Flood Rescue

Jiushu started her strenuous journey upstairs. 

Xiao Xing's spirit umbrella stopped the rain, but it did not stop the wind much. 

She is sure she will be pushed out into the sea with children if the wind alters direction so much as by one degree. Thankfully, now all it did is press them to the cliff with ferocity. Ever tried walking in the hurricane? 

Each step weighs like you are wearing weights. Worse than that, if your walking pose is off by a little, the wind will push you off balance. Then, getting up truly takes strength of a behemoth. Thus, Jiushu stuck the rock cliff besides here, crawled up like a caterpillar all the way up the stairs … all one thousand and twenty four of them. 

However, when she got to the top of the cliff, the villagers were gathering there. Looking dilapidated, and utterly cold. Jiushu is perversely happy that at least she got more than some people… however, reality soon kicked in.