notice

Jiushu sorted all the artifacts she had brought from the Taoist temple. 

There were even more curious items, such as flood stopping mountains .. Though the name is grand, the items are minuscule. They are a set of pebbles. One pebble should be thrown in an uninhabited area, like a desert. Then, Taoist holds the other, transfers the flood waters from pebble he's holding to pebble in a remote area. 

The conclusion is … as long as Xiao Xing is around, she will not necessarily die of any kind of known natural disaster, including a tsunami, super volcano explosion or level 5 hurricane. 

There ways to catch them all and transport them away to another location, or time. 

Jiushu walked around the deluge happening in the field towards the bamboo. The spiritual energy is thick in the air, as she neared the bamboo, taking each step became a thousand times harder than the previous… However, Jiushu persisted out of sheer will.